So far I've only received one bath set this year! Amazing, I know. The bad news is that I still have two more Christmas's to do this weekend. I guess my aunt and uncle from Texas are coming to visit with their kids so we're doing a Christmas on Saturday with my dad's mom and my dad's other sister and then on Sunday we're doing another Christmas with my dad's dad! My dad's dad always makes me jerky at Christmas time so I'm pretty excited about that.
So let's see... Christmas Eve Andrew and I both worked but he did slip out a tiny bit early so we rushed to his Aunt Cenza's house for their traditional Italian Christmas dinner with meatballs, garlic bread, salad, and what I thought was lasagna but I was told later it was Eggplant Parmesan. No matter, it was yummy anyhow! Then we went back to Andrew's parents house where we opened a gi-normous pile of gifts! It was madness! We only bought them a few things each 'cause we're on a budget and all but they went crazy! I got a jewelry box, a gift certificate for a photography lesson, slippers, 4 or 5 cd's, a bunch of wool socks that I love (I'm totally sporting my pink ones today with my black slacks and black shoes!), and all kinds of other misc stuff that's slipping my mind right now. We crashed at their house and then woke up Christmas morning and had pie for breakfast. My father in law to be watched the 24 hour marathan of The Christmas Story just like he does every year and he kept swearing that he's never got to watch it all the way through! I don't know how that could possibly be since I swear I watched it all the way through 6 times that night.
Christmas day we went out to my parents for some more yummy food and presents. My dad deep fries his turkey every year and it is soooo good. I know it sounds Redneck but it's good, I promise. And we are rednecks so it doesn't matter anyway! My folks hooked us up with a shop vac and some fancy egyptian cotton sheets. We got a lot of other little odds and ends too including a cd and a book that I wanted and a hammer that we needed :).
My brother and I have a tradition where we never wrap each other's gifts in wrapping paper. Ever. We always come up with something clever. He totally sucked this year and wrapped mine in aluminum foil and labeled it with a Sharpe. So been done before! I totally took the cake. First I wrapped his book in traditional wrapping paper. Then I wrapped it up in a bright yellow bag that my phone book got delivered in that said "Yellow Pages" all over it. Then I shoved it into an empty garbage bag box that I had. I thought it was good enough like that but Andrew grabbed a ceiling fan box that we had and threw it in there and then wrapped it with spill pads (you know, to catch the oil that drips from your car) and electrical tape. He topped it off with a bow he made from zip ties. It took my brother like 20 mins to open it! It was great.
For some reason my brother's inlaws gave him the game "You Might Be A Redneck..." and my brother is like totally metal, dresses in all dark colors, and has hair to his waist. I guess they figured he couldn't escape his roots. We broke it out Christmas night and while we were all expecting Andrew to take the cake my brother actually won! Good stuff!!!!
Christmas night Andrew lit a fire and we snuggled on the ground eating Pumpkin ice cream out of the carton. Our dogs came and laid down next to us too and it was so peaceful. We had all the lights off so it was just the Christmas lights and the fire and us with our ice cream. I wish every night could be that relaxed and romantic. But then again I guess that would take the charm out of things if it was the norm.
The day after Christmas I officially had to come back to work. No time off for me! Luckily we don't have any court going for 2 weeks so we've been able to play catch up. In fact I caught up on like day 1 since I was never behind so it's been a teeny wit boring for me but whatever! I'll take boring over court any day! In fact, I've just typed this whole blog while waiting for my coworker to return and relieve me for lunch. Wouldn't you know it, she just walked in.......
Friday, December 28, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
2 more days......
So Andrew and I have a bet going to see how many freaking bath sets I get for Christmas this year. I've already got one from my secret santa at work so the trend has already began. Now don't get me wrong, I like bath sets. The only problem is that I've received a minimum of 2 every year since like 1999 or something and while the body wash does get used regularly I can't say the same thing about the lotion or body sprays. I appreciate any gift that anyone gives me because it means they thought enough about me to want to give me something on Christmas. That or they felt guilty because I got them something last year but whatever.... But seriously people, I've got enough bath sets. Have you ever noticed how some people do that? They remember something you liked like 10 years ago and they buy it for you every year without a hitch. It's like frogs. When I was in high school I liked frogs and people would buy me frog stuff and such and it was cool. I'm hitching to be 27 now and I swear to you I still get frog stuff once in awhile. I accept it graciously of course but you have to wonder if the person giving it you has taken the time to notice that 10 years have gone by since you last asked for frog stuff.
I'm not trying to be ungrateful in the least. Like I've said before, if anyone takes the time to buy me a gift of any sort than it's special to me because it means they like me well enough to spend their money on me which makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I guess my real agenda here is to pat myself on the back for thinking up (or at least trying really hard to) original gifts every year. My brother made himself an amazon wish list which made my life sooooo much easier and dad just got food but everyone else I really tried to think of. I could have done better had I not been on such a serious budget but in any case I'm looking forward to handing out my gifts and seeing if I did good or not :).
In other news we're selling my car. I finally put my foot down and told Andrew we're selling it whether he likes it or not. There's absolutely no point in keeping it. We have two cars and his beater truck which he drives every day. I can't drive both cars at one time so one of them is always sitting. My car is the oldest and it's actually worth more than I owe (finally!!!!!!) so it's only logical to sell the damn thing and stop wasting $350 a month on a car that we hardly ever drive. So I got a brand new windshield on Friday and I'll be taking her to get smogged this week and then the ads are going out! I'm going to advertise on Craigs list and in the Pennysaver since I've had such great results from them in the past. I'm a little sad to see it go but I'm sure the money I save will more than make up for it.
On top of that I'm thinking about getting a second job. I loathe working two jobs but I really, really want to help pay for our wedding and I want to be able to afford an awesome honeymoon. Not to mention we have all kinds of debt we need to pay off before we can buy a house (credit cards, lasik surgery, student loans, my wedding rings...... ). Yuck! Even the idea of working two jobs make me feel ill. I say this not because I'm lazy but because I've worked two jobs many, many times in the past and I know what it does to you after awhile. It kicks your ass. You work 40 hours at one job dealing with assholes all day, then you rush off to your other job which is usually retail or something and you have shitty customers AND shitty management, then you rush home to gobble something up before hitting the sack and you wake up to do it all over again. Then on the 1/2 a day you MIGHT get off a week you have to run around like a meth addict trying to get all your laundry done and the grocery shopping done and somewhat clean your house. And forget real meals or spending time with friends and family. Not an option.
Now I know y'all are thinking "doesn't Andrew do side work to help with that stuff?" Yes, but it's pointless. He works these side jobs with his "business" to make money that he almost always puts directly back into his gas tank on the peice of shit truck that we wouldn't own if it wasn't for the "business." Not to mention all the crap he feels the need to buy for the "business." It's a huge joke if you ask me but you can't tell him that. Basically he spends all his time doing side work just to pay off expenses that we wouldn't have if he didn't do side work. But he's convinced that one day he'll become a sucessful business and he won't have to work a regular job, etc etc. I can't tell him it's a joke because then I won't be letting him chase his dreams and I would be a bad wife but it's really quite ridiculous. Plus he has no way of keeping track of anything other than a binder that he shoves all his work orders into and he doesn't want my help at all so undoubtably the IRS will come a'knocking at our door at some point at which point I'll remind him of his quote "It's my business and I'll run it the way I want to." Good luck with that, honey.
I'm not trying to be ungrateful in the least. Like I've said before, if anyone takes the time to buy me a gift of any sort than it's special to me because it means they like me well enough to spend their money on me which makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I guess my real agenda here is to pat myself on the back for thinking up (or at least trying really hard to) original gifts every year. My brother made himself an amazon wish list which made my life sooooo much easier and dad just got food but everyone else I really tried to think of. I could have done better had I not been on such a serious budget but in any case I'm looking forward to handing out my gifts and seeing if I did good or not :).
In other news we're selling my car. I finally put my foot down and told Andrew we're selling it whether he likes it or not. There's absolutely no point in keeping it. We have two cars and his beater truck which he drives every day. I can't drive both cars at one time so one of them is always sitting. My car is the oldest and it's actually worth more than I owe (finally!!!!!!) so it's only logical to sell the damn thing and stop wasting $350 a month on a car that we hardly ever drive. So I got a brand new windshield on Friday and I'll be taking her to get smogged this week and then the ads are going out! I'm going to advertise on Craigs list and in the Pennysaver since I've had such great results from them in the past. I'm a little sad to see it go but I'm sure the money I save will more than make up for it.
On top of that I'm thinking about getting a second job. I loathe working two jobs but I really, really want to help pay for our wedding and I want to be able to afford an awesome honeymoon. Not to mention we have all kinds of debt we need to pay off before we can buy a house (credit cards, lasik surgery, student loans, my wedding rings...... ). Yuck! Even the idea of working two jobs make me feel ill. I say this not because I'm lazy but because I've worked two jobs many, many times in the past and I know what it does to you after awhile. It kicks your ass. You work 40 hours at one job dealing with assholes all day, then you rush off to your other job which is usually retail or something and you have shitty customers AND shitty management, then you rush home to gobble something up before hitting the sack and you wake up to do it all over again. Then on the 1/2 a day you MIGHT get off a week you have to run around like a meth addict trying to get all your laundry done and the grocery shopping done and somewhat clean your house. And forget real meals or spending time with friends and family. Not an option.
Now I know y'all are thinking "doesn't Andrew do side work to help with that stuff?" Yes, but it's pointless. He works these side jobs with his "business" to make money that he almost always puts directly back into his gas tank on the peice of shit truck that we wouldn't own if it wasn't for the "business." Not to mention all the crap he feels the need to buy for the "business." It's a huge joke if you ask me but you can't tell him that. Basically he spends all his time doing side work just to pay off expenses that we wouldn't have if he didn't do side work. But he's convinced that one day he'll become a sucessful business and he won't have to work a regular job, etc etc. I can't tell him it's a joke because then I won't be letting him chase his dreams and I would be a bad wife but it's really quite ridiculous. Plus he has no way of keeping track of anything other than a binder that he shoves all his work orders into and he doesn't want my help at all so undoubtably the IRS will come a'knocking at our door at some point at which point I'll remind him of his quote "It's my business and I'll run it the way I want to." Good luck with that, honey.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Pictures from Vegas
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Home Sweet Home
I'm back from Vegas! Actually I got back Tuesday but it was late and yesterday I was way too tired to blog. So it was fun but I don't know if it was worth it. It was cold which is better than hot in Vegas for sure but my skin was dry and my jeans managed to chaff the skin off of the back of my knees. Don't ask me how. Then I walked so much that my little toe nail rubbed up against my 4th toe and rubbed some skin off. Not pleasant. That on top of the normal wear and tear you get from hiking it everywhere really did me in! We did ride the gondolas though which was fun and we did the Nascar simulation and I won!!!! Haha suckers! I didn't even want to race because I'd done it before and I know it makes me car sick so I was puttering around the track taking great precautions not to hit anything and I ended up winning! I guess all the guys were too busy ramming into each other and stuff to win. I know Andrew thought he was going to win for sure and he came in last place!!! That just cracks me up to no end.
Of course no trip of ours can be complete without a few issues though but luckily they waited until the end. So we get to the airport at 2:45 for our 4:00 flight because we don't have any baggage to check and we hate sitting at the airport waiting. We get to the counter because there is no kiosk to check in at and the guy tells us that all the flights are delayed and they are moving us to the 1:30 flight because it will be here before the 4:00 flight and they want to get us home as soon as possible. Then they tell us to haul ass to the gate so we did. We get there after practically running through the airport with Andrew leaving my ass behind because I could barely walk let alone hustle and the lady tells us that the 4:00 flight and the 1:30 flight are both going to leave at the same time, around 4:30. Ok, no problem. The people that work there are hella cool and they are having a competition to see who can board faster and blah blah blah. Then our luck kicked in. The 1:30 flight which we had been moved to has mechanical problems and it's delayed indefinitely. OH HELL NO. I whipped out my printed itinerary showing that I was originally on the 4:00 flight and they moved us to a different flight without us asking them to and now I'm being screwed. They said they would try to get us on the 4:00 flight anyway and they actually did. Plus we got to sit in the first row that has more leg room! So actually our luck wasn't horrible but our trip just couldn't have gone off without a hitch. That's just too easy!
In any case I'm glad to be home. I was dead from hauling ass around Vegas for 2 days, even with the tram rides we got! Plus it's as expensive as all hell. Maybe later I'll post pictures for now I have to check on my shortbread cookies :)
Of course no trip of ours can be complete without a few issues though but luckily they waited until the end. So we get to the airport at 2:45 for our 4:00 flight because we don't have any baggage to check and we hate sitting at the airport waiting. We get to the counter because there is no kiosk to check in at and the guy tells us that all the flights are delayed and they are moving us to the 1:30 flight because it will be here before the 4:00 flight and they want to get us home as soon as possible. Then they tell us to haul ass to the gate so we did. We get there after practically running through the airport with Andrew leaving my ass behind because I could barely walk let alone hustle and the lady tells us that the 4:00 flight and the 1:30 flight are both going to leave at the same time, around 4:30. Ok, no problem. The people that work there are hella cool and they are having a competition to see who can board faster and blah blah blah. Then our luck kicked in. The 1:30 flight which we had been moved to has mechanical problems and it's delayed indefinitely. OH HELL NO. I whipped out my printed itinerary showing that I was originally on the 4:00 flight and they moved us to a different flight without us asking them to and now I'm being screwed. They said they would try to get us on the 4:00 flight anyway and they actually did. Plus we got to sit in the first row that has more leg room! So actually our luck wasn't horrible but our trip just couldn't have gone off without a hitch. That's just too easy!
In any case I'm glad to be home. I was dead from hauling ass around Vegas for 2 days, even with the tram rides we got! Plus it's as expensive as all hell. Maybe later I'll post pictures for now I have to check on my shortbread cookies :)
Saturday, December 15, 2007
I'm off!
Tomorrow we set sail for Vegas! Woohoo!!!!! Andrew has never been before so I'm excited to show him around. I'm especially excited about not having to work on Monday and Tuesday and getting to sleep all night long uninterrupted for 2 nights in a row. Can't wait :)
I'm almost done Christmas shopping! I need to pick up one more thing for my soon to be father in law and Andrew's step grandpa and I'm done. I really need to send off my gifts for Canada ASAP or they won't make it in time for Christmas.
I booked a wedding photographer today, finally. I found him on Craig's list. I friend of mine told me that she found her photographer there that gave her everything she wanted within her budget so I thought I'd give it a try. I'm getting 200 4x6 prints, 20 5x7 prints, 5 8x10 prints, 2 11x14 prints, a flush mounted album (I prefer them to new trendier ones), 10 hours photography, engagement session with a framed 11x14 picture, 30 wallets, all the pictures on DVD, and 2 parent albums for $2,120. The best part is that his pictures are awesome and he has the best personality! Such a good deal!!! Or at least in my book it is because everyone I've talked to so far wants $3,000 minimum just to take the pictures and give you one album with no extra prints. I couldn't believe how many responses I got from the craig's list add! It was insane. Almost as insane as when I advertised in the penny save for the puppies only it's been spread out over a week instead of 20 calls in one day. In the end he had the best bang for my buck without comprising quality. So all the big stuff is officially done. Now onto the little stuff......
I think I'm going to attempt to make some fudge tonight. Last time I attempted it was disasterous.
Ok, seriously not to change the subject and all but my weirdo puppy just went in the bathroom to snuggle up by the toilet for the 2nd time today. What the hell is she thinking? I guess it's a good thing I cleaned it today. Ok, now she's chilling in the shower. Gidget must have stepped on her head one too many times 'cause it's freezing in here and I know she's not trying to cool down.

Anywho... back to the fudge. Last year mine didn't set and I followed the recipe to a T which is something I never seem to do. I'm going to try the recipe that claims to be No Fail. We'll see how that turns out. In any case I'll be over the stove/oven so at least I won't be cold. This house is so drafty. Damn rentals. I've got the heater set at 70 and a fire going and my fingers are still turning purple!
I'm almost done Christmas shopping! I need to pick up one more thing for my soon to be father in law and Andrew's step grandpa and I'm done. I really need to send off my gifts for Canada ASAP or they won't make it in time for Christmas.
I booked a wedding photographer today, finally. I found him on Craig's list. I friend of mine told me that she found her photographer there that gave her everything she wanted within her budget so I thought I'd give it a try. I'm getting 200 4x6 prints, 20 5x7 prints, 5 8x10 prints, 2 11x14 prints, a flush mounted album (I prefer them to new trendier ones), 10 hours photography, engagement session with a framed 11x14 picture, 30 wallets, all the pictures on DVD, and 2 parent albums for $2,120. The best part is that his pictures are awesome and he has the best personality! Such a good deal!!! Or at least in my book it is because everyone I've talked to so far wants $3,000 minimum just to take the pictures and give you one album with no extra prints. I couldn't believe how many responses I got from the craig's list add! It was insane. Almost as insane as when I advertised in the penny save for the puppies only it's been spread out over a week instead of 20 calls in one day. In the end he had the best bang for my buck without comprising quality. So all the big stuff is officially done. Now onto the little stuff......
I think I'm going to attempt to make some fudge tonight. Last time I attempted it was disasterous.
Ok, seriously not to change the subject and all but my weirdo puppy just went in the bathroom to snuggle up by the toilet for the 2nd time today. What the hell is she thinking? I guess it's a good thing I cleaned it today. Ok, now she's chilling in the shower. Gidget must have stepped on her head one too many times 'cause it's freezing in here and I know she's not trying to cool down.
Anywho... back to the fudge. Last year mine didn't set and I followed the recipe to a T which is something I never seem to do. I'm going to try the recipe that claims to be No Fail. We'll see how that turns out. In any case I'll be over the stove/oven so at least I won't be cold. This house is so drafty. Damn rentals. I've got the heater set at 70 and a fire going and my fingers are still turning purple!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
It's been awhile....
I've really been lacking on the blogging material lately. You can only talk about your puppies so much, you know? The last one is gone and now we're just working on training Cocoa. Horribly exciting, isn't it?
Last night we went to the CWA crab cippiono feed in Colusa. Andrew's parents are big into the CWA (California Waterfowl Association) so we go every year and spend loads of money. My parents went this year so that was cool. We bought $100 in raffle tickets which is the lowest amount you can spend and guess what we won? More raffle tickets. Woo-freaking-hoo. Those extra raffle tickets did nothing for us. The highlight of the evening was when my dad's cousin showed up out of nowhere and decided to sit with us. I guess he hasn't seen her in like 5 years or something. My mom and dad cut out after dinner as they refused to spend $100 on raffle tickets to win a gun that they don't want. Lucky them. I was stuck with the cousin who proceeded in getting utterly shitfaced and making a fool of herself and of course everyone kept asking ME about her as word had gotten out that I was somehow related. I wouldn't have even known she was family if it wasn't for my dad! Anyway, girl was sooo shitfaced that she was dancing in her chair to the auctioneer. I guess "$500 going once, going twice, sold for $500 to the man in the red hat" has a good beat to it. Then she stopped dancing and just bobbed and weaved in her chair for awhile looking totally comatose and severly disabled. Then she passed out with her head hanging backwards over her chair and her mouth wide open while she hiccupped. I bet y'all are thinking "why in god's name didn't her boyfriend take her ass out of there?" Well because he has bought $1,000 in raffle tickets andyou have to be present to win. And guess what? He did win. The very last prize. So I guess he stuck it out for good reasons but sheesh! Girl was seriously embarrassing me.
Tonight my folks are coming over for dinner for my mom's birthday. We're having tenderloin. Mm.... tenderloin. So yummy!
Oh! Next weekend we're going to Vegas for a few days. The Monte Carlo had rooms on sale for $50 a night and Virgin airlines had flights on sale for $39 so we thought what the hell!!! We're leaving Sunday night and returning Tuesday night so it will be a short trip but that's ok 'cause we're on a budget and Vegas can really suck the money out of you.
We're doing Secret Santa's at work and guess who I pulled. The damned new girl, Sara. Freaking figures! I've never spoken so much as a word to her! I had my friend do some detective work and all she could get out of the girl is she likes cherry scented stuff so I guess I'll get her some bath and body Cherry Blossom stuff and maybe some cherry lip gloss or something. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
Last night we went to the CWA crab cippiono feed in Colusa. Andrew's parents are big into the CWA (California Waterfowl Association) so we go every year and spend loads of money. My parents went this year so that was cool. We bought $100 in raffle tickets which is the lowest amount you can spend and guess what we won? More raffle tickets. Woo-freaking-hoo. Those extra raffle tickets did nothing for us. The highlight of the evening was when my dad's cousin showed up out of nowhere and decided to sit with us. I guess he hasn't seen her in like 5 years or something. My mom and dad cut out after dinner as they refused to spend $100 on raffle tickets to win a gun that they don't want. Lucky them. I was stuck with the cousin who proceeded in getting utterly shitfaced and making a fool of herself and of course everyone kept asking ME about her as word had gotten out that I was somehow related. I wouldn't have even known she was family if it wasn't for my dad! Anyway, girl was sooo shitfaced that she was dancing in her chair to the auctioneer. I guess "$500 going once, going twice, sold for $500 to the man in the red hat" has a good beat to it. Then she stopped dancing and just bobbed and weaved in her chair for awhile looking totally comatose and severly disabled. Then she passed out with her head hanging backwards over her chair and her mouth wide open while she hiccupped. I bet y'all are thinking "why in god's name didn't her boyfriend take her ass out of there?" Well because he has bought $1,000 in raffle tickets andyou have to be present to win. And guess what? He did win. The very last prize. So I guess he stuck it out for good reasons but sheesh! Girl was seriously embarrassing me.
Tonight my folks are coming over for dinner for my mom's birthday. We're having tenderloin. Mm.... tenderloin. So yummy!
Oh! Next weekend we're going to Vegas for a few days. The Monte Carlo had rooms on sale for $50 a night and Virgin airlines had flights on sale for $39 so we thought what the hell!!! We're leaving Sunday night and returning Tuesday night so it will be a short trip but that's ok 'cause we're on a budget and Vegas can really suck the money out of you.
We're doing Secret Santa's at work and guess who I pulled. The damned new girl, Sara. Freaking figures! I've never spoken so much as a word to her! I had my friend do some detective work and all she could get out of the girl is she likes cherry scented stuff so I guess I'll get her some bath and body Cherry Blossom stuff and maybe some cherry lip gloss or something. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
So I leave you now with some pictures. Don't mind my bangs, they were horribly misbehaving. The folks in the crab bibs are my parents :)
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Bad Panhandlers and Puppies
I was walking out of the mall today with my hands full of very heavy bags and a lady wearing sweatpants and a big jacket with a pastic bag in her hand and a kid and old lady at her side asked me if I was willing to make a donation to something (I wasn't really listening as I could tell from the get go they were panhandlers). I turned her down for a multitude of reasons. First of all, if you're going to ask for money on the streets don't involve your kid and your mom. That's just wrong. Second of all, don't cruise the parking lots carrying your newest purchase with you as you go. Third of all, be honest. If you need money for whatever reason just tell people you need money. Don't try to talk them into making a donation to some non existent cause while wearing your pj's and huge winter jacket. Get a cardboard sign and sit at the entrance like every other bum in town. Fourthly, my hands were about to break off and there's no way I was going to stop my hustle to the car for such an un original attempt at getting other people's money. Now I'm not one to automatically say no to all panhandlers. There are days when I will give them a couple bucks and I'm always willing to pour my change into those salvation army collection bins. That lady just didn't do it for me.
Speaking of the salvation army bell dingers..... They set up shop at the post office. BASTARDS. I go there 6 days a week. There's no way I can afford that so now I have to feel guilty everytime I walk by and don't donate. Especially when the bell dinger smiles at me and says hello.
So we're down to just one puppy to sell. It's cuddle bug, the one I considered keeping for a second. Boy am I glad I didn't! The little bastard is a barker and he has waaaaay too much energy. I've been letting him in the house because I have to let Cocoa learn how to be a house dog and it's just not fair to make him stay outside but I'll tell you what - he's a handful. Within 20 mins today he shit by the door, ran around the house with my kitchen floor mat, chewed on the back of my pants while I was trying to unload the groceries, chewed on the paper towells I bought, and tried to drag Cocoa around by her neck. I booted the puppies back outside and now I can hear his bastard ass barking. It's freaking wonderful considering that we just called the sheriff to do a welfare check on the consistent barker next door. Now they'll have reason to retailiate. Oh how I love neighbors.
So the sheriff that did the welfare check on the dog next door said he's fine. Granted he has no shelter from the 36 degree nights, no food, and no water but he's fine. I guess our dogs are treated as royalty then if that's fine. The sheriff did say that they've been called out to that house quite a few times in concern for that dog. Hmm... and you haven't gotten the hint yet? At least write the idiots a ticket for a barking dog. It's the least you can do. Now other dogs on the block bark as well (including mine!) but this is a non stop, consistent, I'm-freezing--lonely-and-hungry bark. I'm just waiting for the day when I come home from work and find his ass snuggled up in our backyard on one of the puppies blankets (they have two out back) under the heat lamp munching away on the puppy kibble!
Speaking of the salvation army bell dingers..... They set up shop at the post office. BASTARDS. I go there 6 days a week. There's no way I can afford that so now I have to feel guilty everytime I walk by and don't donate. Especially when the bell dinger smiles at me and says hello.
So we're down to just one puppy to sell. It's cuddle bug, the one I considered keeping for a second. Boy am I glad I didn't! The little bastard is a barker and he has waaaaay too much energy. I've been letting him in the house because I have to let Cocoa learn how to be a house dog and it's just not fair to make him stay outside but I'll tell you what - he's a handful. Within 20 mins today he shit by the door, ran around the house with my kitchen floor mat, chewed on the back of my pants while I was trying to unload the groceries, chewed on the paper towells I bought, and tried to drag Cocoa around by her neck. I booted the puppies back outside and now I can hear his bastard ass barking. It's freaking wonderful considering that we just called the sheriff to do a welfare check on the consistent barker next door. Now they'll have reason to retailiate. Oh how I love neighbors.
So the sheriff that did the welfare check on the dog next door said he's fine. Granted he has no shelter from the 36 degree nights, no food, and no water but he's fine. I guess our dogs are treated as royalty then if that's fine. The sheriff did say that they've been called out to that house quite a few times in concern for that dog. Hmm... and you haven't gotten the hint yet? At least write the idiots a ticket for a barking dog. It's the least you can do. Now other dogs on the block bark as well (including mine!) but this is a non stop, consistent, I'm-freezing--lonely-and-hungry bark. I'm just waiting for the day when I come home from work and find his ass snuggled up in our backyard on one of the puppies blankets (they have two out back) under the heat lamp munching away on the puppy kibble!
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