Friday, April 4, 2008

My job sucks right now

Let's see... I hate my job right now. Nothing new there. I just found out that they are putting the NEW girl who starts Monday at the counter with me. New = knows nothing = me doing all the work. How and why they came to this decision I'll never understand. I guess I should be flattered that my boss trusts me to do EVERYTHING but sometimes I can't help but wonder if they're trying to run me out of there. If this wasn't the pattern to my life I would 100% think that.

But here's how things roll in my life: I do what's asked of me (I'd like to say I do it without complaint but I'm not much of a liar). I do it right for the most part. I mean everyone makes mistakes. Everyone else is a slacker so like a freaking idiot I offer to help. Suddenly I start finding myself with more and more responsibility but no extra compensation. Before long I'm busting my ass trying to do my 10 things while my coworkers/classmates/friends/whatever take their sweet time with their 1 thing. I get bitter and pissed off but refuse to ask for help or admit that I can't handle it because I'm afraid of the answers I might get. Then I get completely overwhelmed and start making mistakes. Suddenly my ass is being ridden over stupid little stuff that I know my coworkers do all the time but they don't hear about it because it's "expected" of them. It's not expected of me. I'm expected to be perfect. Always. Just like when I was a kid and my little brother got away with crap that I didn't because I was older and should have known better. Or in school when teachers let slackers fail classes without so much a hiccup but if I don't do my homework or if I get a detention it's a BIG freaking deal. Or when teachers/professors make you work in groups and I'm the only one that does my part and then I end up doing everyone else's part last minute because I don't want to fail on their account. I could name a 100 other examples.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to pat myself on the back or say that I'm super woman or anything else. And I'm not saying that everyone in my life is totally ungrateful either. I'm just saying I'm fried. I'm done. I need a break. I can't handle going to work and doing the job of 3 clerks while waiting on the counter (where 2/3 the customers are assholes) and then coming home and having to be a wife and doggie caretaker. Work is sucking the life out of me. I think I need a career change.

So I know nobody likes these "I hate work" blogs but it feels good to put it in words sometimes. It makes me feel a tiny bit better.


Anonymous said...

Dude! I totally know how you feel. Once you get trapped in the role of "the girl who will help out", it's so hard to get out of it. And if you're not careful, it turns into "the girl you can pawn all your work off on because she can't say now". I am also that girl. I can't seem to say no. And if I do, I start to feel really guilty about it. So then I go back and say OK. *sigh*

We should really stop that. Maybe we could be "doormat buddies" or something! LOL If someone is trying to take advantage of you, you email me and I'll pump you up so you can so "No Way, Jose!" and not feel guilty about it! (and of course vice versa *wink*)

I'm really not that angry..... said...

Great idea! I'm all for it!

Anonymous said...

I hate my job too but if I breathe a word of it they will likely find it and they are STRICT about mentioning the company name, reading blogs at work, outside email, etc that I dare not say a word since I am kinda attached to that paycheck. That was the longest run on sentence ever.