Monday, October 29, 2007

Toter Clarification

First off, a toter is what us Woodlanders call our big garbage can. The one that you put all your garbage in and then put on the street for the garbage man to pick up and dump. We have two on our street - garbage and recyclable. Today was garbage day. I give you my case in pictures.

Notice the distance that my neighbors have to go to put their toters behind our car. Notie the loads of empty curb space surrounding their home where they COULD have put their toters. Notice how they are sqaurely placed behind my car, not in the parking spot next to it. That's their garage in the picture by the way.

Also, here's my neighbors giving you an example of what we got a ticket for.

Notice how they park perpendicular to the curb and not parallel as my blue car is. Parking like that is illegal my friend. If you weren't hispanic the other neighbors wcould call the cops on you. They'd probably bitch about your damn dog too. BTW, I'm about to put a bullet in your dogs head because it's even starting to annoy ME and I have 8 puppies. Yeah, it's that bad.

I rest my case (at least for now).

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Won't you be my neighbor?

I've spent alot of time on here bitching about various things but I don't think I've quite covered how much I hate my neighbors yet! First of all let me give you some background. Somehow we stumbled upon a house in a regular neighborhood on a regular street where we seem to be the only white people. Wait, let me rephrase that - we're the only rednecks. We are not model citizens. We have too many cars, too much junk, and too many dogs but we are respectful of our neighbors. Unfortunately, it doesn't go both ways. Oh, and just for reference we live on a couldesac that does not have houses at the end, it just has about 6 parking spaces and we live in the 2nd to last house. Since the pictures suck, let me recap. The arrows pointing around the boat points to our junk and the unregistered boat that we worked on for someone who has yet to pick the damned thing up (a point of contention in our home). The arrows pointing to the tree just says I hate that ugly tree and we're going to rip it out.

Let's start with the who dunnit incidents. First, we had a dumpy old boat that we had parked in our driveway that ran like a champ but we couldn't find the guy who owned it 3 owners ago so we couldn't register it. We moved it to the extra parking area at the end of the street (which is still essentially right outside my front door) so that it wouldn't make our house look dumpy and we had plans on taking it to the junk yard that weekend. The next day I went off to work and came home to find the boat had been marked for towing! Now this didn't really surpise me as the parking nazi loves stuff like that. What did surprise me was that she was cruising my street. A little peculiar but whatever. The boat gets hauled off, problem solved. Next: we decided that with our many cars and with Arlene's car being added to the mix that we should start parking perpendicular to the curb instead of parallel to it. As we're at the end of the couldesac the street is much, much wider than it is anywhere else and this prevents us from taking up spaces in front of our neighbors house (which we never, ever do) or from taking up most of the extra parking area. Low and behold, I come home and there's a parking ticket on my windsheild for parking the wrong way. Next week there's a parking ticket on my car because it doesn't have a front plate (which we removed to put the bra on the car). Ok, now it's obvious that someone is calling the cops on us 'cause there was a beat up peice of shit with broken windows in the extra parking for MONTHS that didn't get touched before we put our boat there (it ended up getting towed instead of our boat! Haha suckers!).

Now on to the East side neighbors. The first incident occured when they came over and said that Gidget barked all day long and the guy couldn't get any sleep 'cause he works nights. I believed him and I quickly started leaving her in her kennel in the house which she hated with a passion. Then I become accutely aware of the West side neighbor's dog who barks 24/7 in a very repitious, bored manner (he's going at it right now as Gidget lays silently at my feet). I started putting Gidget out back again and we've never heard anything since. Shocking. On top of that I started seeing the guy out and about during the day when he was suppossed to be sleeping. But whatever, right? The East side neighbors have 2 adult kids living with them although I'd swear there were about 50 the way that they have cars parked up and down the street and a million people in and out. I thought they were just friendly people until I walked out back the other day and was assaulted by the VERY strong smell of marijuana burning! Now I'm not against weed. I don't smoke it but I don't have a problem with other people doing it and in fact I used to live with a major pot head and I've taken part in a sell or two. But I would never have the audacity to tell my neighbors off about their dog barking when I'm running a drug house! HELLO! But druggies never think about shit like that. He's probably so dumb his kid is growing pot in his closet and he doesn't even know. Sure explains why every single one of them drives a new car though! Oh, and about the kid(s). Since they've taken up all their parking spots and they refuse to park in the extra parking they've taken to parking in the little space between our driveways in front of our boat. I wouldn't mind this so much since the boat (which isn't even ours!!!) doesn't move as it's not registered but a problem occurs every garbage day. We put our toters out in front of the boat for pick up (which is in front of our property) and every day when we get home the toters have been moved directly in front of our driveway making it impossible to pull up and we must stop the car in the street, move the toters, and then park. Where I grew up if you noticed your neighbors toters were in the way or you wanted to park there you grabbed their toters and hauled them up to their house and placed them in their designated toter area which you were familiar with because neighbors looked out for each other.

Now on to the West side neighbors. Besides the fact that 25-30 people live there, they never mow their back yard (ever), they parked a basketball hoop in the extra parking area, they have blankets hung in the front windows (I HATE THAT!), and their dog barks 24/7 they were ok. But then it started. On toter day (a bad day for us). We always have a car parked in extra parking because we refuse to park in front of our neighbors houses out of respect. We drive both of our cars so they get parked in various parking spots along the extra parking. Every toter day the West Side neighbors take their toter out and place it directly behind our car, no matter which space it's in, making it impossible for us to get out forcing me to either move the toter or drive the other car (I always opt for the latter). Now keep in mind that sometimes this means that they have to put their toter almost on the other side of the street just to piss us off. WTF? This is the payback I get for buying candy from your damn kid's school fundraisers and fetching balls from my backyard for the kids before Gidget eats them? In the picture below you will notice how my car is right about in the middle of the extra parking, next to the basketball hoop. West side neighbors driveway starts over by those bushes on the right. Notice the distance they have to go to put their toter behind my car. Then they tell us that our dog is shitting too much in the front yard and it stinks. Ok, I give them that one. For some reason every time Gidget goes in the front yard she thinks she has to take a poop and I'd been telling Andrew for some time to clean it up because you could smell it when you drove up and it was NASTY. So we apologized profusely and dilengtly cleaned up every peice of poop we could find, even cat poop and small dog poop that somehow made it to our yard.

Then the Mother F'ers pulled this shit:

Ok, so my writing is really small but what I'm trying to get at is the fact that there's 2 cars parked directly behind me blocking me in. Not one car, TWO. Now I could have called the cops and had that car towed. It would have brought me great pleasure actually. But then the bastards would retaliate and god knows I can't afford anymore tickets! Especially with someone already eagle eyeing every move we make. So here I sit with assholes on both sides of us. I refuse to move again because I hate moving and because we've put alot of time and money into fixing up the inside. Ok, so the bathroom door is only half painting and the folding doors in the hallway aren't painted at all but that's 'cause we ran out of paint and haven't been able to find the same kind and color again.


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Typical night

So here's a typical day in my life. I wake up and my tooth is hurting for the 4th day in a row so I call the dentist who makes me an appointment for 10. I get to the dentist and they decide that there's something lodged under my gum on the side of my tooth (nachos no doubt) and they have to pick it out with sharp object. If I wasn't in pain before I went in I sure as hell was when I got out! I came home and ate lunch at 12:30 like I normally do but then my stomach took to BURNING as it has been lately. I serioulsy think I have an ulcer. It hurts soooo bad! I finally stumble through the day and then head home where I have to take care of Gidget who is an obnoxious asshole anymore. All she does is whine and bark and rub up against everything including me. I'm still generally ok so I decide to bake a cake and make stuffed bell peppers which I've never done before. Andrew calls and tells me he has good news and bad news - he has to go to San Fucking Jose tomorrow night and stay there all weekend because some bus company down there fired all their mechanics and him and 4 other guys have to go keep them up and running. Fan-fucking-tabulous! The ONLY day we get to see each other is Saturday and now he won't even be in town. So when this week is up we'll have officially only spent Tuesday night together which we spent in the hospital getting an MRI on his knee. The good news? SUPPOSEDLY he's making over time. That's not good news. A) his company lies to him all the time about shit like that and B) they'll take so much out in taxes his check will probably actually be less than it would have been if he didn't work overtime. Now someone is ringing the fucking door bell. A neighbor who wants to bitch about something, no doubt. Oh, and did I mention how on top of this all I have to take care of the puppies who roam free in their kennel now and piss and shit everywhere making it near impossible to get inside the cage to clean up or refill their water and food. Why don't I make Andrew do it you ask? Oh, because he's never freaking home. If he's not at his regular job than he's working a side job for some asshole who will undoubtably take 3 months to pay us. Oh, and to top it off Radyne and Jane are both going to be gone again tomorrow leaving me to do the counter alone again for the second time this week. I wish I could go to the beach this weekend to relax but no, no someone's got to take care of the dogs who can't make 2 bowls of food last more than 3 hours.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Engagement Pictures

Yes, I'm going to torture you with a few of our Engagement pictures taken by none other than Carina Rochelle (see my links 'cause I have no idea how to link things). They were taken in the tree preserve in Chico.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Furry Friends

I just wanted to put an updated picture of the little ones up :). Nothing too exciting going on here. Andrew got an MRI on his knee today to see if he need surgery. Work has been CRAZY. That's about it.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Pictures and North Star

Yesterday Andrew and I went to Chico to have Carina take our pictures in the Chico tree preserve. At first we were going to do Bidwell Park but we decided to go to the preserve first and I liked it better than Bidwell! It was sooo nice and she takes GREAT pictures! I'll be sure to post some when I get a copy. Then we stuffed our faces at Chili's which was sooo good. Yummy, I'm craving it again. This is like a record breaking year for the amount of time I've spent with Carina! I love it! I'm going to use the pictures she took of us as our engagement pictures and I'm going to use one of them when I make my invitations. No idea which one yet because I like them all but I'll eventually narrow one down.

Today I went to see my coworker in North Star. It was a play that was being held at Sac State and it was sooo good! It was about a little girl growing up during the Civil Rights movement and how her dad wanted her to participate in the sit ins and her mom didn't because she wanted to preserve her innocence. It was fun to watch my coworker James (who is also DJing my wedding) in a different setting outside of work. He's so fun at work and during his play he had to get serious. I'm sooo not ready to go back to work. Customers are bringing me down. Blah.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Finally Friday!

So I told my man that he was being an ass and pissing me off so he started making an effort to kiss my ass by doing the laundry and washing the nasty blankets in the dog kennel and filling all of Gidget's bowls up to the max. He did a few other things of note but I can't remember what right now because I'm tired and slightly buzzed. The good thing about Andrew is that he loves me. I mean he really loves me and if he thinks I'm unhappy he'll do what he can to change it. He even offered to talk to his boss about his schedule because I hate him having to work Sunday's but there's nothing he can do about it. He's low man on the totem pole and we're just lucky he doesn't have to work the night shift. He's offered to give up his business before too because I complain about never seeing him but I can't let him do that. He loves his business and even though I know he'll never make a full time career out of it I have to let him give it his best other wise he'll resent me forever. Besides, I'd rather him get it out of his system now than when we have kids. Today I was just thinking about poor Andrew and how he has no life outside of what he does with me. Most of his friends are in Colusa and with his schedule it's just not easy to hang out with them as often as he'd like. I was thinking how sad it was that I got to run off with my friends for shopping trips or movies or whatever and he never goes anywhere. Then tonight when I was off getting drunk with my coworkers he called and left a message that he was going out with some of his coworkers. I'm trying to be happy for him but part of me is wishing he was home because we have to get up early tomorrow and because I'm not used to him going out without me. It's good for him though so I'll just do my best not to get pissed off tomorrow morning when I practically have to drag him out of bed. The good news about Andrew is that I never feel insecure about him being out without me because I know he wants to come home to me. I do worry about him making stupid decisions about driving drunk and spending a shit load of money though. Andrew and I are the same - if we have money we're more than happy to spend it on our friends buying rounds or buying dinner or whatever. It sounds nice but it's truly a bad habit.

Now if only I could get customers at work appreciate my feelings.... I'm sooo burnt out on assholes it's not even funny.

Sometimes I think about my ex boyfriend and wonder if he ever really loved me. I just thought of that because I looked at my necklaces hanging by my computer and I saw a heart necklace he had bought me right before we broke up. It was my birthday and he had called my mom to ask her what to buy me because he knew he had struck out big time with the freaking gift certificate he gave me for Christmas and he wanted to buy me something that would make me happy. It's times like that when I think he truly did love me but then there's other times when I felt like he just wasn't there emotionally. According to him he truly did love me and according to my friends he tells them to this day that he loved me and that breaking up with me was the hardest thing he ever did and blah blah blah. I guess it's a question I'll never know the answer too and I probably shouldn't care but it would be nice to know that I didn't waste more than a year of my life with someone who only stayed with me because he was too passive to dump me. Long ago I came to the point where I wouldn't trade Andrew in for Jimmy if my life depended on it but the question still haunts me and he still makes appearances in my dreams. I've always been like that with my ex's. The question of how they really felt about me always haunts me. I don't know if it's just my insecurities or that I've dated losers but when I think about them, any of them, the question always pops in my head. I guess I'm just crazy :). Thankfully I'll (hopefully) never have to feel that way again!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I'm grumpy!

I shouldn't be because I just bought my wedding dress this weekend but I am! My boyfriend is driving me crazy, customers are driving me crazy, my future inlaws are driving me crazy. Bah!
First of all, I don't make up the amount of traffic fines. Nor do I make up the rules and procedures that we follow in the court. SO DON'T TAKE SHIT OUT ON ME. You're the one that got the ticket, asshole. You got yourself into it. We don't have to help you. In fact, we're not supposed to help you. So be happy that you get any guidance at all. If you have a problem with the fine amounts take it up with the state legislature whoever comes up with the fines. I don't know who it is, they don't work in little ol' Yolo County. Also, while we're at it - the money that I collect in no way goes into my pocket. I make less than most office workers who only have to deal with their computer all day and they never have to put up with assholes. I make less than the court accounting department that does nothing but send out bills and refer all questions or concerns to ME and my department. In fact, the money doesn't even go to our court. It goes to the state and a portion of it goes to the cop who gave you a ticket. Go bitch him out, he deserves it more than I. Sure you refused to yeild to an ambulance because you were talking on your cell phone to a very important client of yours. Yes I'm sure you're an upstanding citizen who always upholds the law and I totally understand why you think it's not that big of a deal. I mean it's not life or death right? Oh wait... It is. One guy bitched me out because I wouldn't take an emailed copy of his traffic school certificate and he insisted that I know why the court's policy doesn't allow it. This was after he talked nonstop shit about how I'm ripping him off and I probably get a great satisfaction stealing from him and blah blah blah. Hello, asshole - you're going to get a hard copy of your certificate. Is it really that fucking hard to put it in an envelope and mail it? I mean it can't be any harder than scanning the certificate and then attaching it to an email and trying to send it to our totally cryptic email address. I'm seriously so sick of people blaming me for shit I have no control over.

I'm also sick of Andrew expecting me to take care of everything for him. I swear to god it's a wonder he can wipe his own ass anymore. Then if I ask him to do something for himself he gets all bent out of shape and pissy. Like last night, for example. He insisted that the dog stay in the house even though I told him to put her out. In the first 1 1/2 hours that I was attempting to sleep she woke me like 3 times. First she wanted out. Then she wanted food. Then she decided to dig through the trash. I woke Andrew up and asked him to take her out to the garage where she sleeps with her babies and he threw a freaking fit and got all bent out of shape. Ok, first of all it's his dog. Second of all, he's the one that insisted she stay in the house. Third of all, he's always telling me to wake him up to take care of her when I bitch that I didn't get any sleep thanks to the dog. Lastly, he didn't have to work today but I did. It just pisses me off even thinking about it! Then today he wonders why I'm not all freaking loving. He swears to god that just because he works 2 jobs that he's off the hook for everything else. I'm so freaking sick of it. I mean I don't expect him to clean house or cook or run errands or anything. I just expect a little cooperation and some help once in awhile. He wants kids like crazy but he's high if he thinks I'm going to have kids and then be the only one that takes care of them while taking care of everything else and working. I don't think he realizes what exactly is involved in taking care of everything at home. Especially when he does nothing to make it easier on me like putting his clothes in the laundry basket or rinsing his dishes. He's such a freaking pig and then he has the audicity to bitch about other people! I'm just so freaking tired of everyone expecting so much from me and expecting me to make their lives easier for them. What about me? When do I get to relax? When is someone going to make life easy for me? I've asked around and everyone says it's the same thing with their men. Everyone has their issues I guess. I don't think it would bother me as much if the whole freaking world didn't treat me the same way. I'm tired of bending over my backwards to help people and being taken for granted. Nobody would do that shit for me.

On the subject of my inlaws - my future mother in law is insistent that I have religion in my wedding. I don't do religion. Not because I'm ignorant and I don't know anything about it - because I spent many, many years involved in the church and I made an educated choice NOT to buy into it. She's flying out a freaking preacher from Georgia who is a family friend and she keeps trying to talk me into having him be a part of the ceremony. A) I'm being married by a judge B) I HATE religious ceremonies and unless you're a bible thumper you probably do too. Nobody likes listening to a sermon while they're hot, uncomfortable, and sitting way too close to the bride's great aunt Mary who has a beard longer than the bride's father. Then she asked me if I'm going to do that bread breaking thing. WTF? NO. Now she's insisting that the dude pray before dinner. I think I'm going to let him but I'm going to pick the bible verse and I'm giving him a time limit. On one hand I think it's my wedding and since neither Andrew or I do religion we shouldn't have it at our wedding. On the other hand I know a marriage is a blending of families and I'm going to spend the rest of life compromising with her so I might as well start now. I'm also annoyed because she claims she's paying for this fellow to come out from Georgia and it's costing her $500. That's awfully nice of her but I'd much rather her pitch in that money towards the ceremony that at this point my parents are hosting alone. I mean I know they're tight on money and my parents aren't anymore but it's just the idea. To me it's not worth the money to have the dude fly out for a small garden wedding when Andrew hasn't seen him in 10+ years. But whatever, it's out of my hands.

I guess I'll quit ranting now. Mostly because it's F'ing freezing in here and I want to cuddle into my bed.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

2 shotguns and camo gear

So we get home last night and our damned front door was open AGAIN because it hasn't been latching. Andrew got pissed and decided that he was going to fix it right then and there and he took off to Osh to get some supplies and then he was headed off to his shop to fabricate a new latch thingy. I got tired of waiting for him so I put Gidget in her kennel with her babies and I went to bed. About 11:30 I was awakened to the sound of a helicopter flying about 3 feet away from my roof. Andrew had came in the bedroom about that time to tell me that he had just finished the door and he heard the chopper too. I made a comment to him that it must be life flight and they must be landing nearby. Andrew took a peek outside and commented that the chopper was circling the area with it's flood light on. Uh-Oh. Life flight doesn't do that shit. I immediately became scared to death and Andrew grabbed his gun and went outside to get Gidget and let her back in the house. We huddled in the living room with our police scanner which is a piece of shit trying to figure out what the F was going on. We only live about 1/2 - 3/4 mile from the county jail and we thought for sure someone had broken out and they were looking for him. Now I wasn't scared because I thought a hardened criminal was on the loose, Yolo County only houses druggies and the occasional wife beater or drunkard. We only get like one murder a year maybe. What I was scared about is the possibility of seeing or hearing some guy running through my backyard or hiding on the side of my house or anything else that's equally as scary. I kind of thought that if dude was smart enough to get out of jail he would be smart enough NOT to run down the highly lit and highly used Gibson road that runs behind my house but you just never know. After about a 1/2 hour the chopper stopped and we never did hear anything on the POS scanner so we hit the sack. Today my grandma informs me that some dude managed to get into the mall and hide out while they closed down and sometime around 11 pm he was picked up on survelience cruising the mall in camoflauge while packing two rifles. Problem is that only one freaking house and a wall seperates me from said mall. I can literally hear the a/c on the mall running from my front yard. SCARY. Of course nothing came of it 'cause, well, this is Woodland and we just don't have a ton of serious crime but STILL. It's just scary to think about the crazy people in this world and it's scary knowing that we are never safe, no matter how many locks or cameras or security measures we take. The idea of bringing kids into this mess scares the crap out of me.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Freaking Fabulous

I fucking LOVE Brooks and Dunn. I also fucking LOVE Alan Jackson. And by love I mean LOVE!!!!! I went to their concert last night (they were playing together in Concord) and I don't think I have ever enjoyed a concert as much as I enjoyed that one. Toby Keith is a close runner up but you really can't beat Brooks and Dunn AND Alan Jackson. The night started out questionable because it was raining and of course the concord pavilion is outside. It cleared up in time for the concert though and it actually turned into a beautiful night. I'd seen Brooks and Dunn in concert before and I knew they rocked so I wasn't surprised when they had me covered in goosebumps with tears in my eye (that happens to me when I'm really into music. I'm a freak, I know). When their concert was over I didn't have any voice left from singing and screaming and I couldn't believe I was still going to hear Alan Jackson! Alan had me screaming and dancing and crying ("remember when" is emotional when you're trying to plan a wedding). I have to say it was one of the best nights of my life. Hands down. Oh and Brooks and Dunn had 4 marines come on the stage when they were singing "Only in America" and they had flags waving on the background. Shit like that always covers me in goosebumps and blurs my eyes. Even now as I remember it I'm getting covered in goosebumps! Just as a side note - I'm against Bush and against the decisions our government sometimes makes and our foreign affairs policies but I am ALL ABOUT THE SOLDIERS. I even teared up on fleet week when the ships came in and all those boys were lining the sides of the boat in their white uniforms. I took some amazing pictures with my mother in law's camera but unfortunately I forgot to download them before she took off with camera in tow so those will have to be a later post :).

If you EVER get the chance to see either Brooks and Dunn or Alan Jackson I strongly recommend it!!!!!

Monday, October 8, 2007

My new baby

So blogger is being an asshole and not letting me post pictures but my new baby is a Bissell steamcleaner for the carpets!!!
(Insert picture of Andrew shampooing the carpet here)
I got it yesterday with my credit card which I'm cancelling on the 15th. Might as well go out with a bang, right? I know this doesn't seem incredibly thrilling to most people but that's because y'all don't have my carpet issues. Namely, my carpets are disgusting. Now that I'm puppy free it's time to get my carpets back in shape! I'm down to just Gidget who is a relatively clean dog. Sure she drools alot and she tracks in dirt by the back door but she doesn't potty in the house (unless I lock her in the house after giving her canned food that I didn't know would give her the shits). Anyway, Andrew and I are pretty excited. Andrew spent an hour or so last night working on our closet. He looked so cute I realized why I keep him around :). I sure love to see a man with a steam cleaner going to town on my carpets!

So me and my best house hold pal, Magic Eraser, have had one hell of a day today. We cleaned my bathroom which included getting on our hands and knees to do the floor. Then we tackled the nasty ass kitchen floor by hand. It still looks as ugly as sin to the naked eye but I can see the difference. I'm sure you're thinking to yourself right now "wow, Sarah has a 3 day weekend and she's spending it house cleaning? What a loser!" YES. I am a loser. A broke loser who's fiance, friends, and mother are all at work today. So what else is a girl to do? Clean house of course. Especially since my new baby put me in the mood for some heavy duty cleaning! I even cleaned out our closet and threw some old, stained, nasty clothes away. Shhh.... don't tell Andrew. He'd kill me if he knew I tossed some of his old nasty clothes. God knows they could be shop rags or some shit.

So normally I'm an excellent typist but I've begun to notice that blogger screws my words up all the time. WTF? I can type anywhere else like a pro ('cause I am a pro) but on blogger I end up with missing letters and it's like I have to bang on the keyboard to get it to work! I know it's blogger 'cause I've been doing alot of typing on Word on my computer alot lately and it works like a champ. What the F is going on?

Sunday, October 7, 2007


That's how I've been feeling lately. Don't ask me why, there's nothing going on now that hasn't always been going on. I think it's just wearing on me. I often wonder to myself how I'm ever going to handle having kids at this rate. Everyday is the same. I get off work, come home and do whatever chores need to be done (grocery shopping, laundry, unloading the dishwasher, etc). Then I have to cook dinner and I usually have to clean up after dinner as I'm usually home alone. This is on top of taking care of the dog and the puppies. Just the other day I walked in the house to find that Gidget had diarrhea all over the living room. Great! Just fucking dandy! I actually did call Andrew and work that day and told him to get his buns home because I wasn't handling that shit alone (it was making me gag). By the time I'm done with all of that it doesn't leave much time for unwinding. I think I realize why people with kids are so high strung all the time now :). I've been getting really resentful to Andrew lately too because he doesn't have to do shit around the house. He work until like 7 every night and then often runs off to a side job. I know he's working his ass off and without it we wouldn't survive but it gets really, really old after awhile. Plus he can't ever just simply do something - everything is a big freaking project to him. If I ask him to do the dishes he'll decide that he has this special doo-hicky in the garage that would make doing the dishes easier so he'll go out there and look around for 1/2 an hour for the damned thing. Then it'll take him another 1/2 an hour to get it set up. Then it won't work so he'll have to fix it. By the time everything is done it'll have turned into a 3 hour project! It's insane!

Plus I think alot of it is the wedding planning. It doesn't seem like I should be busting my ass this far in advance but everyone wants deposits and a 5 month notice. So that leaves me deadline at Decemeber. Hopefully everything gets fun after that point :). It wouldn't be so bad if I was doing it all myself but everyone has an idea for me or knows someone that I should use. Especially my mother in law. I love my mother in law, I truly do. But she wants to use all these Colusa people and my wedding is in Esparto. On top of that her catering dude hasn't returned any of her calls which tells me that he's not interested in our business and I haven't heard from her cake lady either. All that kind of scares me because most people in the wedding business call you every day to check up on your plans 'cause they want your money. My mom is the total opposite, she has no ideas, no preferences and she thought I was going dress shopping with my cousin. Duh, mom! That's a total mother-daughter time. Her and my dad are footing the bill though so I can't complain too much. Just the other day I commented to my friend about how when women get married they get a lifetime of more laundry, more dishes, and a garage full of shit and what do we get back? Love? Companionship? More money in the bank? Men get home cooked meals (ok my man does cook sometimes), a clean house, clean laundry neatly hung in the closet for them, and a personal accountant. Hardly seems fair :). But yet we continue to do it because oddly enough it still beats being alone and at the end of the long, hard day you still love him. Even if he punched you in the mouth last night while attempting to cuddle you in his sleep.

On a brighter note we got the stink pots moved out of my closet and into the garage and it costs us a lot less than I thought it would to build a pen. Only problem ('cause you know there had to be one)? Gidget barks her ass off whenever you put her in with the puppies because she's a spoiled bitch now and she thinks her place is in the house. I'm starting to rethink the idea of keeping a puppy. Dogs are pissing me off right now. Actually, everything is pissing me off right now. Good thing Monday's a holiday!!!!