Monday, April 28, 2008

Don't worry, I haven't died..... yet

I haven't posted anything lately because I've just been busy with crap nobody cares about but me. Picking vows, learning how to decorate cupcakes in semi-professional way, spending $80 on color coordinated m&m's and jelly bellys. That's right, I said $80. But seriously people, that's nothing in the grand scheme of things. And no they're not my favors. They're just for decoration on the dessert table. I'm hard core when it comes to sweets ok? We can skip the chicken for all I care. Just cut the cake! I'm having cake AND cupcakes at my wedding. I wasn't kidding about the sugar facination. And I decided like a fool to make my own cupcakes because it would be sooo much cheaper. Which it totally is. But now I'm trying to round up volunteers to help me decorated all 60 cupcakes. Any takers?

Work still sucks. We're still short staffed and I'm hating it. HATING IT. Like in my body feels like I got ran over by a bus from all the tension and all the bending over the counter. Like in chocking back tears over the stupidest things. Like in getting a mysterious stomach ache on the drive to work that miraculously disappears at 5 pm. My reformed pessimist co worker keeps telling me to be happy. She says "at least you have job security." I liked her better before her seminar. She's asked me if I want to borrow her motivation tapes. I wanted to tell her where to stick her motivational tapes. I only have to make it through 12 more days in hell and then I'm on VACATION!!!!

And not just any vacations, my HONEYMOON!!!! Woohoo. And hell no we're not going anywhere special. We just spent an atrocious amount of money on our "budget" wedding. If we get a tent we'll probably go camping. For one day. 'Cause that's all I can handle. Seriously. But don't worry, we'll take a big trip for our anniversary next year. I'm thinking Hawaii. He's thinking Alaska. Maybe we'll go to Mexico. We'll see :)


Carina said...

I saw the word "tent" and I was like what? Sarah doesn't do tents :P

I would help you with your cupcakes too bad I live so far away. Stupid gas restricting me. But i bet the cupcakes will look fantastic!

12 more days?? exciting :P :P

Anonymous said...

Awww...if I lived anywhere near you I'd bake all your cupcakes! Unfortunately, I'm clear across the country. I couldn't be farther away unless I was in another country! :P

We did the same thing for our honeymoon. We just went the next year for our first anniversary, and you know what? It was BETTER! We had time to calm down from all the craziness, save up enough money to go some place nice (Antigua), and didn't have to come home to a house full of stuff and a stack of thank you notes to write! :)

Good luck!!! (and congratulations early!)

Anonymous said...

I told you I would help! I am staying at my dads after the rehersal, so let me know if there is last minute ANYTHING that you need. See ya this weekend