Feels like I haven't posted in forever. Last week was my new counter partner and good friend Celina's last week at work :(. She didn't work for the court like I do but for the California Traffic School Institution and she got paid waaaay less than us and got shitty benefits and she moved on to work for UC Davis where she starts out at $17 and gets benefits up the wazoo. I'm so sad to see her go but she was making $10 an hour here after 2 years so it's a huge step for her. Plus she has two sons so she's gotta think about them. She was sad to go, we were sad to see her go, it was a depressing week. Friday night we all went out for drinks to celebrate though and that was a blast! I wish I could have continued to party with them but I had to make an hours drive to Roseville to pick up my alterted wedding dress. What a nightmare that was.
First of all, I think they sucked in the boobs a leeettle too much but it's doable. Then the lady helping me tells me that I need a bigger bra because this one is too tight around me. Now the bra they make you buy is a strectchy, girdle like thing that goes from your boobs to your waist. I don't think it's supposed to be loose but whatever, I go exchange the girdle bra and try the dress on AGAIN. For those of you who have gotten married in a traditional wedding gown (or helped anyone with one) you know that getting in and out of that thing is no small feat. My dress is the all white version of this one. Anyway, so I try it on with the new bra and it's so big that it's popping out of my dress everywhere. The lady keeps saying "oh much better, much better" and I'm like hell no! I'm not wearing this $80 girdle bra thing if it's going to hang out the top of my dress. Ain't gonna happen. She she gets mad at me and goes and finds a 3rd bra which we both agree on but I'm still thinking that the boobs are too tight. I'm just going to have squished boobies all night though 'cause there's NO WAY IN HELL I'm paying them another $100 to take them back out.
Bah! She after that I need some relaxing time so Andrew and I went to Armstrong woods in Guerneville, near Santa Rosa. It was so peaceful there! I love me some redwoods and those are the closest coastal redwoods to us even though it's nothing compared to the real redwoods up north. I love it up there! Andrew has never been to the redwoods anywhere so it was a nice teaser for him. We even found a great campground up there that's way out in the boonies by a little pond. It was so cute and quiet up there, I loved it. I don't particularly love camping but I think if it was just me and Andrew I would like it more. That way I have someone to snuggle with at night when it's 20 below outside and I'm buried up to my eyeballs in a sleeping bag and blankets. I'll only camp if we get the 7ft tall tent and the 2 foot tall air mattress I want though because I hate nothing more than trying to get dressed in a tent that is itty bitty and you have to bend over to walk around and it's hotter than hell in there and the sides of the tent are sticking to you. HATE IT. I also hate bugs. But I think if we went in the spring it wouldn't be so bad. Here's some pictures. 
pretty pictures! I never heard of that place but I love the redwoods too :)
What? You don't want a $100 bra that you will only wear once in your life?
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