Saturday, July 19, 2008

Everybody's Working for the Weekend...

At least that's how I feel lately. And the weekend is finally here!! WOOHOO!!!! The weekdays are become unbearable. I want to look for a new job so badly but then again I don't want to be the "new" girl who doesn't know shit. But in any case it's SATURDAY!!!!!! And I have a full 48 hours to do whatever I want!! And what might I have on the agenda you ask? Well this morning I'm taking Gidget to get a booster shot, then I'm cleaning the house which will probably take the better part of the day, then it's dinner with Andrew and maybe a movie. Tomorrow I'm going to sleep in until I can't possibly sleep anymore, then I'm going to lounge around the house reading and watching movies and trying to make the last few hours of my freedom last as long as humanly possible. For those of you who work full time you know that this means that right now it might be 8:07 am on a Saturday but in about 15 mins it will be Sunday night and I'll be dreading the coming week.

I'm really itching to go to Tahoe now thanks to Carina. I want to lounge around on a porch in the fresh mountain air and read a book or go to sit by the lake and relax. I have to get out of this smoky valley! I wonder when California will stop burning? It seems like every year it gets worse, and worse, and worse. I heard on the news that the Butte County fire might have been intentionally set!!!! Butte county has been on fire for the better half of a month now. If someone set that shit intentially they are going to go away for a long, long time. Why are people so stupid?? I also want to take a roadtrip to Oregon and go to a drive thru animal park and ride dune buggies on the sand dunes. On top of that I want to take Andrew to Disneyland since he's never been. I just need a vacation!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm with you. I'm dying for a vacation. Some place where no one can find me.

Carina said...

I been wanting a new job because any day here I might get laid off. but I don't mind be the new girl. I like new things.

The humbolt fire might have been done on purpose but not the butte lightning fires that are going now those were from lightning...

Road trip!!!