Just a few of things I put in my tummy today....
Oh, and some kettle corn and a tri tip sandwich. So yummy! It was such a perfect day at Apple Hill! The weather was unbeatable. It was actually kind of chilly at home but it was perfect once we got up there. Even a little warm at times. The taste of Harvest thing we were looking forward to was lame. There was one itty bitty table with some cheese and some apples. Big whoop. Needless to say we didn't spend too much time at that particular stop. I wanted to buy some pumpkins but I know that they will be icky by the time Halloween comes around. Plus I don't know what kind of pumpkins you use for cooking and Andrew wants me to try to make a homemade pumpkin pie. Actually, I say Andrew wants me too but really I'm curious to see if I can do it :). He just encourages me because he loves pumpkin. We were so freaking excited when we saw the pumpkin ice cream out in stores. We bought 2 containers and then I went back for 2 more a week later. Now I'm going to have to be crazy about apples because we bought a 20 lb box at Apple Hill. I'm going to make a big apple crisp and give some to my coworker and some to my sister in law because they are both crazy about apples. Personally I'm not a huge fan unless they are covered in caramel or baked in a pie. Maybe I'll attempt an apple pie this year too.... I'm actually a little disappointed because I was looking forward to some caramel toffee apple pie that I saw advertised on the apple hill website but I couldn't find any! Bastards.
On a totally different note Gidget stinks really bad and I swear the smell of the puppy piss is penetrating the clothes that we still have in the closet. They must be moved. As much as I love them I can't go into public smelling like puppy pee. Plus I'm suppossedly hosting a bunko party at my house on Oct 19 and I can't have people coming over when the house smells like this. It just ain't right. Once they get moved I'm going to shampoo the whole house again. Frankie isn't around anymore so I'm free to do some hard core carpet cleaning once the puppies get booted.
Andrew's BBQ'ing tri tip for dinner tonight. Guess he didn't get enough in the tri tip sandwich we ate earlier. Mmm.... tri tip. I never buy it 'cause I insist on trying to buy healthy foods. Ok, Gidget really stinks. I can't be on the computer anymore because I can't breathe....
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
Banana cake anyone?
We had a pot luck at work today that was supposed to be Mexican themed. I never follow the rules of course so I decided to make this banana - sour cream cake that I saw in the Raley's magazine. I had made it once before and Andrew gobbled it up so I gave it a shot again and everyone loved it! One of my coworkers even proposed to me (jokingly) because he thinks I'm such a good cook! I was really surprised and happy. I mean, I don't think I'm a horrible cook or anything but I'm nothing special either. I have a few tricks up my sleeve and apparently this is one of my new ones! I just love when you make something that everyone likes :).
Tomorrow I'm off to Apple Hill!!! Woohoo!!! Then Sunday I'm getting together with my mom, mother in law to be, aunt, and cousin (maid of honor) to look over the wedding site and decide what we're going to need and how we're going to set things up. Should be fun. I feel like I'm jumping the gun on my wedding planning but people want sooo much notice for their services! Once I get everything figured out and booked I'm hoping I'll be able to relax a little bit.
The puppies are growing like weeds! I'm about ready to give them the boot to the garage because they're reeking up my house something awful! At least they're blocked into my closet so it's a relatively small area to clean up. We've already shampooed in there once after they were born and it's horrible already. I didn't know the little bastards could piss so much. We've got a box set up for them in the garage but we need to put up some fencing around it so that they don't get out and get into anything harmful. In order to put up the fencing we need to get paid by one of our customers who is thiscloes to NOT being our customer anymore because he's been jerking us around lately. He was supposed to pay us $900 on the 25th. It's now the 28th and he refuses to answer our calls. Of course he still expects Andrew to do work for him while he refuses to pay us. Time to cut him off. Bastard.
Speaking of bastards, I'm still mad at Andrew's father! GRRR..... He STILL hasn't given my the pictures of my trip! His computer sucked all my photos off my camera a month ago when I was in Canada and I've been begging them to upload the photos onto a website for me. Do you think they've done it? Yeah right. 'Cause you know, it's so freaking hard to set the pictures to upload and then go to sleep. If I was in their position I would have done it right away. Maybe that's just because I know how important pictures are to people. Especially when they're pictures of the weekend YOU GOT ENGAGED AT NIAGARA FALLS. I could scream. Really. Needless to say they did not get an engagement announcement and they will not be receiving a wedding invitation (but that's mostly 'cause they drive me insane).
Tomorrow I'm off to Apple Hill!!! Woohoo!!! Then Sunday I'm getting together with my mom, mother in law to be, aunt, and cousin (maid of honor) to look over the wedding site and decide what we're going to need and how we're going to set things up. Should be fun. I feel like I'm jumping the gun on my wedding planning but people want sooo much notice for their services! Once I get everything figured out and booked I'm hoping I'll be able to relax a little bit.
The puppies are growing like weeds! I'm about ready to give them the boot to the garage because they're reeking up my house something awful! At least they're blocked into my closet so it's a relatively small area to clean up. We've already shampooed in there once after they were born and it's horrible already. I didn't know the little bastards could piss so much. We've got a box set up for them in the garage but we need to put up some fencing around it so that they don't get out and get into anything harmful. In order to put up the fencing we need to get paid by one of our customers who is thiscloes to NOT being our customer anymore because he's been jerking us around lately. He was supposed to pay us $900 on the 25th. It's now the 28th and he refuses to answer our calls. Of course he still expects Andrew to do work for him while he refuses to pay us. Time to cut him off. Bastard.
Speaking of bastards, I'm still mad at Andrew's father! GRRR..... He STILL hasn't given my the pictures of my trip! His computer sucked all my photos off my camera a month ago when I was in Canada and I've been begging them to upload the photos onto a website for me. Do you think they've done it? Yeah right. 'Cause you know, it's so freaking hard to set the pictures to upload and then go to sleep. If I was in their position I would have done it right away. Maybe that's just because I know how important pictures are to people. Especially when they're pictures of the weekend YOU GOT ENGAGED AT NIAGARA FALLS. I could scream. Really. Needless to say they did not get an engagement announcement and they will not be receiving a wedding invitation (but that's mostly 'cause they drive me insane).
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Day 3 with the babies
Today we had to take Gidget and the puppies in for a check up and to get the due claws removed from the babies. They have to have them removed because they were bred to be hunting dogs and hunting dogs run a huge risk of getting the due claws caught on something and having them get in infected or having them ripped out all together. Not a pretty picture! Andrew and I both went 'cause one momma and 8 babies is alot to handle. Surprisingly everyone is doing well even though Gidget refuses to drink any water. The vet said as long as we feed her wet food and add water to it she should be ok.

This is a pretty exciting week for me! Other than having puppies I get to see my friend Rashell on Thursday when she comes to visit me. She's a craft designer so she's going to see about making me some wedding invitations :). Fun, fun! Plus I just like to see her once in awhile since we don't get to visit very often. Saturday is going to be the 3rd time I've seen Carina in the last couple of months!!!! Woohoo!!!!!!!! I normally only see Carina like twice a year so this is a special treat. Even better, we're going to Apple Hill for a tasting event they are having up there. Oh how I do love food..... Probably how I got so fat but sometimes I think it's a fair trade.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
My dog Gidget just had 7 puppies today. 4 girls and 3 boys. They are so cute! I feel bad for my little Gidgie though 'cause she's hungry and sleepy and those little babies are all over her and they are making cute little puppy noises. I think those noises are going to become not so cute Sunday night when I try to go to sleep and I have to wake up early! Not to mention that they are in my bedroom closet.... But for now they are horribly cute :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Death to me!
I just had a customer with the WORST B.O. EVER!!!! I literally couldn't talk because I couldn't breathe. Luckily his ticket wasn't here yet and I got rid of him quick. Oh my god.... it's still lingering. I seriously might die.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Double Bah!
How come everytime I try to scan through blogs to read people's drama I only come across crap? It's either in another language, porn, or an add. WTF? Is there something that I don't know? How do you find the real people? Grr.... Today I found a pick up for sale, All About Al Gore, and porn, porn, porn! Oh and the 800 million blogs in another language that I'll never understand!
I'm still sick. This is not good. Two people have told me I'm probably pregnant already. Can't a girl get sick without being preggers? Ok, so I was secretly thinking I might be too, that's why I took the test. In the meantime I'm miserable. Can't eat, sleep too much, feel hungry but dread food. This is no life. Andrew is on a side job again. I wish I knew how to put an angry face in here because I would. Not that I'm mad at Andrew, I'm angry at the lack of cuddling going on in my bed right now. Boy works too hard. But then again we do have a wedding to put on. My mom and dad said they're going to help out alot which will be nice because we are poor, poor, poor! I'm trying to wait up for him which is why I'm rambling on and on right now. Trying to stay awake. Can't drink soda, bad things happen when I put stuff in my tumtum.
In October I'm going to walk for Breast Cancer. Hey wait - It's a damned Sunday! That means the boy can't go with me! Damn his job! Anyway, y'all should come join us. It's for a good cause and all. Only draw back is that you have to get up early. On a Sunday. Booo!
In October I'm going to walk for Breast Cancer. Hey wait - It's a damned Sunday! That means the boy can't go with me! Damn his job! Anyway, y'all should come join us. It's for a good cause and all. Only draw back is that you have to get up early. On a Sunday. Booo!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Barfing and pregnancy tests
So I've been nauseated the last week for no particular reason and today I lost my lunch shortly after eating it. I decided that I might be pregnant so I went to the local Walgreens to buy a pregnancy test. Low and behold my damned brother was in there! Blah! So I told him I was there to buy medicine 'cause I was ill (which was true) and left out the part about the pregnancy test. I'm not pregnant just in case you're wondering, just dying. Poor little Andrew was quite disappointed because he wants a baby BAD but we can't afford ourselves, let alone a screaming poop machine! I told him we could get on the baby bandwagon as soon as we get back from our honeymoon..... which I'm planning for like 4 months after our wedding...... which is next spring.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
I'm alive!
As if you non-exisentent readers cared!
So here's the latest:
Went to Canada, it sucked. Got engaged at Niagara Falls. That didn't suck. Now I'm getting hitched and it turns out I have a lot of planning to do. But woohoo! I'm getting married! And my ring is soooo pretty :) My hand, however, is scary.
I went to my 3rd Taste of Chico last weekend. I do love the Taste of Chico! Yummy food..... After we ate Brigette suggested swimming. She failed to mention that Carina's pool was 20 below. Yikes! I'd rather just stay inside and play scattegories. Oh! Oh! We had gelato at a new sweet shoppe in Chico! I love gelato! So much in fact that I went back and got more after the taste of chico was over. I know, I know - I'm a pig. But hey, I didn't get this chorizo arms eating salad! Carinie Beans and I decided to make a date to go to Apple Hill in a few weeks and take the boys. I'm so excited! I love Apple Hill! Plus it's a special treat to see Carinie Beans 2 times in one month. If you happen to stumble across this post before sept 14 you should stop by her page and wish her a happy birthday.
Umm... other than that life is same ol', same ol'. Gidget is preggers and she's uncomfortable. Oh and she stinks but what's new? Andrew is hoping for like 15 puppies, I'm rooting for more like 3. I'll keep you updated on the final count.
So back to Niagara Falls....
It's a must do! It was so romantic and Andrew proposed to me on Table Rock at the bottom of the falls while we were looking up at them. Then we rode the maid of the mist and ate dinner in the revolving dining room in the Skylon tower. I'd do it over again in a heartbeat! What I wouldn't do over again was stay with Andrew's dad..... At least not for more than a few days! I totally support Andrew having a relationship with his father and if he wants to go up there every year I'm ok with that. I'm just not going. He basically left me alone at home with his wife and 3 kids while he took Andrew out and about and he almost didn't let us go to Niagara Falls! I finally just booked a room and said that Andrew and I are going come hell or high water. It had it's good points and it had it's bad. For me it was a little more bad than it was good. I much prefer the company of Andrew's mom :).
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