Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Very Angry Boss

Ok, so it was worse than I expected. Not only did Celina and I both call in sick but Karen did too which means that there was NOBODY at the counter today. Not a soul. I thought the lead clerk would just have to run the traffic counter and Karen would be there to do small claims but apparently that's not how it went down. On top of that my boss pretty much blames me for the illnesses 'cause you know, I can pick and choose when to get sick and when to spread it. Apparently I shouldn't have gone to work Friday when I only had a cough and Celina was already out. I don't see what good that would have done since Celina and I both started feeling it Thursday night which meant that the virus had already been spread and since I had no idea it would get so bad but whatever. I'm sure she was just taking out her frustration on me but seriously - like I have any control over the issue. I'll tell you what though, from now on if I feel even a little sick I'm staying home. This is the last time I'm going to stay to work because I feel guilty making someone else do my job if I'm not dying.

As always with that job - I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't. At least they gave me my flipping raise/promotion.


Carina said...

gosh! so she gets mad at you for not leaving and then she gets mad at you for leaving. That is dumb. Maybe boss should work the counter. Don't worry about very angry boss though, just worry about yourself and getting better.

Anonymous said...

I'd rather stay home too. Sometimes I'm bad. If I just have the FEELING like I might be coming down with something I stay away because I will never hear the end of it if I spread it around.