Last Sunday Andrew and I were enjoying some peace in quiet before my cousin moves in (we are seriously a half way house for women who want to leave their men) and we decided to take the dogs for a swim. We drove up the Capay Valley which is my old stomping grounds and basically where I grew up. We wanted to let the dogs swim in the creek but I wanted to find a spot that didn't have too many rapids and wasn't running to swift because you never know how Dumb-Dumb (Cocoa) is going to react. She got shorted in the brain cell department but luckily she makes up for it in the loving department. I mentioned to Andrew that in high school my friends use to go to this place called "the top of the world" and I've never been. Now when I say "the top of the world" I mean that in the oakiest of ways - I mean the top of a mountain and a very windy (<--like lots of switchbacks, not like the weather) dirt road to get up there. It was beautiful at the top though! Hotter than hell but beautiful!
Here's a few from The Top of The World:

Here's the bastards at The Top of the World

Anyway, we eventually found a swimming spot for the dogs which I thought was still pretty scary but they did alright. They didn't get too far from the shore because they spent the entire time jumping in and getting wet and then jumping out and shaking all over us. Poor Cocoa kept slipping on slimy rocks but she didn't learn and kept jumping on them instead of taking the dirt route. At any rate it was a nice afternoon and it was fun to get out and about. This weekend we're plannin on going to my parents Saturday for my dad's birthday, then to my friend Lindsay's for a Luau, then my cousin is moving in so it's a good thing I've got 3 days off! Hooray for Labor Day!
Otter Dog, Otter Dog. Does whatever an Otter Dog does...

Daddy, you look hot - let me cool you down with a little water....

Can we go home now?
1 comment:
I really like the picture of the dogs in the truck with the background. that is really pretty.
Well, whit can't even swim :P
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