Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Internet: The Good, The Bad, and The Idiots

So today I got an annoymous message from a post I posted waaaaay back in June about the incompetancies of Dish Network saying "wow, you guys are faggots." My first thought was "and so it begins....." I'm not one to get easily offended so I really didn't give a crap that annoymous from who the hell knows where thinks I'm a faggot but it irritates me what people do to other people that they don't even know and have no reason to care about. I'm sure I'm not the only one out there who has gotten hooked on a blog just to find that it's mysteriously vanished one day because the blogger couldn't deal with the abuse anymore. I'm not saying I blame people, I'd be tempted to shut down too if I was getting slammed by random strangers everytime I posted a blog. What I don't understand is where people get off coming down on people they don't know or judging them publically.

This has been brewing in me for a long time because I've seen it happen to so many bloggers. It's just insane! If you don't like what someone has to say in their blog don't read it! That's why the blog hosts have the "next blog" button at the top of the screen. Don't mothers teach respect to their children anymore? What ever happened to the old saying "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it all"? Blogging should be about expressing yourself, connecting with other people, and giving and receiving support from those who have been in our shoes or who are just generally sympathetic.

On another note, what kind of people attack other people on the net? Do they really feel so horrible and helpless about their life that they have to search out people ONLINE to pick on? Did they run out of people in real life or do they get regularly shit on in real life so this is their outlet? It just seems to me that these people should be using the net to look up therapists in their area, not attack others.

It's especially disheartening when it comes from bloggers who you thought were your friends. My real life friend spent a bunch of money traveling across the country to meet with someone she had met blogging just to have that person disown her shortly after her return over an opinion she expressed in her blog. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that this particular person doesn't keep too many friends for very long if she attacks them over an opinion she doesn't agree with.

Luckily for me the very few people who read my blog are awesome and I've never had any problems before the Dish Network guy called me a faggot. And chances are that the comment came from someone who works at Dish Network and stumbled across my blog and was pissed off that I called them incompetant and that's the only thing he could come up with (proving my theory that Dish Network employs crack addicts).

In closing I want to say to every blogger out there (I know only like 3 people read this but pass the message on, with ya?) that if someone is harrassing you online FUCK 'EM. Smile to yourself because you're life is so much better than theirs and you are blessed with people who love and care about you. Just keep in mind that people that do that kind of stuff aren't quite right in the head and hopefully someday they learn to use the net for the GOOD (i.e. looking up therapists or joining a singles network or even finding support through a blog of their own) rather than the the BAD or the IDIOTIC (harrassing and abusing other people, passing judgement when you're no angel yourself, etc).


Anonymous said...

I've been bad mouthed by some other bloggers and you know what? You just ignore it and move on. The anonymous comments make me laugh because if they aren't brave enough to post their name or even add their name then they really didn't know you to begin with.

Plus if anon commenters haven't figured out that you can kind of get an idea where they are from then they're idiots.

Anonymous said...

You've been tagged!!! :)