Today I had big plans to get all kinds of stuff done. I imagined we would register for gifts, get the tux thing squared away, pick up some envelopes from the friend who is making my invitations, and check out some craft stores where I would purchase a calligraphy pen for Andrew's mom (she's addressing our envelopes) and the ribbon to use on my cake. I think like two of those things happened.
First we ate lunch at Johnny Rockets which was oh so yummy! Then we wandered over to Sears to register for gifts. We asked the first employee we saw where we should go to register and she said HR. I knew for a fact that was wrong but we thought maybe HR knew so we went there anyway and asked. They sent us to the housewares which makes more sense. We ran into some guys trying to sell washing machines and they directed us to go right. We went right and another sales rep directed us to go left, back past the washing machine guys to the kiosk that was hiding behind some stoves. The kiosk went skitzo on us so we went back to the lady who told us that they get jammed up on the weekends alot and there's nothing she can do until Tuesday. Nice.
Then we tried to leave the mall to go to Rashell's house. Oh. My. God. I totally remember now why I can't stand big cities. It took us literally 20 mins to leave the parking lot. Then we had to fight traffic all the way down Arden to get going the right direction. Horrifying. I could have walked home from the mall here in Woodland in like 5 mins. Ok, so I live next door but whatever! It was insane. Not to mention all the ghetto ass people that were blaring their music with their windows down with their $1,000 rims on their $200 car. BAH!
Finally we made it out of that mess and to Rashell's where we got our envelopes and then headed to the Elk Grove Target to register. You know those commercials for Osh that have a guy who's always lost in the warehouse store and he tries to tie a note to a pigeon leg just to realize he already pinned a note to that pigeons leg and that pigeon hasn't found a way out yet either? Yeah, it was like that. I literally had to take a break in the furniture department because my dogs were barking something awful! I didn't realize how much stuff I would want in there! Sheesh!
While we were in Target I saw the coolest thing ever - The Margarator.
It even switches from AC to DC power so you can take it camping or boating!! Yes!!! I wanted it sooo bad but we couldn't find it on the shelf anywhere and the display was missing it's cords. Bastards. I saw the much coveted chocolate fountain too but there wasn't any chocolate to put in it :(.

Finally we got out of there and scooted over to Michael's where they didn't have shit for calligraphy pens or cute wedding stuff. By then we'd been out and about for 5 hours and I was ready to hit the road.
Oh wait, I forgot we stopped at the Mens Wearhouse where Andrew picked out a $400 suit (not including the shirt, tie and shoes!!!!!) that he wants to buy for the wedding. He says he hates tuxedos. I like suits just fine except for the price! Holy Jesus! I told him that if he can convince the other boys to go for it than ok but if not HELL NO. To rent a tux is only $150 and you get the whole nine yards! His damn suit will end up costing as much as my dress by the time he's done. Craziness.
The hunt for a wedding venue is still on. I think we've got it somewhat narrowed down but we have to do some visiting before we make any decisions. I'll keep ya posted :)
Oooooh....the Margarator...*drool*...
Sounds like y'all had the same AWFUL time getting out of the mall that I had yesterday! Yuck! And the $2000 rims on the POS cars? And VANS?! Yeah. I totally don't get that either!
Alright, I officially need a nap just reading this!!!
I love the Margarator though!!
I need a Margarator. If you don't register for it I'm sending you one (if I find one) and getting myself one too 'cause girl we will BOTH need one soon.
OMG...there's like 50 of them on ebay. Off to bid I go...
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