Saturday, February 16, 2008

I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm burning for you!

Actually I'm not burning for anybody. I'm just burning up. As in a 101 fever and a cough that ignites my lungs on fire. I haven't been this sick since I don't know when! I never run fevers. Of course it happened on a weekend that I had many plans of course.

I had a lunch date with an old coworker this afternoon and dinner at my parents house this evening planned. They've both been cancelled.

I'm supposed to go to Yuba City and go wedding shopping with a friend tomorrow. That's questionable.

Luckily Monday is a holiday and I don't have any plans which means I will undoubtably feel better that day.

Or I'll continue fevering well into next week which would suck horribly because my partner at work is sick with the SAME DAMN THING and if it's still going we'll both have to call in sick which will ultimately piss my boss and the lead clerk off immensely. There's only 2 of us at the counter and Tuesday is going to be hell since we're closed Monday.

Lots and lots of people + no counter clerks = very angry boss.

But what's a girl to do? My partner went home from work early yesterday and I stayed 'cause, well, someone had to. I mentioned to my boss that I didn't feel well either and she said "oh great, so you stayed to share?" Whatever. Fine, next time I'll go home too which will probably result in me getting written up.

Where the HELL is Andrew with my F'ing apple juice already? I'm starting to get pissed.


Anonymous said...

You keep that nasty stuff over there, okay?

Carina said...

wow, everyone has been getting this nasty flu. I heard it lasts a long time. I hope you are feeling better today. At least you can take this day to rest and recover more.