So my boyfriend is a divorcee. He married young, his wife refused to lift a finger around the house and refused to work, she was mean to him. They got divorced. He moved on, she turned psycho bitch. To write a blog about all the things she's done to us would literally keep me up until the wee hours of the night and nobody wants to read all of that in one sitting anyway. No, today's blog is about a couple of assholes who claim to be "Friends" of Andrew's. So there's this couple that Andrew stayed with when he first got divorced. He thought they were his good buddies until one day they stopped taking his calls and never called him back. They disappeared into nowhere land magically one day! Fuckers. So yesterday they call the house phone which is in MY name and ask Andrew where he works and whether or not or dog stays in the house or in the back yard. Then today the asshole guy has the audacity to come over to have a few beers and catch up with Andrew. Of course I don't take well to this and I give the guy a piece of my mind. He informs me that he still talks to Andrew's ex wife and that she told him my name and where we live (how the FUCK did she find that out???? STALKER). Ok, so you made it a point to keep in contact with her but not Andrew? Then he tells me that my dad loves him because he bought a car from him and that I should trust him. Oh.... ok. So you've done all but flat out say "I'm here on a mission from your ex wife to find out if you're making more at your new job than you're last to see if she can get more money out of you. Oh yeah, she's planning on kidnapping the dog too." Apparently the ex wife forgot to let the guy know that I work at Traffic Court - the temple for all liars. I can smell a bullshit story a mile away. After I run the guy off he comes back with his girlfriend to tell Andrew that they miss him. Does anyone else think this is insane? You miss him so you didn't return his calls? You missed him so you never once picked up the phone and called him to see how he's doing until he changes jobs? Right......
So I realize that this makes ME sound horribly insane but please try to understand that this woman has put us through more hell than I could ever blog about! I love my boyfriend and I can't keep watching him get fucked over and lied to! My intuition about people is correct 9 times out of 10 and right now it's SCREAMING that this people are bad, bad news. Plus anyone who claims to be a neutral party is flat out lying. You know you'll share the info you find out about us with her and you'll share her info with us. We don't want to know! We want our life completely seperate from hers. COMPLETELY SEPERATE. Which means no "mutual" friends.
Ok, so I get it that ex wifey can't move on. There's just not a market for 27 year old women who don't work and weigh 300 pounds and have red hair and wear birkenstocks. I get that. But get a fucking life at least! This has gone on too long! Enough is enough! And as far as these old "friends" of Andrews - no thanks, we'll pass.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Does Walmart have ANY employee criteria????
1. Scan the Start/Stop bar code below
2. Scan the Registry I.D. bar code above
3. Scan the items for the registry
4. Scan the Start/Stop bar code below again
The above is what's printed in bold on the top of every page on the baby registry I tried to purchase from today. First the lady rang up the item first and then didn't know how to get the registry to work. Instead of reading the instructions she called her supervisor who proceeded to push a bunch of buttons that did absolutely no good. At this point I point out that there's instructions on top of the page. They are still pushing buttons. I suggest maybe starting the transaction over because the instructions very clearly state that you must scan some bar codes first. I get the first dirty look. The manager starts the transaction over again, scans one bar code and then tries to scan the item. Shockingly the computer is not accepting it. A slight glance at the instructions would show why this is. Again I make a suggestion (Ok, I straight up tell them) that they need to scan BOTH barcodes before scanning the item. I get another dirty look. They still don't follow the damn instructions but luckily the item comes off of the registry. The cashier asks us where we work and I happily tell her that we work for the court. By the time we leave I'm pissed. I mean SERIOUSLY!!! The F'ing instructions are printed on every single page of the 5 page registry. Yes, idiot manager, I realize you loathe me right now for telling you how to do YOUR job but if you weren't such a fuck up and you could follow simple instructions I wouldn't have to tell you how to do YOUR job! IDIOTS!!!!
1. Scan the Start/Stop bar code below
2. Scan the Registry I.D. bar code above
3. Scan the items for the registry
4. Scan the Start/Stop bar code below again
The above is what's printed in bold on the top of every page on the baby registry I tried to purchase from today. First the lady rang up the item first and then didn't know how to get the registry to work. Instead of reading the instructions she called her supervisor who proceeded to push a bunch of buttons that did absolutely no good. At this point I point out that there's instructions on top of the page. They are still pushing buttons. I suggest maybe starting the transaction over because the instructions very clearly state that you must scan some bar codes first. I get the first dirty look. The manager starts the transaction over again, scans one bar code and then tries to scan the item. Shockingly the computer is not accepting it. A slight glance at the instructions would show why this is. Again I make a suggestion (Ok, I straight up tell them) that they need to scan BOTH barcodes before scanning the item. I get another dirty look. They still don't follow the damn instructions but luckily the item comes off of the registry. The cashier asks us where we work and I happily tell her that we work for the court. By the time we leave I'm pissed. I mean SERIOUSLY!!! The F'ing instructions are printed on every single page of the 5 page registry. Yes, idiot manager, I realize you loathe me right now for telling you how to do YOUR job but if you weren't such a fuck up and you could follow simple instructions I wouldn't have to tell you how to do YOUR job! IDIOTS!!!!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
"Mommy" is what I felt like screaming today! What a day! First off there was umpteen million people in my office today. Secondly none of them had any brain cells left. This guy came to our counter and he was supposed to show proof that he has a driver's license right? What do you think he brings? His written driver's license test. That's right - the long, skinny, multiple choice written test. What are we supposed to do? Check his answers to see if they're correct. Sorry bubba, try again. This time try bringing in your actual license! Duh. On top of the idiots I have three sociopaths that I'm dealing with right now. One writes me letters every day. EVERY DAY. They say "what is wrong with you people?? Why don't you write me back???" Umm.... give it a couple days buddy. Letters don't magically appear in your mailbox overnight. Plus there might be like 2,000 other people that also need dealing with. The second one is african american and thinks that the whole county is out to get her because we're all the KKK and we spend all of our time and energy finding ways to get to HER. The third is the worst. She claims she's an elementary school teacher who's dyslexic and can't write her case number correclty or fill out her appeal forms correctly. She's been a nightmare from the beginning but recently she claims that the judge told her to come to court at 4. Right...... 'cause the Judge often tells people to show up at the exact moment that we close. Now she says she's going to sue the courts for the emotional stress that it's causing her. Hey psycho - if you had just paid your F'ing ticket from the get go you wouldn't be having this stress. And don't think we don't know you love the drama you're creating. There's no other reason you would be so hell bent on fighting a ticket that you admitted to!
My coworkers are pissing me off too! I'm throwing a lunch time baby shower for one of our coworkers on Friday and a few of us were thinking it would be nice to all go in and buy her a rocker that she wants. It works out to $12 a person - far less than I would have spent had I shopped on my own. But alas, people are bitching that they are too broke and can't afford $12. Really? But you can afford to drink 1/2 a bottle of whiskey every night and you brag about how great your husband is when he can't keep a job? Awww.... it was sweet that he brought you flowers today - too bad he used your credit card to purchase them. I mean come on people! Andrew and I are broke, broke, broke but when someone has a freaking baby we come up with $12 to go towards a rocker. Oh, and bake the cake. And buy the decorations, invitations, party favors, and game supplies. But I guess $12 is far too much to ask, especially in our extremely close knit office. We should just all pitch in a buck and buy her a package of onsies and a binkie. Doesn't anyone have the sense of giving anymore? Do they all need the ghost of christmas past to come steal them away in the night and take them to tiny tim's house?
On the bright side Andrew surprised us all with icee's today. Unfortunately it was so busy that I didn't get to eat mine until it was melted and watered down but I drank it anyway. Then everyone goes "Oh, I don't have money to give Andrew for the icee." Ummm.... duh. We don't suprise people with things and then say they have to pay for them! That happened to me once actually. My friend had her mom make me a freaking quillow and then I had to pay $30 for it. WTF?
The light at the end of the tunnel is that I got my hair cut finally and I made more of my insanely delicious peanut butter chocolate chip cookies! Hooray for sugar!!
My coworkers are pissing me off too! I'm throwing a lunch time baby shower for one of our coworkers on Friday and a few of us were thinking it would be nice to all go in and buy her a rocker that she wants. It works out to $12 a person - far less than I would have spent had I shopped on my own. But alas, people are bitching that they are too broke and can't afford $12. Really? But you can afford to drink 1/2 a bottle of whiskey every night and you brag about how great your husband is when he can't keep a job? Awww.... it was sweet that he brought you flowers today - too bad he used your credit card to purchase them. I mean come on people! Andrew and I are broke, broke, broke but when someone has a freaking baby we come up with $12 to go towards a rocker. Oh, and bake the cake. And buy the decorations, invitations, party favors, and game supplies. But I guess $12 is far too much to ask, especially in our extremely close knit office. We should just all pitch in a buck and buy her a package of onsies and a binkie. Doesn't anyone have the sense of giving anymore? Do they all need the ghost of christmas past to come steal them away in the night and take them to tiny tim's house?
On the bright side Andrew surprised us all with icee's today. Unfortunately it was so busy that I didn't get to eat mine until it was melted and watered down but I drank it anyway. Then everyone goes "Oh, I don't have money to give Andrew for the icee." Ummm.... duh. We don't suprise people with things and then say they have to pay for them! That happened to me once actually. My friend had her mom make me a freaking quillow and then I had to pay $30 for it. WTF?
The light at the end of the tunnel is that I got my hair cut finally and I made more of my insanely delicious peanut butter chocolate chip cookies! Hooray for sugar!!
Monday, May 28, 2007
Memorial Day ramblings
Do you know what really bugs me? The fact that you can't get the last 1/2 inch of bath and body works hand soap out of the bottle. They just don't make their little sticks long enough to get the goods at the bottom of the bottle. I hate that! I pay good money for that shit! Ok, so I stock up when they're having killer sales but still... you get my point.
In better news I made THE BEST chocolate chip peanut butter cookies!!! I just used the recipe in my Betty Crocker cook book and used my air bake cookie sheet and ghiradelli choclate chips. Heaven. Pure Heaven. Oh, did I mention that I'm a sugar fanatic? But seriously, they were heaven.
So I've had the most boring Memorial Day weekend in all of history. This is sad for a multitude of reasons. First being that last year I got dumped and left work crying on Memorial Day but I still got to enjoy some good eats at my friend's BBQ. Second being that I have a boat sitting in my front yard that should have been wizzing me up and down a lake somewhere but it wasn't. Third being that my parents own a small place (it's somewhere between a RV and a mobile home) on Dillon Beach and I am not there either. Why you ask? Because my boy had to work and we are broke, broke, broke! Even Arlenie (affectionatly known as Weenie in my house) went out of town this weekend leaving no one to share my boredom with. Ho Hum. At least I got a lot of sleeping done!
In better news I made THE BEST chocolate chip peanut butter cookies!!! I just used the recipe in my Betty Crocker cook book and used my air bake cookie sheet and ghiradelli choclate chips. Heaven. Pure Heaven. Oh, did I mention that I'm a sugar fanatic? But seriously, they were heaven.
So I've had the most boring Memorial Day weekend in all of history. This is sad for a multitude of reasons. First being that last year I got dumped and left work crying on Memorial Day but I still got to enjoy some good eats at my friend's BBQ. Second being that I have a boat sitting in my front yard that should have been wizzing me up and down a lake somewhere but it wasn't. Third being that my parents own a small place (it's somewhere between a RV and a mobile home) on Dillon Beach and I am not there either. Why you ask? Because my boy had to work and we are broke, broke, broke! Even Arlenie (affectionatly known as Weenie in my house) went out of town this weekend leaving no one to share my boredom with. Ho Hum. At least I got a lot of sleeping done!
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Reoccuring dreams
So I keep having two seperate reoccuring dreams. One involves my ex, Jimmy and the other my maternal grandpa. The ex ones vary from us still being together or me seeing him out and about to us trying to work things out. Last night I dreamt that we had broken up but we were still going to work on things and we were holding hands. Now there's many reasons why I could be having these dreams. One being that I've recently become addicted to the sex and the city books "He's just not that into you" and "it's called a break up because it's broken." These books rock. They're funny, full of the truth, and every girl can totally relate. My friend at work just went through a horrible break up and she read them and loved them! The second reason that I could be dreaming about my ex is because I have a few friends going through break ups right now and it could be bring up old memories of my horribly depressing, life changing last break up. The only problem with the first two excuses is that I've been having these dreams for a year. So that brings me to reason number 3 - he's still under my skin. WTF? How do I get him out??? During waking hours I would never take him back. During waking hours I know that he could have never given me all that I need in a relationship. During waking hours I love Andrew more than any man I've ever dated. But when I fall asleep it all falls apart. As I've said before, Andrew is amazing and I truly plan on spending the rest of my life with him. I just wish I could get Jimmy out of my sleep!
The second dream involves my Grandpa Ray and I have no idea why I keep dreaming about him. The only thing I can think of is that my unconscious is trying to tell me to spend some more time with him before he dies. That makes my conscious self feel guilty because I don't dream about my other grandparents and I know deep down that Grandpa Ray is my favorite. Last night I had a dream that my grandpa's testicals just up and fell off and he was bleeding to death. I have to think that only psychopaths have these kinds of dreams. I mean, really - his testicals? In the dream I was horribly upset and crying to no end. The weird thing is that my grandpa is in good health and occassionly stops by on a Sunday afternoon just to visit. I see him more than any of my other grandparents so why the weird dreams? I'm not religious in the least but I'm almost starting to think that someone is trying to tell me something that I don't want not know.....
At any rate I'm seriously disturbed. Why can't I dream normal dreams about hot FedEx drivers and stuff?
The second dream involves my Grandpa Ray and I have no idea why I keep dreaming about him. The only thing I can think of is that my unconscious is trying to tell me to spend some more time with him before he dies. That makes my conscious self feel guilty because I don't dream about my other grandparents and I know deep down that Grandpa Ray is my favorite. Last night I had a dream that my grandpa's testicals just up and fell off and he was bleeding to death. I have to think that only psychopaths have these kinds of dreams. I mean, really - his testicals? In the dream I was horribly upset and crying to no end. The weird thing is that my grandpa is in good health and occassionly stops by on a Sunday afternoon just to visit. I see him more than any of my other grandparents so why the weird dreams? I'm not religious in the least but I'm almost starting to think that someone is trying to tell me something that I don't want not know.....
At any rate I'm seriously disturbed. Why can't I dream normal dreams about hot FedEx drivers and stuff?
Friday, May 25, 2007
Bored.... again
So I'm home alone and I'm bored. Again. Andrew is out doing some side work and it's just me and Gidget in for another long night. I love that Andrew works so hard to make sure our bills get paid but it gets awfully lonely around here sometimes and I miss him like crazy.
On a brighter note my good friend Lindsay graduated from college today! I took the afternoon off to accompany her family to the graduation ceremony that was absolutely freaking packed! I hate crowds! Grr.... Amazingly enough my brother's best friend was graduating at the same time. Even more amazingly Lindsay was the first one to receive her diploma in that huge crowd of 700 students!
Part of me wants to go back to school and get that degree just to say I did it and part of me still hates that damn place with a passion. I love learning and I generally love attending class. What I hate is driving there in horrible traffic, parking in that nightmare, packing a back pack around in the wind, rain, and 200 degree weather, and homework! I also really hate the cost of college. And honestly, I love what I do. I can't imagine wanting to do anything else that would require my degree. Horrible, I know but the motivation just isn't there for me. Oh well.... maybe next year :)
On a brighter note my good friend Lindsay graduated from college today! I took the afternoon off to accompany her family to the graduation ceremony that was absolutely freaking packed! I hate crowds! Grr.... Amazingly enough my brother's best friend was graduating at the same time. Even more amazingly Lindsay was the first one to receive her diploma in that huge crowd of 700 students!
Part of me wants to go back to school and get that degree just to say I did it and part of me still hates that damn place with a passion. I love learning and I generally love attending class. What I hate is driving there in horrible traffic, parking in that nightmare, packing a back pack around in the wind, rain, and 200 degree weather, and homework! I also really hate the cost of college. And honestly, I love what I do. I can't imagine wanting to do anything else that would require my degree. Horrible, I know but the motivation just isn't there for me. Oh well.... maybe next year :)
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Clarification Part II
Ok, where was I? Ahh yes, my wonderful life. So as I said before I'm a small town girl. I have absolutely amazing, wonderful parents who have supported me throughout the last 26 years and have always, always, always been there for me when I needed help. As an adult I look back on my family and the families of my friends growing up and I realize how truly lucky I am to have my folks. You honestly couldn't ask for a better pair of 'rents.
My boyfriend is amazing. Simply amazing. Ok, so he has this little issue where he doesn't understand the concept of time but other than that he's amazing. I have never felt so loved and so complete in my entire life. He works 40+ hours a week as a mechanic for the city buses plus he has a 24 hour mobile mechanic business that he does on the side. He works very, very hard to make sure that I don't have to work 2 jobs ever again (I've worked 2 jobs more times than I care to remember!) and to make sure I'm properly taken care of (ahem.... jewelry, flowers, Niagra Falls, etc). The great thing about him is that I don't ask for this kind of treatment. I have no problem working two jobs to help us out and I am super happy with home made cards as gifts. I do love my travels though! But again, I don't mind being the one that finances them.
My man is amazing with children. He loves them. All of them. He showed up an hour early to my friend's son's 1st birthday to help string elmo streamers throughout the house and stayed late to do dishes. He has more patience with children that most people I've met. I think partly because deep down he's a big kid himself :).
My number one issue with Andrew is that he doesn't have any concept of time and he never gets his honey do list done!! Damn him!!!! For example, yesterday I asked him to go to Colusa and buy our derby tickets. Instead he spent all day fixing a air compressor and shooting the shit with the painters. When I called to ask if he'd gone to Colusa yet he replied "nope but I'm getting ready to go right now!!!!" I had to point out that it was like 4 pm and the office would be closed by the time he got up there not to mention that he had a side job lined up at 5. That kind of stuff pisses me off to no end because I'm a time freak. I always know what time it is. I never get so lost in my freaking WORK that I forget what time it is and I love my job! I never stay mad for long though because he just looks too cute when he gets all excited telling me about how he organized his nuts and bolts today. It's kind of like when your cat brings you a dead mouse and you're supposed to reward it for bringing you a gift when inside you're horribly disgusted.
My friends are amazing. Most of them I've had since I was a wee little tyke and we've had the pleasure of growing up together and we look forward to watching our kids grow up together. It's just the small town way :). I might vent about my friends once in awhile but rest assured that I needed someone they'd be there in a jiffy! At least I like to tell myself that.... Since I have amazing parents I've never really had to put them to the test but I've been there for them a time or two so if nothing else they should help me out of sheer guilt.
But enough of my rambling! Botttom line: Nobody is as bad as I'm going to make them out during my bitch rants. In fact if they're mentioned in my blog at all it means they must be amazing people or I wouldn't bother with them (except of course the idiot traffic defendants).
I'm going to attempt pictures now. Let see if this works....

Gidgie needs a pool, BAD!
Gidgie's play boy pose....
My boyfriend is amazing. Simply amazing. Ok, so he has this little issue where he doesn't understand the concept of time but other than that he's amazing. I have never felt so loved and so complete in my entire life. He works 40+ hours a week as a mechanic for the city buses plus he has a 24 hour mobile mechanic business that he does on the side. He works very, very hard to make sure that I don't have to work 2 jobs ever again (I've worked 2 jobs more times than I care to remember!) and to make sure I'm properly taken care of (ahem.... jewelry, flowers, Niagra Falls, etc). The great thing about him is that I don't ask for this kind of treatment. I have no problem working two jobs to help us out and I am super happy with home made cards as gifts. I do love my travels though! But again, I don't mind being the one that finances them.
My man is amazing with children. He loves them. All of them. He showed up an hour early to my friend's son's 1st birthday to help string elmo streamers throughout the house and stayed late to do dishes. He has more patience with children that most people I've met. I think partly because deep down he's a big kid himself :).
My number one issue with Andrew is that he doesn't have any concept of time and he never gets his honey do list done!! Damn him!!!! For example, yesterday I asked him to go to Colusa and buy our derby tickets. Instead he spent all day fixing a air compressor and shooting the shit with the painters. When I called to ask if he'd gone to Colusa yet he replied "nope but I'm getting ready to go right now!!!!" I had to point out that it was like 4 pm and the office would be closed by the time he got up there not to mention that he had a side job lined up at 5. That kind of stuff pisses me off to no end because I'm a time freak. I always know what time it is. I never get so lost in my freaking WORK that I forget what time it is and I love my job! I never stay mad for long though because he just looks too cute when he gets all excited telling me about how he organized his nuts and bolts today. It's kind of like when your cat brings you a dead mouse and you're supposed to reward it for bringing you a gift when inside you're horribly disgusted.
My friends are amazing. Most of them I've had since I was a wee little tyke and we've had the pleasure of growing up together and we look forward to watching our kids grow up together. It's just the small town way :). I might vent about my friends once in awhile but rest assured that I needed someone they'd be there in a jiffy! At least I like to tell myself that.... Since I have amazing parents I've never really had to put them to the test but I've been there for them a time or two so if nothing else they should help me out of sheer guilt.
But enough of my rambling! Botttom line: Nobody is as bad as I'm going to make them out during my bitch rants. In fact if they're mentioned in my blog at all it means they must be amazing people or I wouldn't bother with them (except of course the idiot traffic defendants).
I'm going to attempt pictures now. Let see if this works....
Gidgie needs a pool, BAD!
Gidgie's play boy pose....
Let me clarify....
First of all let me say how incredibly excited I am that people actually read my blog! Yippeee!!!! I even got comments!!
Secondly it was brought to my attention that by blogging about only negative things it makes my life look really bad :(. My life is actually incredibly awesome.
Hold that thought... my dog just threw up everywhere.
Secondly it was brought to my attention that by blogging about only negative things it makes my life look really bad :(. My life is actually incredibly awesome.
Hold that thought... my dog just threw up everywhere.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
It's only Wednesday
So my day starts out with this girl at my counter who set up payments on her traffic citation back in January. Today is May 23. The girl hasn't made a single payment on her case in the entire 5 months and suprise!!! She got a late penalty of $300 (the law doesn't mess around with their late charges!). So she comes to my counter and in her bitchiest tone argues with me that she shouldn't have to pay the penalty because we didn't have her new address and she wasn't receiving her bills. I kindly explained to her that she KNEW she had a ticket and she KNEW she had set it up on payments so she shouldn't have waited 5 monts to contact us. Of course she went skitzo on me and I set her a court date so that the Judge could tell her again exactly what I told her at the counter. Come on people!!! What do you think would happen if you didn't pay your cell phone for 5 months? They'd shut if off! Do you think they care if you didn't receive your bills? No. Common sense would tell any human being that after a month or two with no bill you should probably contact your creditor and find out what's up.
So I come home for lunch and my boyfriend hasn't done a single productive thing all day. Instead he's chilling with the door wide open letting all the flies in while he shows his guns off to the painter. Now it's 6:15 pm and the painters are still here. Hmmm... maybe because they didn't get any work done because Andrew was pestering them all day? He didn't clean the dog kennel, he didn't buy our derby tickets, he didn't do diddly.
So I get home from work and the painters are still here with their crap spread out all over the front yard and the front door is taped shut. Lovely! The dog is going nuts trying to get outside but I can't let her out because we don't have a fence in the back yard right now. Oh, I guess I forgot to mention that there were people here rebuilding our fence today as well as painters and my idiot boyfriend. Now I cna't let the pooch out back because she'll run into my scary ghetto neighbor's yard. Yikes! She'll have to poop in the front yard until that fence gets fixed and God only knows when that will be!!!
Now I sit alone venting my irritation onto you poor, innocent souls. Andrew took off to do some side work (as usual) and I'm debating on whether or not to eat Mac and Cheese for dinner or rice and veggies..... Hmmm...... that's a hard call.
So I come home for lunch and my boyfriend hasn't done a single productive thing all day. Instead he's chilling with the door wide open letting all the flies in while he shows his guns off to the painter. Now it's 6:15 pm and the painters are still here. Hmmm... maybe because they didn't get any work done because Andrew was pestering them all day? He didn't clean the dog kennel, he didn't buy our derby tickets, he didn't do diddly.
So I get home from work and the painters are still here with their crap spread out all over the front yard and the front door is taped shut. Lovely! The dog is going nuts trying to get outside but I can't let her out because we don't have a fence in the back yard right now. Oh, I guess I forgot to mention that there were people here rebuilding our fence today as well as painters and my idiot boyfriend. Now I cna't let the pooch out back because she'll run into my scary ghetto neighbor's yard. Yikes! She'll have to poop in the front yard until that fence gets fixed and God only knows when that will be!!!
Now I sit alone venting my irritation onto you poor, innocent souls. Andrew took off to do some side work (as usual) and I'm debating on whether or not to eat Mac and Cheese for dinner or rice and veggies..... Hmmm...... that's a hard call.
Wow, I'm blogging!!!
So my friend blogs on this thing and I like to read her posts and I've often thought about blogging myself but I wasn't sure I'd know what to say. Today it came to me..... I'm going to use my blog to rant about everything that pisses me off in the world.
I'm not really that angry. In fact I like to think I can take a lot of things in stride. I'm confronted daily with things that make me scream but instead I smile, play nice, and bitch to my dearest friends and loved ones. Then today I realized that some techno geek who is probably friends with my brother invented blogs just so people like me can post stories about idiots for the whole world to read.
So let's start with a brief history. First of all I have no idea how to blog and how to make this thing pretty. I barely know how to spell!!! I'll probably misspell a lot of things so I apologize in advance. Does anyone know if this thing comes with spell check?? Second of all, I'm a 26 year old small town girl who lives in a small (but growing!!) county in Northern California. I live with my boyfriend (Andrew) and our dog (Gidget) in a semi - dumpy house. I'm tall, brunette, and fat. Most importantly I spend 40 hours a week working the counter in Traffic Court. That's right - TRAFFIC COURT. Y'all hate me already, I know. But I'm really not that bad! It's just that so many people are idiots.
If you live in my small county and you act like an asswipe at my window I'm probably gonna blog about you. Of course I can't use your real name because I would get fired but I'm gonna tell the whole world what an idiot you are and while I'm at it I'll hopefully shed some light as to why court clerks just aren't normally that nice.
I'm not really that angry. In fact I like to think I can take a lot of things in stride. I'm confronted daily with things that make me scream but instead I smile, play nice, and bitch to my dearest friends and loved ones. Then today I realized that some techno geek who is probably friends with my brother invented blogs just so people like me can post stories about idiots for the whole world to read.
So let's start with a brief history. First of all I have no idea how to blog and how to make this thing pretty. I barely know how to spell!!! I'll probably misspell a lot of things so I apologize in advance. Does anyone know if this thing comes with spell check?? Second of all, I'm a 26 year old small town girl who lives in a small (but growing!!) county in Northern California. I live with my boyfriend (Andrew) and our dog (Gidget) in a semi - dumpy house. I'm tall, brunette, and fat. Most importantly I spend 40 hours a week working the counter in Traffic Court. That's right - TRAFFIC COURT. Y'all hate me already, I know. But I'm really not that bad! It's just that so many people are idiots.
If you live in my small county and you act like an asswipe at my window I'm probably gonna blog about you. Of course I can't use your real name because I would get fired but I'm gonna tell the whole world what an idiot you are and while I'm at it I'll hopefully shed some light as to why court clerks just aren't normally that nice.
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