Monday, October 8, 2007

My new baby

So blogger is being an asshole and not letting me post pictures but my new baby is a Bissell steamcleaner for the carpets!!!
(Insert picture of Andrew shampooing the carpet here)
I got it yesterday with my credit card which I'm cancelling on the 15th. Might as well go out with a bang, right? I know this doesn't seem incredibly thrilling to most people but that's because y'all don't have my carpet issues. Namely, my carpets are disgusting. Now that I'm puppy free it's time to get my carpets back in shape! I'm down to just Gidget who is a relatively clean dog. Sure she drools alot and she tracks in dirt by the back door but she doesn't potty in the house (unless I lock her in the house after giving her canned food that I didn't know would give her the shits). Anyway, Andrew and I are pretty excited. Andrew spent an hour or so last night working on our closet. He looked so cute I realized why I keep him around :). I sure love to see a man with a steam cleaner going to town on my carpets!

So me and my best house hold pal, Magic Eraser, have had one hell of a day today. We cleaned my bathroom which included getting on our hands and knees to do the floor. Then we tackled the nasty ass kitchen floor by hand. It still looks as ugly as sin to the naked eye but I can see the difference. I'm sure you're thinking to yourself right now "wow, Sarah has a 3 day weekend and she's spending it house cleaning? What a loser!" YES. I am a loser. A broke loser who's fiance, friends, and mother are all at work today. So what else is a girl to do? Clean house of course. Especially since my new baby put me in the mood for some heavy duty cleaning! I even cleaned out our closet and threw some old, stained, nasty clothes away. Shhh.... don't tell Andrew. He'd kill me if he knew I tossed some of his old nasty clothes. God knows they could be shop rags or some shit.

So normally I'm an excellent typist but I've begun to notice that blogger screws my words up all the time. WTF? I can type anywhere else like a pro ('cause I am a pro) but on blogger I end up with missing letters and it's like I have to bang on the keyboard to get it to work! I know it's blogger 'cause I've been doing alot of typing on Word on my computer alot lately and it works like a champ. What the F is going on?

1 comment:

Carina said...

I go on my hands and knee to clean the kitchen floor with magic eraser too! but I decide I am not cleaning the bathroom with the shower in it that is the boys job. Especially Jeff that he does use that! so he needs to clean.

but i don't know about your blogger problems i haven't had any on here but i type bad no matter where