Friday, December 28, 2007
Christmas Recap
So let's see... Christmas Eve Andrew and I both worked but he did slip out a tiny bit early so we rushed to his Aunt Cenza's house for their traditional Italian Christmas dinner with meatballs, garlic bread, salad, and what I thought was lasagna but I was told later it was Eggplant Parmesan. No matter, it was yummy anyhow! Then we went back to Andrew's parents house where we opened a gi-normous pile of gifts! It was madness! We only bought them a few things each 'cause we're on a budget and all but they went crazy! I got a jewelry box, a gift certificate for a photography lesson, slippers, 4 or 5 cd's, a bunch of wool socks that I love (I'm totally sporting my pink ones today with my black slacks and black shoes!), and all kinds of other misc stuff that's slipping my mind right now. We crashed at their house and then woke up Christmas morning and had pie for breakfast. My father in law to be watched the 24 hour marathan of The Christmas Story just like he does every year and he kept swearing that he's never got to watch it all the way through! I don't know how that could possibly be since I swear I watched it all the way through 6 times that night.
Christmas day we went out to my parents for some more yummy food and presents. My dad deep fries his turkey every year and it is soooo good. I know it sounds Redneck but it's good, I promise. And we are rednecks so it doesn't matter anyway! My folks hooked us up with a shop vac and some fancy egyptian cotton sheets. We got a lot of other little odds and ends too including a cd and a book that I wanted and a hammer that we needed :).
My brother and I have a tradition where we never wrap each other's gifts in wrapping paper. Ever. We always come up with something clever. He totally sucked this year and wrapped mine in aluminum foil and labeled it with a Sharpe. So been done before! I totally took the cake. First I wrapped his book in traditional wrapping paper. Then I wrapped it up in a bright yellow bag that my phone book got delivered in that said "Yellow Pages" all over it. Then I shoved it into an empty garbage bag box that I had. I thought it was good enough like that but Andrew grabbed a ceiling fan box that we had and threw it in there and then wrapped it with spill pads (you know, to catch the oil that drips from your car) and electrical tape. He topped it off with a bow he made from zip ties. It took my brother like 20 mins to open it! It was great.
For some reason my brother's inlaws gave him the game "You Might Be A Redneck..." and my brother is like totally metal, dresses in all dark colors, and has hair to his waist. I guess they figured he couldn't escape his roots. We broke it out Christmas night and while we were all expecting Andrew to take the cake my brother actually won! Good stuff!!!!
Christmas night Andrew lit a fire and we snuggled on the ground eating Pumpkin ice cream out of the carton. Our dogs came and laid down next to us too and it was so peaceful. We had all the lights off so it was just the Christmas lights and the fire and us with our ice cream. I wish every night could be that relaxed and romantic. But then again I guess that would take the charm out of things if it was the norm.
The day after Christmas I officially had to come back to work. No time off for me! Luckily we don't have any court going for 2 weeks so we've been able to play catch up. In fact I caught up on like day 1 since I was never behind so it's been a teeny wit boring for me but whatever! I'll take boring over court any day! In fact, I've just typed this whole blog while waiting for my coworker to return and relieve me for lunch. Wouldn't you know it, she just walked in.......
Sunday, December 23, 2007
2 more days......
I'm not trying to be ungrateful in the least. Like I've said before, if anyone takes the time to buy me a gift of any sort than it's special to me because it means they like me well enough to spend their money on me which makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I guess my real agenda here is to pat myself on the back for thinking up (or at least trying really hard to) original gifts every year. My brother made himself an amazon wish list which made my life sooooo much easier and dad just got food but everyone else I really tried to think of. I could have done better had I not been on such a serious budget but in any case I'm looking forward to handing out my gifts and seeing if I did good or not :).
In other news we're selling my car. I finally put my foot down and told Andrew we're selling it whether he likes it or not. There's absolutely no point in keeping it. We have two cars and his beater truck which he drives every day. I can't drive both cars at one time so one of them is always sitting. My car is the oldest and it's actually worth more than I owe (finally!!!!!!) so it's only logical to sell the damn thing and stop wasting $350 a month on a car that we hardly ever drive. So I got a brand new windshield on Friday and I'll be taking her to get smogged this week and then the ads are going out! I'm going to advertise on Craigs list and in the Pennysaver since I've had such great results from them in the past. I'm a little sad to see it go but I'm sure the money I save will more than make up for it.
On top of that I'm thinking about getting a second job. I loathe working two jobs but I really, really want to help pay for our wedding and I want to be able to afford an awesome honeymoon. Not to mention we have all kinds of debt we need to pay off before we can buy a house (credit cards, lasik surgery, student loans, my wedding rings...... ). Yuck! Even the idea of working two jobs make me feel ill. I say this not because I'm lazy but because I've worked two jobs many, many times in the past and I know what it does to you after awhile. It kicks your ass. You work 40 hours at one job dealing with assholes all day, then you rush off to your other job which is usually retail or something and you have shitty customers AND shitty management, then you rush home to gobble something up before hitting the sack and you wake up to do it all over again. Then on the 1/2 a day you MIGHT get off a week you have to run around like a meth addict trying to get all your laundry done and the grocery shopping done and somewhat clean your house. And forget real meals or spending time with friends and family. Not an option.
Now I know y'all are thinking "doesn't Andrew do side work to help with that stuff?" Yes, but it's pointless. He works these side jobs with his "business" to make money that he almost always puts directly back into his gas tank on the peice of shit truck that we wouldn't own if it wasn't for the "business." Not to mention all the crap he feels the need to buy for the "business." It's a huge joke if you ask me but you can't tell him that. Basically he spends all his time doing side work just to pay off expenses that we wouldn't have if he didn't do side work. But he's convinced that one day he'll become a sucessful business and he won't have to work a regular job, etc etc. I can't tell him it's a joke because then I won't be letting him chase his dreams and I would be a bad wife but it's really quite ridiculous. Plus he has no way of keeping track of anything other than a binder that he shoves all his work orders into and he doesn't want my help at all so undoubtably the IRS will come a'knocking at our door at some point at which point I'll remind him of his quote "It's my business and I'll run it the way I want to." Good luck with that, honey.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Pictures from Vegas
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Home Sweet Home
Of course no trip of ours can be complete without a few issues though but luckily they waited until the end. So we get to the airport at 2:45 for our 4:00 flight because we don't have any baggage to check and we hate sitting at the airport waiting. We get to the counter because there is no kiosk to check in at and the guy tells us that all the flights are delayed and they are moving us to the 1:30 flight because it will be here before the 4:00 flight and they want to get us home as soon as possible. Then they tell us to haul ass to the gate so we did. We get there after practically running through the airport with Andrew leaving my ass behind because I could barely walk let alone hustle and the lady tells us that the 4:00 flight and the 1:30 flight are both going to leave at the same time, around 4:30. Ok, no problem. The people that work there are hella cool and they are having a competition to see who can board faster and blah blah blah. Then our luck kicked in. The 1:30 flight which we had been moved to has mechanical problems and it's delayed indefinitely. OH HELL NO. I whipped out my printed itinerary showing that I was originally on the 4:00 flight and they moved us to a different flight without us asking them to and now I'm being screwed. They said they would try to get us on the 4:00 flight anyway and they actually did. Plus we got to sit in the first row that has more leg room! So actually our luck wasn't horrible but our trip just couldn't have gone off without a hitch. That's just too easy!
In any case I'm glad to be home. I was dead from hauling ass around Vegas for 2 days, even with the tram rides we got! Plus it's as expensive as all hell. Maybe later I'll post pictures for now I have to check on my shortbread cookies :)
Saturday, December 15, 2007
I'm off!
I'm almost done Christmas shopping! I need to pick up one more thing for my soon to be father in law and Andrew's step grandpa and I'm done. I really need to send off my gifts for Canada ASAP or they won't make it in time for Christmas.
I booked a wedding photographer today, finally. I found him on Craig's list. I friend of mine told me that she found her photographer there that gave her everything she wanted within her budget so I thought I'd give it a try. I'm getting 200 4x6 prints, 20 5x7 prints, 5 8x10 prints, 2 11x14 prints, a flush mounted album (I prefer them to new trendier ones), 10 hours photography, engagement session with a framed 11x14 picture, 30 wallets, all the pictures on DVD, and 2 parent albums for $2,120. The best part is that his pictures are awesome and he has the best personality! Such a good deal!!! Or at least in my book it is because everyone I've talked to so far wants $3,000 minimum just to take the pictures and give you one album with no extra prints. I couldn't believe how many responses I got from the craig's list add! It was insane. Almost as insane as when I advertised in the penny save for the puppies only it's been spread out over a week instead of 20 calls in one day. In the end he had the best bang for my buck without comprising quality. So all the big stuff is officially done. Now onto the little stuff......
I think I'm going to attempt to make some fudge tonight. Last time I attempted it was disasterous.
Ok, seriously not to change the subject and all but my weirdo puppy just went in the bathroom to snuggle up by the toilet for the 2nd time today. What the hell is she thinking? I guess it's a good thing I cleaned it today. Ok, now she's chilling in the shower. Gidget must have stepped on her head one too many times 'cause it's freezing in here and I know she's not trying to cool down.
Anywho... back to the fudge. Last year mine didn't set and I followed the recipe to a T which is something I never seem to do. I'm going to try the recipe that claims to be No Fail. We'll see how that turns out. In any case I'll be over the stove/oven so at least I won't be cold. This house is so drafty. Damn rentals. I've got the heater set at 70 and a fire going and my fingers are still turning purple!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
It's been awhile....
Last night we went to the CWA crab cippiono feed in Colusa. Andrew's parents are big into the CWA (California Waterfowl Association) so we go every year and spend loads of money. My parents went this year so that was cool. We bought $100 in raffle tickets which is the lowest amount you can spend and guess what we won? More raffle tickets. Woo-freaking-hoo. Those extra raffle tickets did nothing for us. The highlight of the evening was when my dad's cousin showed up out of nowhere and decided to sit with us. I guess he hasn't seen her in like 5 years or something. My mom and dad cut out after dinner as they refused to spend $100 on raffle tickets to win a gun that they don't want. Lucky them. I was stuck with the cousin who proceeded in getting utterly shitfaced and making a fool of herself and of course everyone kept asking ME about her as word had gotten out that I was somehow related. I wouldn't have even known she was family if it wasn't for my dad! Anyway, girl was sooo shitfaced that she was dancing in her chair to the auctioneer. I guess "$500 going once, going twice, sold for $500 to the man in the red hat" has a good beat to it. Then she stopped dancing and just bobbed and weaved in her chair for awhile looking totally comatose and severly disabled. Then she passed out with her head hanging backwards over her chair and her mouth wide open while she hiccupped. I bet y'all are thinking "why in god's name didn't her boyfriend take her ass out of there?" Well because he has bought $1,000 in raffle tickets andyou have to be present to win. And guess what? He did win. The very last prize. So I guess he stuck it out for good reasons but sheesh! Girl was seriously embarrassing me.
Tonight my folks are coming over for dinner for my mom's birthday. We're having tenderloin. Mm.... tenderloin. So yummy!
Oh! Next weekend we're going to Vegas for a few days. The Monte Carlo had rooms on sale for $50 a night and Virgin airlines had flights on sale for $39 so we thought what the hell!!! We're leaving Sunday night and returning Tuesday night so it will be a short trip but that's ok 'cause we're on a budget and Vegas can really suck the money out of you.
We're doing Secret Santa's at work and guess who I pulled. The damned new girl, Sara. Freaking figures! I've never spoken so much as a word to her! I had my friend do some detective work and all she could get out of the girl is she likes cherry scented stuff so I guess I'll get her some bath and body Cherry Blossom stuff and maybe some cherry lip gloss or something. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Bad Panhandlers and Puppies
Speaking of the salvation army bell dingers..... They set up shop at the post office. BASTARDS. I go there 6 days a week. There's no way I can afford that so now I have to feel guilty everytime I walk by and don't donate. Especially when the bell dinger smiles at me and says hello.
So we're down to just one puppy to sell. It's cuddle bug, the one I considered keeping for a second. Boy am I glad I didn't! The little bastard is a barker and he has waaaaay too much energy. I've been letting him in the house because I have to let Cocoa learn how to be a house dog and it's just not fair to make him stay outside but I'll tell you what - he's a handful. Within 20 mins today he shit by the door, ran around the house with my kitchen floor mat, chewed on the back of my pants while I was trying to unload the groceries, chewed on the paper towells I bought, and tried to drag Cocoa around by her neck. I booted the puppies back outside and now I can hear his bastard ass barking. It's freaking wonderful considering that we just called the sheriff to do a welfare check on the consistent barker next door. Now they'll have reason to retailiate. Oh how I love neighbors.
So the sheriff that did the welfare check on the dog next door said he's fine. Granted he has no shelter from the 36 degree nights, no food, and no water but he's fine. I guess our dogs are treated as royalty then if that's fine. The sheriff did say that they've been called out to that house quite a few times in concern for that dog. Hmm... and you haven't gotten the hint yet? At least write the idiots a ticket for a barking dog. It's the least you can do. Now other dogs on the block bark as well (including mine!) but this is a non stop, consistent, I'm-freezing--lonely-and-hungry bark. I'm just waiting for the day when I come home from work and find his ass snuggled up in our backyard on one of the puppies blankets (they have two out back) under the heat lamp munching away on the puppy kibble!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
A visual

It's raining cats and dogs! Or puppies at least.....
Friday morning Andrew and I packed up all the beach stuff we needed for a night, the 4 puppies, their massive kennel, and Gidget and headed to Dillon Beach for the night because every year my family has a huge Thanksgiving feast at their trailer and all kinds of people come from far and wide and it's a blast. It's about an hour and a half trip from our house and the bastard puppies will whine the entire way if you don't have the A/C on full blast (they get hot when they're stuck together in their kennel) so I froze to death the whole way there. Andrew was fine since he had Gidget on his lap the entire time as there was no room for her in the back seat. We really need a bigger car. But anyway, about 20 mins from the beach one of the puppies went poop in the kennel and oh my god I've never smelt anything so bad in my life before! But there was nothing we could do but suffer and drive faster until we got there. We were there a couple hours before we headed off to dinner at Dinnuci's and we locked Gidget and the puppies up on the back patio to stay warm while we were gone.
*Side Note*
Now the way that Dillon's Beach is set up is that there's rows of old travel travelers that have been left there over the years and people buy them and build decks up around them and such and then people like my parents and grandparents buy the trailer and everything around it but they have to rent the land from the greedy bastards that run the place. They are pretty large (ours has an actual bedroom and a sliding glass door) but there's no electricity and everything runs off of solar power or propane. Ours has a heater with a theromsat, a telephone line, and a large TV antenna. Not everyone is that equiped but everyone has hot water and a gas refridgerator and usually a stove/oven. My dad built this massive enclosed back patio with a storage room, a wood stove, another oven for outdoor cooking and a sink. There's a picnic table back there for the cold morning and nights when you want to visit with everyone but you want to stay nice and toasty (the trailer itself is way to cramped for visiting with guests). Outside there is a regular deck with another picnic table and a stair case that goes to the row of trailers behind us. There's two levels and we're on the bottom level. My dad's assigned boat parking is behind our trailer on the upper level so he built a staircase for easy access. Also, since the trailers all used to be on wheels they do not sit on the ground and there is about a foot of space under each one. If you don't block them off completely critters like to make their homes under there. So I hope that's enough of mental picture of the upcoming story....
So we get home from dinner and let Gidget out to go potty and to run about a bit. No sooner does she get out the front gate and in front of my grandpa's trailer (right next door to ourse) but a damned skunk comes sauntering out and skunks Gidget right in the face! Andrew had to run up to the local store and buy tomato juice, simple green, and dish washing liquid to try and get the smell out of her! After about a 45 min bath she finally acceptable enough to be allowed near other humans again. No sooner had we started bathing her but some friends of ours that have a trailer on the other side of my grandpa come over and ask who set the skunk off. Apparently it went off while they were eating dinner inside their trailer with all their windows open. Whoops. Personally I feel that the people who own the beach should do something about the skunk problem but that's a whole 'nother issue. Finally we get Gidget all dried off and warmed up and we hit the sack.
About 6 am the bastard puppies wake up and they are screaming bloody hell. About 6:30 I decide I can't take it anymore I let them outside and I put them in the blocked off pen area my dad fashioned for them the day before. My mom wakes up before the sun so she came out to visit with me when she heard me out shuffling around. About 7 we hear one of the puppies straight up shrieking. We ran to pen and 3 of the 4 puppies were missing..... Only little Cocoa was left. The bastards had climbed up the steps that my dad had built to access the boat and they were playing on the roof of my grandpa's back patio! The one we call Little Shadow because he looks like his grandpa had fallen off the side of the trailer between my grandpa's back patio and his neighbor's trailer! Nobody saw him fall so we don't know how he fell or what he landed on but Andrew kept claiming he broke a rib. Nobody else could see or feel it and he was acting ok so we let it go a bit. About 20 mins later he starting limping and sitting weird so I picked him up and poked and prodded him a bit and he didn't even twitch. We thought for sure if he was broken he'd jump when I ran my hands over his ribs. Nothing. Little dude fell asleep in my lap and all was well with the world until he woke up and wanted down. I put him down and I could instantly see what I thought was the bone sticking out. His little fur was all ruffled strange around it and you could see it clear as day. So Andrew and I rushed him to a 24/7 vet hospital in Rohnert Park and they did full body x-rays on him. $420 later we found out that he doesn't have any broken bones, no interal bleeding, and no bruised lungs. He had some cartilidge that got bent out of shape and that's what we were feeling and seeing. He also had a very sore foot but all and all he's fine! Thank god! They said that within 24 hours he should start acting like a normal puppy again and sure enough as soon as we got home he started rough housing with his brothers. If nothing else he sure proved to everyone that he is definitely his grandfater reincarnated :)
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Seriously disturbing
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
I went to the future inlaws for dinner tonight. Yummy! We had ham and smoked turkey and my famous caramel apple crisp for dessert. Tomorrow we're headed off to the beach for a night and Saturday is the big Thanksgiving party with my family and friends complete with my dad's cajun deep fried turkey. Mmm..... Turkey. I have Monday off of work which means 5 day weekend for me! I love it! Since I don't have much to say I'm going to force some pictures of my dogs on you.
Notice how the two up front are mid attack!
Now they are making up!
My computer screwed the color up on this one but this is Cocoa, my bastard puppy. She's cuter in real life :)
Friday, November 16, 2007
Found 'em!
Tomorrow we head off to Colusa again where one puppy is guaranteed to go home to a new home. They named her Lucy and I've already fallen in love with her! She's so much sweeter and better behaved than my psycho puppy Cocoa aka Runtie who is only good for A) peeing in the house B) chasing Gidget relentlessly trying to nurse even though she's freaking 8 weeks old already or C) whining incessantly because she has to sleep in the nice warm cozy house in her own personal soft bedded kennel. I want a cat instead.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
My current rants
2. I can't find my car keys anywhere. In the whole 5 years that I've owned my car I've never actually lost the keys and had no idea where they might be. I can't even blame Andrew as he has his own key to my car and he has no reason to steal mine. Plus he refuses to get in my purse for anything, even if I ask him to. He flat out will not put a finger in my purse. Don't ask me why, he just doesn't. He claims he was raised that way. Losing my key is bad for a number of reasons. First of all Andrew took the Kia to Sacramento taking his spare key to my car and the keys to his truck with him leaving me stranded at home. Grr... I was headed to the grocery store for some avocados and sour cream for our dinner when I realized the keys were missing. Now I feel trapped even though the grocery store is in walking distance but it's dark and cold outside and there's no way I'm going to carry all those groceries home. Secondly it worries me that I have NO IDEA where the damn things are. I never lose things. I don't even know how they got off my keychain! I have one of those hooks that rock climbers use and I have a couple different key rings on there but I don't know how that one got off! I can only assume that it's at my desk, in the Kia, or buried somewhere in the house. I hope to God I didn't drop them somewhere. Thirdly, my post office box key is on the same ring as my car keys and the post office ladies are going to get seriously bitchy with me if I don't check my mail at least every other day.
3. My house is under remodel and we're sleeping in the living room. Fun times. It all started when I tore the spare bed out of the small spare bedroom and put it in the bigger spare bedroom (unassembled of course) and started painting the small room. Everything was running along smoothly until the boy came home and then of course we had to primer shit and sand shit and of course it's nowhere near done. On Tuesday he fixed a horrible patch job in the small bedroom and then decided to fix the nasty spot in the roof of the big bedroom since he has all the stuff out. So at this point we have a half painted small bedroom, a clutter in the big spare bedroom with a drywall patch drying in the room and dry wall and plaster peices all over the floor. At this point we're still ok because our bedroom is in tact. Andrew took on the job of repainting our hall closet hinged doors and putting on the new handles I bought like 6 months ago and while putting the doors back in place he noticed the ceiling fan we had bought for our bedroom like 4 months ago but it was too hot in the attic to put it up. He decided it was a good time to put it up now. Out goes our bed and in comes the ladders and spot lights and drywall patching kits. He had to put up a ceiling fan support bracket thingy in the roof and with his bum knee he decided just to cut out some roof and do it that way which would be fine had our other 2 bedrooms not been in disasterous states. And OF COURSE the procedure requires crap to dry overnight so our bedroom is now a mess.
The good news is that Andrew got all kinds of stuff done that I'd been asking him to do for months. The bad news is that he did them in a totally random order which has rendered all 3 bedrooms of my house useless. NICE.
4. Gidget has really bad gas.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
My hands hurt!
About 3 pm I gave up and went to Big 5 to get a start on some Christmas shopping. I got Andrew and my dad both binoculars that have digital cameras in them. They were normally $130 and this weekend only they're on sale fr $30! It's a steal! I also got Andrew's step dad a couple of pocket knives that were on sale as well. One was normally $40 and it was on sale for $10. The other was like normally $20 and it was on sale for $7. He collects pocket knives I guess so he's getting $60 worth of knives for $17! That's my kind of Christmas shopping!
Tomorow I have a movie date with Ange. We're going to see American Gangster. I'm pretty damned excited because Ange and I never get to hang out anymore! It's hard for us to get together 'cause she has a kid and I'm always busy and/or broke. Woohoo! I'm also super excited because Monday is a holiday! And then the week after that is Thanksgiving so I get two days off and I took off the following Monday which means no more 40 hour weeks for me for the rest of November.
Something is poking me in the shoulder through my shirt and it makes me paranoid because I think there's a bug in there. I hate that.
So one puppy went home to her new home today and 3 others are seriously interested but they have to talk to their significant others so we'll see how many dogs Andrew comes home with tomorrow. The one that went bye-bye went to a good home so I'm happy. My coworker wants one too and I know it will have a good home as well so that brings me glee. I get worried that bad people will buy them and then leave them outside all the time in the heat and cold and such. I can't stand to see animals mistreated!!! It's not fair 'cause they can't stand up for themselves. My heart hurts just thinking about it. I'm sad now :(
Thursday, November 8, 2007
The other Sarah
In other news, Gidget is suppossedly doing fine. According to the vet it's normal for her to bleed at this point even though I think it's crazy. But this is the vet that took the time to save her life when she was a puppy when all other vets suggested Andrew have her put to sleep instead so I have to trust him on it. It's just hard. This is my stinky, annoying, food dribbling baby we're talking about here. She goes back in two weeks for another check up though so that makes me feel a little bit better. I guess Andrew sold a puppy today. Yippee. I'm so tired of those stinky bastards. I can't even go in the garage to do the laundry anymore because I literally gag and we clean out their cage every day! It's insane.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Speaking of Andrew, he's enjoying his couch potato life right now. Occasionally he'll get a pain in his knee when he moves it the wrong way but all and all he's feeling ok. Tomorrow he's going to start bearing weight on it so we'll see how that goes. The doctor anticipates that he'll be great in a few days but he doesn't know how accident prone Andrew is so I have to make him rest a little more than a normal person would for precaution. I've enjoyed the movie fest we've had the last 2 days too. I don't remember the last time we got to sit around with each other for 2 whole days without something we had to get done. Unfortunately for me I will go back to work tomorrow. BUT I have Monday off, then the next week I have Thurs and Fri off for Thanksgiving and then the following Monday as well! Yippee! Andrew's getting off the couch tonight for a good ol' American Redneck meal at Denny's. All you can eat soup and salad and it's broccoli cheese night. Oh yeah, we're so there. We have to start going to a new denny's though because the ex wife's ex best friend works there now and while she's sweet as pie to us you just never know when they'll rekindle their friendship. Most crazy, manipulative, backstabbing people don't keep friends long and they often move from one best friend to another and never look back (it's a bonafide sign of craziness) so we may be ok but who wants to take chances?
Gidget and the babies go to the doctor tomorrow for their shots and a check up! I'm worried about Gidget though. She's started bleeding again after she stopped a few weeks ago and I can't imagine that it's normal to still be bleeding 6.5 weeks after giving birth. The doctor said last time that she may have to have a hystorectomy so I guess we'll find out tomorrow. My poor stinky baby :(
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Today's the big day!
Yesterday was a big day in the hell hole. While one person was checking in with security another person grabbed his wallet out of the little x-ray bins and ran out the door with it! Sounds like he's an idiot right? Oh you have no idea. First of all, he had just checked in with security about his court date so they knew his name. Second of all he was standing at the security station where he could literally see himself being videotaped on the security cameras. Thirdly, he skipped out on his court date which means he not only has a warrant for not appearing but now he has an arrest warrant. And lastly, they chased him outside where he jumped in his car and took off so they know what car he drives. HELLO LOSER.
Then the asshole of all assholes comes in demanding to know why his fine was so high. I tried to tell him, he refused to listen. Then I told him that he could have had it reduced had he appeared at his court date. He insisted he never made a court date. At one point he cut me off and told me "I'M THE ONE TALKING HERE!" Not for long buddy.... Then he insisted on talking to my supervisor and he gave her the same shit. Security was already standing beside him after the way he treated me and he continued to treat my supervisor in the same manner. He spoke to us like he was an authoritarian figure and we must listen and obey him. Finally security had had enough of him and ordered him to leave the building. He refused to leave. Security said that he was going to be arrested for trespassing and he said he'd like that. Hehehe.... the sheriff's love people like him! So 3 of them came down and out the door Mr. Demanding went. Then the asshole spent a half an hour arguing with the sheriff's! I would have totally cuffed his ass if I were them but they try not to have to write reports for assholes like that. Personally I would have cuffed his ass and given him a ride to the sheriff's department, booked him for a couple hours, and then let him find his own way back to his car. That would have taught him. It's pretty bad when security tells you to leave. I think I've only seen like MAYBE 5 people get asked to leave in the 3 years I've been there! Fucker.
Andrew is home and feeling fine. The surgery was very quick and easy and he's not having any pain right now. We'll see how he feels after the super strong drugs wear off and he's left with just his prescription.....
Friday, November 2, 2007
Anywho! I put an ad in the paper today for my puppies. Damn thing cost me $40 and I said like 15 words. Hopefully it works.
Today was also my coworker Davina's last day with us :(. I'm gonna miss her! We had a nacho bar that I orchestrated and it turned out wonderfully except for the fact that the fiscal dept decided that just because we share a building with them we must share our food with them too and they helped themselves to not only the nacho's but the dessert. WTF? I hate them anyway but where are their manners? I mean really, who does that? Plus they barely moved into our building a couple months ago and they are down a hall and through a door (not even the same building as me thank god as I sit next to the court room). They don't even know Davina that well! Some people are just so rude.
Speaking of work, it's killing me physically this time. I'm probably the only person in history to get work related injuries at a freaking office job. You see they remodeled back in April and revamped our customer service counter where I work. Sounds great and all but the counter is seriously like 4 ft from my desk. 4 ft doesn't sound like alot until you're trying to reach over everything a million times a day to get various paperwork or money from people and to hand them their receipts. After awhile your neck, shoulders, and back start to protest. I've been doing it for 6 months in the new building and I can't hardly walk when I get off work! It's horrible! First tendenitis and now this! I guess it's just a sign that I'm getting old and haggard. I mean really, who gets hurt at an office job? No worries, I still go every day and I have no intention of claiming workers comp. That's not how I roll. I'd just assume get off the counter and go back to phones before I start pulling that shit. It's my choice to be at the counter and nobody else seems to have any issues so it's obviously my body that's jacked up although my boss things our counter is the most ergonomically INCORRECT set up ever built.
So... on that note I think I'll hit the sack.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Where have all the trick or treaters gone?
I had lunch with my girls at work today at Ludy's. It was much fun. Too bad the occassion is that one of my favorite girls is leaving us to go to Sacramento courts :(. We didn't have power when we arrived at work today which was horribly entertaining. My coworker talked my ear off about the new movie American Gangster. I hadn't even heard of the damn thing but now she's got me alllll interested. So if I have any extra money this month you'll know where I'll be spending it.
Oh, big news! Andrew is having surgery on his knee Tuesday. We found out yesterday at his follow up to his MRI. I guess his meniscus is torn and it's ruining his cartalidge or something. Anyway, it's very bad. So bad that they scheduled him for surgery less than week later! The good news is that it's microscopic surgery and he'll be up and running in no time (2-4 weeks). The bad news is that he works for an ASSHOLE of a company and he's going to get paid for his time off. NOT GOOD. Hopefully we'll sell some puppies or something to make up for it. He'll get disability but you don't get it for the first week here in Sunny California and it's only a fraction of your regular wages. So that's going to hit us hard with Christmas coming up and all. But hey, that's our luck. At least he's getting all fixed up and he'll be able to somewhat walk again! He's going to have them check out the other knee after this is all done and see if there's anything the stupid navy missed.
10 more days until I get my whole house back!!!! I'm so excited. I made a scrapbook for a friend this last week and I remember why I never scrapbook when I don't have an office. It's way too cluttered and I can't find half the things I know I have. Plus it will free up tons of space and I'll be able to spread my shit out again making my house look like a real house and less like a rummage sale. Now if I can just get rid of the dog smell...... Luckily for me Gidget doesn't want to be around the puppies anymore because they try to rip her boobies off so it will start being easier to keep her clean. We're going to start seperating our puppy now too since she's 6 weeks old this weekend and we've begun house training her. That will keep her from stinking too. She's so freaking cute. I can't believe something that small is going to grow up to be as big as Gidget!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Toter Clarification

Notice the distance that my neighbors have to go to put their toters behind our car. Notie the loads of empty curb space surrounding their home where they COULD have put their toters. Notice how they are sqaurely placed behind my car, not in the parking spot next to it. That's their garage in the picture by the way.
Also, here's my neighbors giving you an example of what we got a ticket for.
Notice how they park perpendicular to the curb and not parallel as my blue car is. Parking like that is illegal my friend. If you weren't hispanic the other neighbors wcould call the cops on you. They'd probably bitch about your damn dog too. BTW, I'm about to put a bullet in your dogs head because it's even starting to annoy ME and I have 8 puppies. Yeah, it's that bad.
I rest my case (at least for now).
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Won't you be my neighbor?

Let's start with the who dunnit incidents. First, we had a dumpy old boat that we had parked in our driveway that ran like a champ but we couldn't find the guy who owned it 3 owners ago so we couldn't register it. We moved it to the extra parking area at the end of the street (which is still essentially right outside my front door) so that it wouldn't make our house look dumpy and we had plans on taking it to the junk yard that weekend. The next day I went off to work and came home to find the boat had been marked for towing! Now this didn't really surpise me as the parking nazi loves stuff like that. What did surprise me was that she was cruising my street. A little peculiar but whatever. The boat gets hauled off, problem solved. Next: we decided that with our many cars and with Arlene's car being added to the mix that we should start parking perpendicular to the curb instead of parallel to it. As we're at the end of the couldesac the street is much, much wider than it is anywhere else and this prevents us from taking up spaces in front of our neighbors house (which we never, ever do) or from taking up most of the extra parking area. Low and behold, I come home and there's a parking ticket on my windsheild for parking the wrong way. Next week there's a parking ticket on my car because it doesn't have a front plate (which we removed to put the bra on the car). Ok, now it's obvious that someone is calling the cops on us 'cause there was a beat up peice of shit with broken windows in the extra parking for MONTHS that didn't get touched before we put our boat there (it ended up getting towed instead of our boat! Haha suckers!).
Now on to the East side neighbors. The first incident occured when they came over and said that Gidget barked all day long and the guy couldn't get any sleep 'cause he works nights. I believed him and I quickly started leaving her in her kennel in the house which she hated with a passion. Then I become accutely aware of the West side neighbor's dog who barks 24/7 in a very repitious, bored manner (he's going at it right now as Gidget lays silently at my feet). I started putting Gidget out back again and we've never heard anything since. Shocking. On top of that I started seeing the guy out and about during the day when he was suppossed to be sleeping. But whatever, right? The East side neighbors have 2 adult kids living with them although I'd swear there were about 50 the way that they have cars parked up and down the street and a million people in and out. I thought they were just friendly people until I walked out back the other day and was assaulted by the VERY strong smell of marijuana burning! Now I'm not against weed. I don't smoke it but I don't have a problem with other people doing it and in fact I used to live with a major pot head and I've taken part in a sell or two. But I would never have the audacity to tell my neighbors off about their dog barking when I'm running a drug house! HELLO! But druggies never think about shit like that. He's probably so dumb his kid is growing pot in his closet and he doesn't even know. Sure explains why every single one of them drives a new car though! Oh, and about the kid(s). Since they've taken up all their parking spots and they refuse to park in the extra parking they've taken to parking in the little space between our driveways in front of our boat. I wouldn't mind this so much since the boat (which isn't even ours!!!) doesn't move as it's not registered but a problem occurs every garbage day. We put our toters out in front of the boat for pick up (which is in front of our property) and every day when we get home the toters have been moved directly in front of our driveway making it impossible to pull up and we must stop the car in the street, move the toters, and then park. Where I grew up if you noticed your neighbors toters were in the way or you wanted to park there you grabbed their toters and hauled them up to their house and placed them in their designated toter area which you were familiar with because neighbors looked out for each other.
Now on to the West side neighbors. Besides the fact that 25-30 people live there, they never mow their back yard (ever), they parked a basketball hoop in the extra parking area, they have blankets hung in the front windows (I HATE THAT!), and their dog barks 24/7 they were ok. But then it started. On toter day (a bad day for us). We always have a car parked in extra parking because we refuse to park in front of our neighbors houses out of respect. We drive both of our cars so they get parked in various parking spots along the extra parking. Every toter day the West Side neighbors take their toter out and place it directly behind our car, no matter which space it's in, making it impossible for us to get out forcing me to either move the toter or drive the other car (I always opt for the latter). Now keep in mind that sometimes this means that they have to put their toter almost on the other side of the street just to piss us off. WTF? This is the payback I get for buying candy from your damn kid's school fundraisers and fetching balls from my backyard for the kids before Gidget eats them? In the picture below you will notice how my car is right about in the middle of the extra parking, next to the basketball hoop. West side neighbors driveway starts over by those bushes on the right. Notice the distance they have to go to put their toter behind my car.

Then the Mother F'ers pulled this shit:

Thursday, October 25, 2007
Typical night
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Furry Friends
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Pictures and North Star
Today I went to see my coworker in North Star. It was a play that was being held at Sac State and it was sooo good! It was about a little girl growing up during the Civil Rights movement and how her dad wanted her to participate in the sit ins and her mom didn't because she wanted to preserve her innocence. It was fun to watch my coworker James (who is also DJing my wedding) in a different setting outside of work. He's so fun at work and during his play he had to get serious. I'm sooo not ready to go back to work. Customers are bringing me down. Blah.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Finally Friday!
Now if only I could get customers at work appreciate my feelings.... I'm sooo burnt out on assholes it's not even funny.
Sometimes I think about my ex boyfriend and wonder if he ever really loved me. I just thought of that because I looked at my necklaces hanging by my computer and I saw a heart necklace he had bought me right before we broke up. It was my birthday and he had called my mom to ask her what to buy me because he knew he had struck out big time with the freaking gift certificate he gave me for Christmas and he wanted to buy me something that would make me happy. It's times like that when I think he truly did love me but then there's other times when I felt like he just wasn't there emotionally. According to him he truly did love me and according to my friends he tells them to this day that he loved me and that breaking up with me was the hardest thing he ever did and blah blah blah. I guess it's a question I'll never know the answer too and I probably shouldn't care but it would be nice to know that I didn't waste more than a year of my life with someone who only stayed with me because he was too passive to dump me. Long ago I came to the point where I wouldn't trade Andrew in for Jimmy if my life depended on it but the question still haunts me and he still makes appearances in my dreams. I've always been like that with my ex's. The question of how they really felt about me always haunts me. I don't know if it's just my insecurities or that I've dated losers but when I think about them, any of them, the question always pops in my head. I guess I'm just crazy :). Thankfully I'll (hopefully) never have to feel that way again!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
I'm grumpy!
First of all, I don't make up the amount of traffic fines. Nor do I make up the rules and procedures that we follow in the court. SO DON'T TAKE SHIT OUT ON ME. You're the one that got the ticket, asshole. You got yourself into it. We don't have to help you. In fact, we're not supposed to help you. So be happy that you get any guidance at all. If you have a problem with the fine amounts take it up with the state legislature whoever comes up with the fines. I don't know who it is, they don't work in little ol' Yolo County. Also, while we're at it - the money that I collect in no way goes into my pocket. I make less than most office workers who only have to deal with their computer all day and they never have to put up with assholes. I make less than the court accounting department that does nothing but send out bills and refer all questions or concerns to ME and my department. In fact, the money doesn't even go to our court. It goes to the state and a portion of it goes to the cop who gave you a ticket. Go bitch him out, he deserves it more than I. Sure you refused to yeild to an ambulance because you were talking on your cell phone to a very important client of yours. Yes I'm sure you're an upstanding citizen who always upholds the law and I totally understand why you think it's not that big of a deal. I mean it's not life or death right? Oh wait... It is. One guy bitched me out because I wouldn't take an emailed copy of his traffic school certificate and he insisted that I know why the court's policy doesn't allow it. This was after he talked nonstop shit about how I'm ripping him off and I probably get a great satisfaction stealing from him and blah blah blah. Hello, asshole - you're going to get a hard copy of your certificate. Is it really that fucking hard to put it in an envelope and mail it? I mean it can't be any harder than scanning the certificate and then attaching it to an email and trying to send it to our totally cryptic email address. I'm seriously so sick of people blaming me for shit I have no control over.
I'm also sick of Andrew expecting me to take care of everything for him. I swear to god it's a wonder he can wipe his own ass anymore. Then if I ask him to do something for himself he gets all bent out of shape and pissy. Like last night, for example. He insisted that the dog stay in the house even though I told him to put her out. In the first 1 1/2 hours that I was attempting to sleep she woke me like 3 times. First she wanted out. Then she wanted food. Then she decided to dig through the trash. I woke Andrew up and asked him to take her out to the garage where she sleeps with her babies and he threw a freaking fit and got all bent out of shape. Ok, first of all it's his dog. Second of all, he's the one that insisted she stay in the house. Third of all, he's always telling me to wake him up to take care of her when I bitch that I didn't get any sleep thanks to the dog. Lastly, he didn't have to work today but I did. It just pisses me off even thinking about it! Then today he wonders why I'm not all freaking loving. He swears to god that just because he works 2 jobs that he's off the hook for everything else. I'm so freaking sick of it. I mean I don't expect him to clean house or cook or run errands or anything. I just expect a little cooperation and some help once in awhile. He wants kids like crazy but he's high if he thinks I'm going to have kids and then be the only one that takes care of them while taking care of everything else and working. I don't think he realizes what exactly is involved in taking care of everything at home. Especially when he does nothing to make it easier on me like putting his clothes in the laundry basket or rinsing his dishes. He's such a freaking pig and then he has the audicity to bitch about other people! I'm just so freaking tired of everyone expecting so much from me and expecting me to make their lives easier for them. What about me? When do I get to relax? When is someone going to make life easy for me? I've asked around and everyone says it's the same thing with their men. Everyone has their issues I guess. I don't think it would bother me as much if the whole freaking world didn't treat me the same way. I'm tired of bending over my backwards to help people and being taken for granted. Nobody would do that shit for me.
On the subject of my inlaws - my future mother in law is insistent that I have religion in my wedding. I don't do religion. Not because I'm ignorant and I don't know anything about it - because I spent many, many years involved in the church and I made an educated choice NOT to buy into it. She's flying out a freaking preacher from Georgia who is a family friend and she keeps trying to talk me into having him be a part of the ceremony. A) I'm being married by a judge B) I HATE religious ceremonies and unless you're a bible thumper you probably do too. Nobody likes listening to a sermon while they're hot, uncomfortable, and sitting way too close to the bride's great aunt Mary who has a beard longer than the bride's father. Then she asked me if I'm going to do that bread breaking thing. WTF? NO. Now she's insisting that the dude pray before dinner. I think I'm going to let him but I'm going to pick the bible verse and I'm giving him a time limit. On one hand I think it's my wedding and since neither Andrew or I do religion we shouldn't have it at our wedding. On the other hand I know a marriage is a blending of families and I'm going to spend the rest of life compromising with her so I might as well start now. I'm also annoyed because she claims she's paying for this fellow to come out from Georgia and it's costing her $500. That's awfully nice of her but I'd much rather her pitch in that money towards the ceremony that at this point my parents are hosting alone. I mean I know they're tight on money and my parents aren't anymore but it's just the idea. To me it's not worth the money to have the dude fly out for a small garden wedding when Andrew hasn't seen him in 10+ years. But whatever, it's out of my hands.
I guess I'll quit ranting now. Mostly because it's F'ing freezing in here and I want to cuddle into my bed.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
2 shotguns and camo gear
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Freaking Fabulous
If you EVER get the chance to see either Brooks and Dunn or Alan Jackson I strongly recommend it!!!!!
Monday, October 8, 2007
My new baby
(Insert picture of Andrew shampooing the carpet here)
I got it yesterday with my credit card which I'm cancelling on the 15th. Might as well go out with a bang, right? I know this doesn't seem incredibly thrilling to most people but that's because y'all don't have my carpet issues. Namely, my carpets are disgusting. Now that I'm puppy free it's time to get my carpets back in shape! I'm down to just Gidget who is a relatively clean dog. Sure she drools alot and she tracks in dirt by the back door but she doesn't potty in the house (unless I lock her in the house after giving her canned food that I didn't know would give her the shits). Anyway, Andrew and I are pretty excited. Andrew spent an hour or so last night working on our closet. He looked so cute I realized why I keep him around :). I sure love to see a man with a steam cleaner going to town on my carpets!
So me and my best house hold pal, Magic Eraser, have had one hell of a day today. We cleaned my bathroom which included getting on our hands and knees to do the floor. Then we tackled the nasty ass kitchen floor by hand. It still looks as ugly as sin to the naked eye but I can see the difference. I'm sure you're thinking to yourself right now "wow, Sarah has a 3 day weekend and she's spending it house cleaning? What a loser!" YES. I am a loser. A broke loser who's fiance, friends, and mother are all at work today. So what else is a girl to do? Clean house of course. Especially since my new baby put me in the mood for some heavy duty cleaning! I even cleaned out our closet and threw some old, stained, nasty clothes away. Shhh.... don't tell Andrew. He'd kill me if he knew I tossed some of his old nasty clothes. God knows they could be shop rags or some shit.
So normally I'm an excellent typist but I've begun to notice that blogger screws my words up all the time. WTF? I can type anywhere else like a pro ('cause I am a pro) but on blogger I end up with missing letters and it's like I have to bang on the keyboard to get it to work! I know it's blogger 'cause I've been doing alot of typing on Word on my computer alot lately and it works like a champ. What the F is going on?
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Plus I think alot of it is the wedding planning. It doesn't seem like I should be busting my ass this far in advance but everyone wants deposits and a 5 month notice. So that leaves me deadline at Decemeber. Hopefully everything gets fun after that point :). It wouldn't be so bad if I was doing it all myself but everyone has an idea for me or knows someone that I should use. Especially my mother in law. I love my mother in law, I truly do. But she wants to use all these Colusa people and my wedding is in Esparto. On top of that her catering dude hasn't returned any of her calls which tells me that he's not interested in our business and I haven't heard from her cake lady either. All that kind of scares me because most people in the wedding business call you every day to check up on your plans 'cause they want your money. My mom is the total opposite, she has no ideas, no preferences and she thought I was going dress shopping with my cousin. Duh, mom! That's a total mother-daughter time. Her and my dad are footing the bill though so I can't complain too much. Just the other day I commented to my friend about how when women get married they get a lifetime of more laundry, more dishes, and a garage full of shit and what do we get back? Love? Companionship? More money in the bank? Men get home cooked meals (ok my man does cook sometimes), a clean house, clean laundry neatly hung in the closet for them, and a personal accountant. Hardly seems fair :). But yet we continue to do it because oddly enough it still beats being alone and at the end of the long, hard day you still love him. Even if he punched you in the mouth last night while attempting to cuddle you in his sleep.
On a brighter note we got the stink pots moved out of my closet and into the garage and it costs us a lot less than I thought it would to build a pen. Only problem ('cause you know there had to be one)? Gidget barks her ass off whenever you put her in with the puppies because she's a spoiled bitch now and she thinks her place is in the house. I'm starting to rethink the idea of keeping a puppy. Dogs are pissing me off right now. Actually, everything is pissing me off right now. Good thing Monday's a holiday!!!!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Apple cider, caramel apples, apple butter....
Oh, and some kettle corn and a tri tip sandwich. So yummy! It was such a perfect day at Apple Hill! The weather was unbeatable. It was actually kind of chilly at home but it was perfect once we got up there. Even a little warm at times. The taste of Harvest thing we were looking forward to was lame. There was one itty bitty table with some cheese and some apples. Big whoop. Needless to say we didn't spend too much time at that particular stop. I wanted to buy some pumpkins but I know that they will be icky by the time Halloween comes around. Plus I don't know what kind of pumpkins you use for cooking and Andrew wants me to try to make a homemade pumpkin pie. Actually, I say Andrew wants me too but really I'm curious to see if I can do it :). He just encourages me because he loves pumpkin. We were so freaking excited when we saw the pumpkin ice cream out in stores. We bought 2 containers and then I went back for 2 more a week later. Now I'm going to have to be crazy about apples because we bought a 20 lb box at Apple Hill. I'm going to make a big apple crisp and give some to my coworker and some to my sister in law because they are both crazy about apples. Personally I'm not a huge fan unless they are covered in caramel or baked in a pie. Maybe I'll attempt an apple pie this year too.... I'm actually a little disappointed because I was looking forward to some caramel toffee apple pie that I saw advertised on the apple hill website but I couldn't find any! Bastards.
On a totally different note Gidget stinks really bad and I swear the smell of the puppy piss is penetrating the clothes that we still have in the closet. They must be moved. As much as I love them I can't go into public smelling like puppy pee. Plus I'm suppossedly hosting a bunko party at my house on Oct 19 and I can't have people coming over when the house smells like this. It just ain't right. Once they get moved I'm going to shampoo the whole house again. Frankie isn't around anymore so I'm free to do some hard core carpet cleaning once the puppies get booted.
Andrew's BBQ'ing tri tip for dinner tonight. Guess he didn't get enough in the tri tip sandwich we ate earlier. Mmm.... tri tip. I never buy it 'cause I insist on trying to buy healthy foods. Ok, Gidget really stinks. I can't be on the computer anymore because I can't breathe....