Saturday, March 1, 2008

Spring Cleaning!

Since Andrew had to work out of town this weekend and I'm broke I've been doing allll kinds of cleaning today. Stuff I don't normally do like clean the floor boards (you know that trim between the carpet and the wall?), clean the oven, wipe the dust off all my picture frames and stuff (usually I just dust under and around things but let the actually things collect dust like crazy), move my bedroom around and dust everything, clean out drawers, etc. It sure seems to take alot longer than I anticipate. Of course it doesn't help that the bastard dogs have to be under my feet everywhere I go. Today I pulled a chair into the kitchen so that I could throw away some old plastic containers that Andrew had been harboring on the top cabinet and Cocoa decided to join me.

Oh! I got my order of stuff from Cupcakes N Kisses today and I'm sooo excited to use it. Cupcakes N Kisses is a bath and beauty type thing that my good friend Michelle owns and operates. Don't ask me how she finds time to make all her stuff with 3 kids but she makes it all herself. I'm seriously impressed as I don't have any kids and that seems waaaay too overwelming for me. I got some lavendar/camomile bath salts, some foaming sugar scrub and bath tea bags! They are filled with stuff that makes you bath aromatherapeutic. She even makes those damn things! I thought for sure she bought them. She used to make this wooden sign things that I LOVED. They're so cute and I was getting them for free instead of having to buy them in the store. It's good to have friends. Now I just need to find someone more local that sells Gold Canyon Candles 'cause I'm ADDICTED. Oh so if you like bath and body stuff check her out. She has all kinds of goodies for kids too. She has a cupcake soap that that seriously smells like cupcakes. Ok, I'm not trying to promote here - promise. I'm just a proud friend :).

I bought more girl scout cookies today. I need to be stopped. Andrew wanted some of those nasty coconut ones so I accidentally got another box of the lemon shortbread ones too. I don't even feel guilty. Am I horrible? I just paid $200 to have my wedding dress altered too. I better stop before I grow out of it! Good thing it laces up the back. The only good news about being fat is that it generally takes a major gain or loss before you actually don't fit into your clothes anymore. Skinny people clothes have like a 3 lb difference between sizes. Fat people clothes tend to have more like a 20-30 lbs difference and that's not because there's elastic involved just for the record. I don't 'do' elastic. Period.

1 comment:

Carina said...

Same with Jazz! she just does circles around my feet whenever i do something and then I feel bad when I kick her on accident. and when i sweep, her head goes back and forth watching it.
Seriously, where are you getting those girl scout cookies. I guess i haven't been going out enough i can't find any girl scouts. I want cookies!