Monday, August 13, 2007
Side note
I am getting married however I am not officially engaged which is why y'all haven't heard anything about it yet. The boy and I decided to get married awhile ago but I wanted to be together for at least a year before we seriously comtemplated it. That year is up so we're giving 'er a shot. Once I get my ring all picked out then we can buy it, announce it, and start planning it!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Under the Boardwalk......
Last week sucked. So much in fact that I refuse to talk about it. Let's just say that it didn't stop at Willy Nelson's cousin. Oh no, I had to deal with a lady who said she was a member of the Eastern Orthodox Corinthians or some shit and because she was a LEO it was her birth right to be entitled to free insurance and financial assistance and she wanted me to petition the Gods to pay for her citation. If any of that makes any sense to anybody please fill me in because I'm completely lost. I'm just going to go ahead and assume that she's in a cult and she's a wack job.
Now on to the good news. Andrew and I decided yesterday to take a cruise down to Santa Cruz since he had never been. We didn't leave the house until like 12:30 and the traffic was INSANE but we finally arrived around 3. The damn weather channel lied to my ass though as it was not 69 degrees and partly cloudy but 400 degrees and CROWDED. Ekk! That does not bring me glee. I managed to convince Andrew to mini golf with me inside Neptune's Kingdom which was loads of fun. They have a killer mini golf course there. It's all about pirates and they have a black light section and canons that blow every once in awhile. It brought me much glee. Except for the part where I sucked and was like 15 points over par but whatever. I had fun and that's all that matters. Then we ate clam chowder in a bread bowl and hit the road. I always enjoy our Saturday's together because it's the only day that we get to hang out just the two of us.
So I have some amazing news. Logan's Roadhouse is coming to Natomas!!!!!!!!! I know, it's freaking amazing!!! That's only like 15 mins from here. I'm so freaking excited I can't hardly see straight. I love me some Logan's rolls. Mmmmmm....... I'm salivating (don't worry Weenie I'm not drooling on your computer). In other non related news I think I found my wedding set today at Jared's. The boy and I are going to go over tomorrow and take another look see but I think it's awesome and it's reasonably priced too! Oh and I loved our sales lady. If you're in the market go see Candice at Jared's in Roseville. She's awesome. Really. I'll try to post a picture if I can. It's nothing crazy, just a simple wedding set that sparkles real pretty like on my finger :). I love it.
Now on to the good news. Andrew and I decided yesterday to take a cruise down to Santa Cruz since he had never been. We didn't leave the house until like 12:30 and the traffic was INSANE but we finally arrived around 3. The damn weather channel lied to my ass though as it was not 69 degrees and partly cloudy but 400 degrees and CROWDED. Ekk! That does not bring me glee. I managed to convince Andrew to mini golf with me inside Neptune's Kingdom which was loads of fun. They have a killer mini golf course there. It's all about pirates and they have a black light section and canons that blow every once in awhile. It brought me much glee. Except for the part where I sucked and was like 15 points over par but whatever. I had fun and that's all that matters. Then we ate clam chowder in a bread bowl and hit the road. I always enjoy our Saturday's together because it's the only day that we get to hang out just the two of us.
So I have some amazing news. Logan's Roadhouse is coming to Natomas!!!!!!!!! I know, it's freaking amazing!!! That's only like 15 mins from here. I'm so freaking excited I can't hardly see straight. I love me some Logan's rolls. Mmmmmm....... I'm salivating (don't worry Weenie I'm not drooling on your computer). In other non related news I think I found my wedding set today at Jared's. The boy and I are going to go over tomorrow and take another look see but I think it's awesome and it's reasonably priced too! Oh and I loved our sales lady. If you're in the market go see Candice at Jared's in Roseville. She's awesome. Really. I'll try to post a picture if I can. It's nothing crazy, just a simple wedding set that sparkles real pretty like on my finger :). I love it.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007
My week so far....
Yesterday was an interesting day at Traffic Court. A lady in drug court claimed that she was having a heart attack. The paramedics were called, the fire trucks showed up, we were all concerned. Turns out that she was just suffering from a possible bug bite. Now I'm not a medical expert but in my world a bug bite is pretty easily distinguishable from a heart attack. Especially since the exterminator had just came on Friday and I personally showed him around. Sounds to me like someone was just trying to get out of going to jail on a dirty drug test.
Today a fellor we call Willie Nelson's cousin shows up asking me to call the Davis Police Dept for him to ask about a ticket he got for ghost riding on a lady's bicycle. He said he crashed and he was scared so he gave the citation to the lady and hid. Now he wants info. Willie Nelson's cousin is mentally ill in the most annoying of ways. You can't get rid of him. Period. I finally had to call security to get him out of my window because you couldn't reason with him. No way am I going to let him use my phone to call the DPD on a ticket that he doesn't even have in his possession. So he goes to the next window and pisses my coworker off with the same thing. Eventually after he's pissed everyone off at least twice he leaves.
Then the mail comes. As I'm sorting the mail I see a letter addressed to A. Schwartzanegger (sp?). I open it up and there's a birthday card inside signed by Blue Whale Bill, Sausalito, Guam 1969. WTF? It gets better. He also sent in a check which was completely blank except the spot where he was suppossed to sign. In that spot he wrote "# of laws in California?" On his courtesy notice he wrote all kinds of jargon about radar number infinity and "yes....... your honor..... and mine." He signed it "with love" and his DL number instead of his name and put the expiration date of JJ/22 for his credit card. Now I know they are making cards last longer and longer these days but I somehow think that he's getting a little ahead of himself with JJ/22. I mean we're not just talking 2022. We're talking whatever year in the future in which they start using letters instead of numbers to identify the month and date a card expires. Good times people! Luckily he wasn't my problem.
So I've been having a rough time lately. Not really rough, rough but not good. Work is getting on my last nerve. I feel like I get critized for alot of shit that shouldn't even be my fault. For example, a man had a fine of $134 OR he could fix it and pay only $10. He sent me $110. I sent the check back (which used to be the procedure) and we had an old address on file so it came back to us. The clerk that was opening the mail didn't notice there was a check in there and dumped it and that's my fault because I sent the letter back. What REALLY burned my hide is that the boss asked the lead clerk what she thinks and the lead clerk went along with the boss even though she's told me time after time to send checks back because it's easier than posting them and having to deal with refunds. Of course she would never cope to this though when I could just get in trouble instead. One of the things I've always disliked about my boss is that she'll have a procedure and then one day something will go wrong and all of a sudden the old procedure never existed and I had totally made everything up. It's frustrating! I could go on more but I'll spare you the details. Bottom line is I'm frustrated at work.
I'm also frustrated with Andrew working so much! He's never home and it drives me crazy. Not only does it get old going to be alone every night and never knowing when he's going to come home but I'm starting to get upset because I can't rely on him for anything. Like tonight - we invited a guest over for dinner and he said he'd BBQ. It turns out that he had to end up going to work and then a side job and I was left to handle it myself. I'm also left with handling the yard work which I hate and taking care of the dog and normal house stuff and everything else. Plus he can't keep promises he makes because he never has enough time. He was supposed to fix my grandma's brakes on Saturday and he still hasn't made time for it. You can only imagine how often he tells me we're going to do something and then ends up working instead. I know he's trying to make us money and that he's trying to start a business so I try to be patient but it's getting old.
Yesterday after work I was walking off a curb and the next thing I know I was on my hands and knees in the street with my purse scattered everywhere. That's right, I ate shit. The worst part is that it was in front of everyone as it was 5 pm and we were all heading out to our cars. Talk about embarrassing! Plus I had dirty hands and dirty knees to show for it so I couldn't exactly pretend that it didn't happen. Life's a peach!
Today a fellor we call Willie Nelson's cousin shows up asking me to call the Davis Police Dept for him to ask about a ticket he got for ghost riding on a lady's bicycle. He said he crashed and he was scared so he gave the citation to the lady and hid. Now he wants info. Willie Nelson's cousin is mentally ill in the most annoying of ways. You can't get rid of him. Period. I finally had to call security to get him out of my window because you couldn't reason with him. No way am I going to let him use my phone to call the DPD on a ticket that he doesn't even have in his possession. So he goes to the next window and pisses my coworker off with the same thing. Eventually after he's pissed everyone off at least twice he leaves.
Then the mail comes. As I'm sorting the mail I see a letter addressed to A. Schwartzanegger (sp?). I open it up and there's a birthday card inside signed by Blue Whale Bill, Sausalito, Guam 1969. WTF? It gets better. He also sent in a check which was completely blank except the spot where he was suppossed to sign. In that spot he wrote "# of laws in California?" On his courtesy notice he wrote all kinds of jargon about radar number infinity and "yes....... your honor..... and mine." He signed it "with love" and his DL number instead of his name and put the expiration date of JJ/22 for his credit card. Now I know they are making cards last longer and longer these days but I somehow think that he's getting a little ahead of himself with JJ/22. I mean we're not just talking 2022. We're talking whatever year in the future in which they start using letters instead of numbers to identify the month and date a card expires. Good times people! Luckily he wasn't my problem.
So I've been having a rough time lately. Not really rough, rough but not good. Work is getting on my last nerve. I feel like I get critized for alot of shit that shouldn't even be my fault. For example, a man had a fine of $134 OR he could fix it and pay only $10. He sent me $110. I sent the check back (which used to be the procedure) and we had an old address on file so it came back to us. The clerk that was opening the mail didn't notice there was a check in there and dumped it and that's my fault because I sent the letter back. What REALLY burned my hide is that the boss asked the lead clerk what she thinks and the lead clerk went along with the boss even though she's told me time after time to send checks back because it's easier than posting them and having to deal with refunds. Of course she would never cope to this though when I could just get in trouble instead. One of the things I've always disliked about my boss is that she'll have a procedure and then one day something will go wrong and all of a sudden the old procedure never existed and I had totally made everything up. It's frustrating! I could go on more but I'll spare you the details. Bottom line is I'm frustrated at work.
I'm also frustrated with Andrew working so much! He's never home and it drives me crazy. Not only does it get old going to be alone every night and never knowing when he's going to come home but I'm starting to get upset because I can't rely on him for anything. Like tonight - we invited a guest over for dinner and he said he'd BBQ. It turns out that he had to end up going to work and then a side job and I was left to handle it myself. I'm also left with handling the yard work which I hate and taking care of the dog and normal house stuff and everything else. Plus he can't keep promises he makes because he never has enough time. He was supposed to fix my grandma's brakes on Saturday and he still hasn't made time for it. You can only imagine how often he tells me we're going to do something and then ends up working instead. I know he's trying to make us money and that he's trying to start a business so I try to be patient but it's getting old.
Yesterday after work I was walking off a curb and the next thing I know I was on my hands and knees in the street with my purse scattered everywhere. That's right, I ate shit. The worst part is that it was in front of everyone as it was 5 pm and we were all heading out to our cars. Talk about embarrassing! Plus I had dirty hands and dirty knees to show for it so I couldn't exactly pretend that it didn't happen. Life's a peach!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Visit from an old friend
So the other morning I was laying in bed trying to sleep as Frankie was biting me and I was thinking of my old friend Chris who now lives in Washington D.C. I think about Chris from time to time as I really enjoyed our friendship and I miss him much but that day I told myself that as soon as I got a free moment I would send him an email and hope that he responds. So I get to work and I pop into my email account and low and behold there's an email from Chris!!!! I hadn't talked to him in about a year's time and it gave me goosebumps to see that he had been thinking about me on the very day that I had a promise to myself to get in touch with him. What's even crazier is that he was reminded of my while reading an article about people getting stopped at the Canadian border because of youthful indescritions and he began laughing because he could totally see that happening to me. The scary part is that he had absolutely no idea that I am actually headed to Canada in 2 weeks! It absolutely blows my mind the way the world works sometimes. I can't even begin to explain it but it sure put a huge smile on my face :).
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