Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Death to me!

I just had a customer with the WORST B.O. EVER!!!! I literally couldn't talk because I couldn't breathe. Luckily his ticket wasn't here yet and I got rid of him quick. Oh my god.... it's still lingering. I seriously might die.


Anonymous said...

LOL! Oh how terrible! (but still funny) BO can seriously be the worst! At my hubby's first TaeKwonDo awards ceremony, I sat next to this lady who, I SWEAR, must not have brushed her teeth for 3 years! And she WOULD.NOT.SHUT.UP!!!! It was awful! I hope the smelly guy leaves you alone :)

Arlene said...

Oh EWWWWW, seriously!!!!!!

Carina said...

I bet he thought he was too good for deodorant...ugh.

Wendy aka Cheeky said...

Popped over from Arlene's place....

How can people not smell themselves and not want to take care of that.....its just offensive!

Next time - get the febreeze out and start spraying when he comes around...act like you don't know its coming from him....

Anonymous said...

LOL! that is hilarious