Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Meet my Froggie

For the last 2 years I've had a frog in my throat. It drives me crazy. It bothers me at work and irritates my coworkers to no end. It bothers me at home and prohibits me from sleeping at times. I've been to the doctor and guess what? They don't have an answer. Oh wait, yes they do - allergies. Or was it because I'm fat? I don't remember but those are always the two excuses for everything that ails me in life. I could have my foot severed and the doctor would say that it was because I was putting too much weight on it OR my foot was allergic to my leg. But anyway, I digress. The frog must die. I can't handle it anymore. Does anyone have any home remedies for a frog????? I've tried allergy medicine but it doesn't seem to work and it's expensive as all hell. My favorite doctor once asked me if the frog comes down from my sinuses or up from my chest. He doesn't come from anywhere!!! He's permenantly logged in my throat! If I knew how he got there I wouldn't be paying you to figure it out!

Today was only slightly better than yesterday. It wasn't horrible but I had to write 2 dozen letters to people who don't know what the Fuck they are doing and can't follow directions. I usually write like 4-5 letters in the course of the day so by then end I was typing them with much anger in my fingers. I'm also slightly depressed because Andrew has been working alot lately and I'm feeling very needy right now. I know he has to work hard so that we can afford to actually eat on our vacation and to cover the $488 gas bill and the $400 pg&e bill but I can't help but miss him when he's gone. The sad part is that just when we think we're getting ahead something knocks us down again. But I guess that's the way life goes, right? Ho Hum. I'm in a feel sorry for myself mood tonight.

I started reading the book Zodiac. Yeah I know the movie came out like a year ago but whatever, I was behind on my reading alright. I had to catch up on some books I got before Zodiac before I could start on it. So far it's pretty interesting. Scary as all hell seeings how the Zodiac murders happened with 100 miles of my home, one almost in my backyard (Lake Berryessa). What really scares me is that the guy was never caught. In the movie it makes it look like it's GOT TO BE that Lee fellor but they could never find enough evidence to actually charge him. I'm curious to see what the books says. I can only hope that modern technology makes it easier for the coppers to find serial killers these days. It's a scary world we live in.....
But yet I sleep with my back door open because I'm too lazy to let the dog out 15 times a night now that she's in heat and she has to go a million times an hour. Hmmm.... I'm going to have nightmares tonight.

Oh! So here's a random tidbit of information. When I was 19 I had a crush on one of my male friends, Sal. I told him about my feelings one drunken night when he was giving me a ride home from a party. Sal promptly slammed on the brakes, kicked me out of the car, and sped off. NO SHIT. I even have a witness. Needless to say we didn't stay friends and he didn't speak to me for about a million years. Coincidently, he's dating my coworkers daughter. Small world! That's not the scary part. The scary part is that last night I had a dream that I was cuddling with this cute fellor who I don't think I know in real life and then later in the dream that cute fellor turned into Sal and we were MAKING OUT in a shower. YUCK. Even in my dream it felt all wrong and awkward. He was all stiff and boxy, not soft and accepting like my wonderful boyfriend. Ew EW EWWWW. I can understand why he came into my dream but why the F did he have to be someone I made out with?!? Usually my make out/have sex with boys that are not my boyfriend dreams are good and I secretly feel guilty about enjoying them but this one just made me feel icky. I feel like he violated my dream. Arg...


Carina said...

And you tell me to go get check out? doctors are foolish they will tell you anything to get your money.

I want to watch Zodiac. I thought it was out on dvd a while back so i rented turned out to be a copycat version that was icky! I want to watch the real one though.

Carina said...

oh thought i would leave you some web sites I went searching for you...
here is a weird one
people on yahoo answers
and another one from yahoo
this might help it is herbal stuff
well I hope that helps a bit with the froggie in your throat