Anywho! I'm not dying anymore! I don't actually feel good but I did manage to go to work today. I pulled a whole 8 hours this week. Yup, I'm hardcore like that. I have tomorrow off for Andrew's birthday. Originally we were going to go to Dillon Beach but it's looking like rain so I guess we'll be sticking close to home. I'm making homemade biskits and gravy for breakfast and then I'm going to try to attempt to make him a "poke cake" in which I poke holes in the cake after it's done and then pour cold jello mix over the top. Not sure about it myself but he keeps talking about it so we'll give 'er a shot. Then I'm making his spoiled ass lemon chicken, garlic red potatoes, and broccoli for dinner. Saturday my folks are taking us out but the place has yet to be decided. As always, money is tight so all he got from me was a Deal or No Deal hand held game that he's been wanting and a fishing game for the computer. Horribly exciting, I know. But we have a wedding to help pay for, dammit.
I just finished reading The Innocent Man, A Thousand Spendid Suns, The Kite Runner, and Water for Elephants. I liked the ladder 3 better because The Innocent Man is a true story and rather infuriating but they were all really good. I think Splendid Suns was my favorite even though it's depressing as well because it's set against the real history of Afganistan.
I'm currently accepting any and all recommendations for new books to read as I seem to be on a roll lately. Any recommendations anyone???
Lastly but definitely not least - It's THINGS ON THE ROAD THURSDAY!!!! Woohoo!!!
Brought to us by the oh so talented Barnmouse. This week's theme is "things that make you happy." I'm assuming this means something that makes me happy and is related to the road so I bring you Gidget getting ready to go for a ride:
So did you play? Carina did :)
Awesome Things on the Road Thursday!! Gidget looks so happy in the car! Shadow is more like your Cocoa though. He can't sit still and wants to lick everything and put his wet nose on the windows. Yuck! :-P
Oh, and did I mention how I am ADDICTED to those crackers too? Cause I am. Big time! They are the best EVAH!
Wandered on over here from Barnmouse's blog.
I LOVE poke cakes! So I'm sure it'll taste great. They're the best, in my opinion, with a white cake. Nice and fluffy.
Also, looks like you have a kia spectra also... I love my spectra!
I wouldn't take a picture of whit in the car. she just sits there and whines a bit. she hates it when the window is down :P But Gidget is so cute there.
Wow, Andrew does sound like he is getting spoiled! All that good food. All I did for Ivan was plop a upper crust cake in front of him.
Ha! My mom always has those crackers. She always called them chicken in a basket. I'm like, "uh mom look closely it's chickin in a biscut!!"Anyway, tell Andrew happy b-day for me!
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