My boyfriend is amazing. Simply amazing. Ok, so he has this little issue where he doesn't understand the concept of time but other than that he's amazing. I have never felt so loved and so complete in my entire life. He works 40+ hours a week as a mechanic for the city buses plus he has a 24 hour mobile mechanic business that he does on the side. He works very, very hard to make sure that I don't have to work 2 jobs ever again (I've worked 2 jobs more times than I care to remember!) and to make sure I'm properly taken care of (ahem.... jewelry, flowers, Niagra Falls, etc). The great thing about him is that I don't ask for this kind of treatment. I have no problem working two jobs to help us out and I am super happy with home made cards as gifts. I do love my travels though! But again, I don't mind being the one that finances them.
My man is amazing with children. He loves them. All of them. He showed up an hour early to my friend's son's 1st birthday to help string elmo streamers throughout the house and stayed late to do dishes. He has more patience with children that most people I've met. I think partly because deep down he's a big kid himself :).
My number one issue with Andrew is that he doesn't have any concept of time and he never gets his honey do list done!! Damn him!!!! For example, yesterday I asked him to go to Colusa and buy our derby tickets. Instead he spent all day fixing a air compressor and shooting the shit with the painters. When I called to ask if he'd gone to Colusa yet he replied "nope but I'm getting ready to go right now!!!!" I had to point out that it was like 4 pm and the office would be closed by the time he got up there not to mention that he had a side job lined up at 5. That kind of stuff pisses me off to no end because I'm a time freak. I always know what time it is. I never get so lost in my freaking WORK that I forget what time it is and I love my job! I never stay mad for long though because he just looks too cute when he gets all excited telling me about how he organized his nuts and bolts today. It's kind of like when your cat brings you a dead mouse and you're supposed to reward it for bringing you a gift when inside you're horribly disgusted.
My friends are amazing. Most of them I've had since I was a wee little tyke and we've had the pleasure of growing up together and we look forward to watching our kids grow up together. It's just the small town way :). I might vent about my friends once in awhile but rest assured that I needed someone they'd be there in a jiffy! At least I like to tell myself that.... Since I have amazing parents I've never really had to put them to the test but I've been there for them a time or two so if nothing else they should help me out of sheer guilt.
But enough of my rambling! Botttom line: Nobody is as bad as I'm going to make them out during my bitch rants. In fact if they're mentioned in my blog at all it means they must be amazing people or I wouldn't bother with them (except of course the idiot traffic defendants).
I'm going to attempt pictures now. Let see if this works....
Gidgie needs a pool, BAD!
Gidgie's play boy pose....
Awww, you guys are so cute! And WTH is Gidget doing in that bucket??? Poor dog! Maybe we'll get a little pool we can all play in this summer :-)
Those pictures of your dog in that bucket are priceless! I have one that loves the water too. You better get a pool girl that poor dog obviously needs one!
AHH! So cute! My dog has no self restraint when it comes to water. He simply can't stop himself from trying to mush himself into any container with water in it! (and at 125 lbs he's got to mush himself into pretty much all of them) The first time he ever saw a large body of water (the creek in my parent's back yard) he went in head first! I think we should both try the "doggy pool" experiment this summer.
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