Thursday, February 7, 2008

Political blog

I did something this week that I haven't done in a loooong time. I registered to vote. Normally I don't give a crap about politics because I believe they are all liars, they all suck, and my life doesn't change too incredibly much. I still pay taxes out my ass, foreign countries still get bombed for shits and giggles, and too many American's go without health care. There are a few issues I do feel strongly about though and my coworker informed me that McCain has made remarks that go totally against my beliefs. Namely, he wants to overturn Roe vs. Wade. I'm not surprised seeings how he's George W's number 1 choice and we all know that George Jr. lacks a great deal in the common sense department. I'm partial to the democrats anyway because I'm pretty liberal in my beliefs but I strongly believe in pro-choice.

I believe that every woman should have the right to choose whether they become mothers or not. I say this with limitations of course. I do believe that you should have the right to an abortion as long as it's in the first trimester or so. None of these abortions at 6, 7, or 8 months! That's just crazy. I know alot of people will argue that it's a baby the day the little spermy entered the little eggy and God went to work on his miracle. Whatever. It's a bunch of cells that are splitting. Yes, eventually it will become a baby and I don't like to see babies killed. But I much prefer the "baby" being killed when it's a mass of cells without a brain than when it's two and it's meth addicted father beats it to death. Or neglects it until it finally dies. Or beats it, locks it in closets, refuses to feed it, can't feed it, can't house it, can't cloth it, etc because Meth is #1 and baby is waaaaay down the list. Or maybe is mom is a 15 year old girl who can't tell her family she's pregnant because they will beat her, disown her, stone her to death, whatever. She can't get an abortion thanks to the government (or she can't get one without her parents consent) so she gets a back yard abortion and both her and the baby die. Or maybe mom was raped and she's having a hard enough time getting her life back together let alone trying to raise a kid who looks like her rapist and will ask a million questions about how he/she came to be. Or maybe mom is trying really, really hard but she has to work 2 jobs, dad isn't around, and they have no family support so the kids falls into a gang and kills some folks to be "cool." I'm not saying that abortion will end all of our social problems. I'm just saying that it's only going to get worse if women are forced into having children that they don't want.

I believe that if crack heads, rapists, child abductors, and the like than are allowed to get married than homosexual couples should too! Hmm... let's see. Cracky and Child Molester have the state and the church's blessing to wed and procreate little devils that do nothing but bring down our nation but Joe (a successly attorney who pays taxes like everyone else and volunteers at the homeless shelter every Saturday) and his boyfriend Bob (A nurse in the neonatal division who also pays taxes and donates money to help animals) have to sneak into Canada to get hitched. Of course the formal hitching doesn't count here in the good ol' USA and neither Joe or Bob (who are totally fictional by the way) can benefit from one another's health benefits or life insurance, etc. Neither can they adopt children which they both long for and have more than enough means to support. The children are instead left in foster care, in orphanages, on the streets, wherever while they wait for a qualifying heterosexual couple to come along. What's the deal people? Are you afraid that they will turn out gay because they're parents are? Is that really such a bad thing? Does it make you a worse person for choosing an outstanding same sex partner over a lousy opposite sex one? I don't get it. I believe the church should be able to turn away gay marriages but I believe that judges and such should have to perform them.

I'm also anti-war. This war is a joke. A JOKE. It's more like a competition to see who can kill more people. I think we're winning. I completely support the soilders and I am proud of them and proud of my country but come on! It's going on 7 years now and I don't think anyone has even looked for Osama Bin Laden! He's probably been at home this whole time watching ESPN. Now McCain says that when he's done in Iraq he's going to go after Iran. For what? Oil rights? I have an idea - why don't we show the world we're smarter than that and learn to become less oil dependent. We've got it started with hybrid cars and such now let's finish it (and hell no I do not drive an ugly ass hybrid. Why can't they make them cute?). Oh and here's another thing for the white house to chew over - Umm... maybe they hate us because we bomb their countries killing innocent civillians like crazy, we make shit up (i.e. weapons of mass destruction) in order to start a fight, we demand their natural resources, and all around act as the bully's of the world. They don't hate us because we're "free." Who gives a crap about us being "free"? If they wanted freedom they would start a revolt in their own country, not concentrate on us.

So after all that's been said I'm voting for Obama. I don't give a shit that he's black and that he's muslim. Nor do I give a shit that Hilary is a woman (more power to her!). I don't think us democrats have a chance in hell because there is alot of the country who will still vote for a white male NO MATTER WHAT HIS POLICIES before they vote for a black man or a woman. But at least when the middle east starts bombing the shit out of US for a change and the streets are littered with unwanted children I can say I voted against it all.

So in closing I hope I didn't offend anyone. I'm really not a political person, I just have a few sore spots. I guess now isn't a good time to bring up the dead kitty we found in our driveway that we're guessing froze to death. Poor kitty!!!!!! It was always milling around the block meowing and meowing but it wouldn't let anyone get near it. The neighbors said they tried to take it in but it wouldn't come in their house and it wouldn't let them touch it. It makes me sooo sad to think about that little kitty shivering on the cold concrete with no home while my big furry bastards cuddled up on their big furry bed (or with us) in a heated house. Why can't all animals be taken care of??? It's not fair!!!

Here's a pic of my two beasts for the road:


Carina said...

I totally agree with you about abortion and gay marriages. I am also pro-choice and I think the same thing as you do as to why they need abortion. So many things can happen that is out of there control were abortion is the best option.

Same for gay marriages, they should be able to be married just like everyone else. I mean, heterosexual marriages a lot of them don't even work correctly anyway and a lot of people have been getting divorce. So give them a try, at least they will be happy.

Although, for democrats not having a chance...I really believe they do this time. There is so many people tired of Bush. Even Republicans are so tired of him that they want a change and I think this will be the best change. but then again there is a lot of people that will just vote for a white old man.

It is great that you put up your opinions! Didn't offend me :P but I was sad about the kitty part :( :(

Oh and that picture is sooo adorable!!!

I'm really not that angry..... said...

I'm really, really hoping that people are sick enough of Bush and this war that they'll vote Democrat too.

Anonymous said...

I've got gay friends who might as well be married here. It sucks they can't do it and to get the same protections that married couples automatically get (medical choices for someone in an accident, financial decisions, etc) they had to go to an attorney and draw up a bunch of expensive documents and basically call themselves a business. It's stupid.

I'm not voting for McCain either. I've got too many friends over in Iraq right now. This war has to end. I'm voting for whomever will tell me it will end the soonest and then I'm holding them to their word.