Thursday, January 31, 2008

My first tagging!

Rule #1: Copy all the links below and replace the link that starts with the same letter as your blog. If your domain name, or title of your blog, starts with an “A,” you’d replace the link under that letter and put the replaced link at the bottom. Link to the person that tagged you so they get more hits as well!


Replaced link:

Rule #2 - tag 5 more people!

I don't have anyone to tag :(

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Internet: The Good, The Bad, and The Idiots

So today I got an annoymous message from a post I posted waaaaay back in June about the incompetancies of Dish Network saying "wow, you guys are faggots." My first thought was "and so it begins....." I'm not one to get easily offended so I really didn't give a crap that annoymous from who the hell knows where thinks I'm a faggot but it irritates me what people do to other people that they don't even know and have no reason to care about. I'm sure I'm not the only one out there who has gotten hooked on a blog just to find that it's mysteriously vanished one day because the blogger couldn't deal with the abuse anymore. I'm not saying I blame people, I'd be tempted to shut down too if I was getting slammed by random strangers everytime I posted a blog. What I don't understand is where people get off coming down on people they don't know or judging them publically.

This has been brewing in me for a long time because I've seen it happen to so many bloggers. It's just insane! If you don't like what someone has to say in their blog don't read it! That's why the blog hosts have the "next blog" button at the top of the screen. Don't mothers teach respect to their children anymore? What ever happened to the old saying "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it all"? Blogging should be about expressing yourself, connecting with other people, and giving and receiving support from those who have been in our shoes or who are just generally sympathetic.

On another note, what kind of people attack other people on the net? Do they really feel so horrible and helpless about their life that they have to search out people ONLINE to pick on? Did they run out of people in real life or do they get regularly shit on in real life so this is their outlet? It just seems to me that these people should be using the net to look up therapists in their area, not attack others.

It's especially disheartening when it comes from bloggers who you thought were your friends. My real life friend spent a bunch of money traveling across the country to meet with someone she had met blogging just to have that person disown her shortly after her return over an opinion she expressed in her blog. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that this particular person doesn't keep too many friends for very long if she attacks them over an opinion she doesn't agree with.

Luckily for me the very few people who read my blog are awesome and I've never had any problems before the Dish Network guy called me a faggot. And chances are that the comment came from someone who works at Dish Network and stumbled across my blog and was pissed off that I called them incompetant and that's the only thing he could come up with (proving my theory that Dish Network employs crack addicts).

In closing I want to say to every blogger out there (I know only like 3 people read this but pass the message on, with ya?) that if someone is harrassing you online FUCK 'EM. Smile to yourself because you're life is so much better than theirs and you are blessed with people who love and care about you. Just keep in mind that people that do that kind of stuff aren't quite right in the head and hopefully someday they learn to use the net for the GOOD (i.e. looking up therapists or joining a singles network or even finding support through a blog of their own) rather than the the BAD or the IDIOTIC (harrassing and abusing other people, passing judgement when you're no angel yourself, etc).

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Bridal Show and other boring stuff

So last week was hell. My old partner moved on to a different department and my new partner started at the counter with me. It would have been ok except that my boss took off on vacation and never delegated my old partners work out so I got stuck with it. We'd known that she was transferring for a good month now but for some reason my boss didn't think it was important enough to figure out how to switch the work load around. It was loosely decided that I would take on her work and someone else would inherit mine but nothing was ever set in stone and she left and the boss went on a 3 week vacation. NICE. So my inbox was absolutely out of control as I tried to do my work, do her work, help people at the counter, and train my new partner. Finally the lead clerk said that they were going to pass my work off to another clerk but she had to catch up on her work first. Well her work just kept piling up so nothing ever happened. Why they chose the particular clerk they did to take on my work is beyond me. She's already got her hands full with the juveniles and the CHP citations (which is the biggest ticket issuing agency in Yolo County) and there's another perfectly smart, competant clerk who doesn't have anything to do. Horribly stupid decision if you ask me. I inquired as to why they had decided it like that but of course the answer was "because that's what we decided." I HATE those kinds of answers! They preach to us about being a team and all that crap but then they just arbitrarily make decisions that are obviously not going to work and they don't open it up for discussion. So as of Friday I still had all my work on top of everything else. My new partner was going a little crazy too because the boss never gave her an answer as to what to do with her agency when she moved up to the counter. Us counter people don't enter the citations because we have customers all day long as opposed to the phone clerks who only answer phones for 3-4 hours a day, 3 weeks of the month (they take turns having one week off of phones to catch up on work). So my partner just asked another clerk to handle her citations until the boss comes back from her 3 week vacation and makes a decision. Luckily my new partner is well liked and the boss won't care if she takes it upon herself to delegate her work. If I did that they'd find a reason why it was horrible, they'd make me take it back, and then a week later they'd make the same decision on their own. But I'm not going at being teacher's pet since I ask too many questions and make suggestions instead of just sitting back and accepting whatever random decision the bosses make. Oh well. OH, and I forgot to mention that my boss wants me to start doing small claims now so she showed me one example and then left on vacation. I hope she didn't expect me to actually do any small claims when she was gone because I'd never make it through it.

So at the end of that horribly, rant worthy week I got to go to a Bridal show in Sacramento where I stole some good ideas from local vendors who I'll never hire. I just go, steal the ideas, and then do it myself :) I did make an appointment with a wholesale florist for next Saturday so that was somewhat productive. They sell you the flowers at a discount and then you make your own arrangements. That has been our plan all along as my cousin (the maid of honor) used to be a florist and she can make them for me. Plus we're using gerbera daisies that don't require much arranging so it should be a piece of cake. Speaking of cake, how cute is this idea? Cupcakes that are decorated to look like gerbera daisies? I love it! I would post a picture but my computer is being and asshole and claims I don't have an internet connection. GRRRR....

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Katrina's California Cousin

It all began about at 5 am yesterday morning when I heard the wind blowing so ridiculously hard that I thought the roof was going to blow off. It was crazy windy and rainy so I told Andrew that I wanted to keep the dogs in the house because something bad was bound to happen. Boy was I right. I got to work and we didn't have any power in our building at all and the ASSHOLE CEO made us go over to the main court house to wait and see what PG&E can do. Now the main court house is on the same block as us but it was THAT BAD outside. By the time we got there every single one of us had sopping wet feet, clothes, and hair. The entire sidewalk in front of the courthouse was a lake, I kid you not. My boss was sooo pissed off, especially since I think she was offically the wettest out of all of us. And when I say wet, I mean we all looked like we had just taken a shower with our clothes on. Finally we got word from PG&E that since practially the whole town of Woodland was without power they weren't going to be able to make us any promises so they let us go home!!! Woohoo!

Getting home was an obstacle in and of itself. There was SO many trees in the streets and toters and Christmas trees were everywhere. They were in the middle of the roads, in the middle of intersections, everywhere. Plus all the drains in town were backed up so the city streets were flooded because it literally hit us in flash-flood fashion. When I got home there was like 12 tree limbs laying on my street and I could see shingles literally flying off of my neighbor's roof. Today they are down to just plywood in some spots. My roof was ok but there was a Christmas tree in my driveway and one of the trees in the back yard had snapped in half (thank god I didn't put the dogs out!). About a half hour after I got home our clothes line which was bolted to a cement wall fell down and the shelter we had made for the dogs was literally being picked up by the roof and dragged around. I called my mom who commutes to work and she said that the electrical wires were arching over the highway on her way to work and twice traffic was stopped because telephone poles just snapped in half and laid across the highway.

3/4 of the town lost power and mine kept going in and out so I finally just laid down and took a nap. When I got up the worst of it was over and the street sweepers were out trying to get all the trees up out of the streets. I can't tell you how many fences and trees I saw broken. It was crazy! Later that night Andrew and I went out to dinner because we were out of groceries and there was no way in hell I was going to attempt the grocery store in that mess. Apparently everyone in Woodland had the same idea because every single restaurant in town was packed!! I'm sure it was because nobody had electricity. The news said it was the worst storm we've had in 12 years with wind up to 65 miles an hour at times. WOW! For us California's that is some seriously crazy weather!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Get a new parking lot!

So awhile back I mentioned that I was at the mall and a lady wearing pj's and carrying bags with a kid and an old lady approached me in the parking lot and asked for money and I was quite pissed off at them for a number of reasons.

It got worse.

The other day I was IN MY CAR getting ready to back out and talking on the cell phone (soon to be illegal in CA) and the same bitch approached me, knocked on my F'ing window and asked for money! WTF!!!!

Then today I was pulling in to take advantage of some sales and the same old hag was cruising the parking lot AGAIN and approached me for a 3rd time! I told her to kick rocks this time. The worst part about it is that she keeps bringing that innocent child with her to get sympathy! Now I mentioned before the various reasons why I hated those particular pan handlers but it's just getting far too out of control at this point. Another stupid move on their part is that they always hang out in the same section of the parking lot and apparently they do it every day. There is parking all the way around our mall here (as small as it may be) and she is always chilling in the 3 row itty bitty parking lot between Mervyn's and JCPenney's. I'm surprised none of the employees have called the cops on her yet! I know I should have probably learned my lesson the first 2 times and parked somewhere else today but there's no way I thought this lady was going to get me for the 3rd time! Never again though, I'll tell you that much! I'm finding new parking grounds next time around!

So I think I forgot to mention the dream I had the other day in which Wayne Brady tried to make out with me while I was a contestant on Don't Forget The Lyrics and I TURNED HIM DOWN because I was engaged. I guess that means I really do love Andrew if my subconscience is turning down freaking celebrities for him! And I love Don't Forget The Lyrics and Wayne Brady (probably why I had the dream in the first place)! He did make a mean pot of pork and beans today and really... who can resist pork and beans? Ok, so I usually can but this stuff was seriously good. I just wish I was able to make corn bread to go with it. Mmmm.... corn bread. Bah! There I go dreaming of food again! Why can't I love food and be skinny? Why oh why?

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Last night was pretty uneventful for me. We had dinner at Cattlemans steakhouse which turned into a 2 hour ordeal. The paramedics were called while we were there but all we saw was an empty stretcher leaving so apparently whoever was having issues started feeling better. They were in the bar area too which really makes me believe it was probably just a drunk. We came back and we were going to go out but then my friend's baby was still awake at 11 (grandma couldn't get him to go down) so she opted out and I was tired and pissed off at Andrew so I decided to just go home. I put on a movie I had from Netflix called Hollywoodland and of course Andrew fell asleep before midnight. Big whoopity do! So anyway the movie was about George Reeves, the guy who played Superman and if he really killed himself or if it was actually a murder. The damn movie never does say so I'm going to assume it's still a mystery.

This morning we took down all our outside Christmas lights and went to work on the frigging spare bedroom that we've been painting for like 3 months now. GRRRR. Andrew built a shelter for the dogs so that they can escape the rain that's expected this week since we don't have an actual dog house yet. Everytime we get money to buy a dog house something happens.... For instance, today I washed Andrew's cell phone. He says it's my fault for not checking the pockets. I say it's his fault for leaving his cell phone in his laundry. Regardless of who's at fault it cost our innocent checking account $355 to buy a new one since we're not eligible for any contract renewals or anything like that. Plus they passed a law in California saying that as of July 1, 2008 you have to use your phone wirelessly in the car so we went ahead and bought him a blue tooth thing as well. I still refuse to buy one as I don't find them comfortable in the least. Eventually I'll break down and get one. So anyway, back to the dogs. Cocoa found some cat shit in the front yard today and ate it. Then she promptly threw it up upon entering the house. Shit and barf altogether! Sometimes I seriously think she wants to go to the SPCA. Oh and while I was painting she ate a bag of jerky my grandpa made for me that I didn't think she could reach. I'm never having children.

So in approximately 17 mins we're supposed to be meeting my parents and grandparents at a Chinese Restaurant for dinner for my grampa's 77th birthday. Happy Birthday Grandpa!!!!! Of course Andrew is still in the shower because that's how he roll. Late, as always.